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Attempt to ban dove hunting

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March 3, 2008

Minnesota Mourning Dove Hunt Under Attack

Sportsmen’s immediate action needed to protect dove hunt

Legislation that will ban the hunting of mourning doves in Minnesota is being heard today by committees in the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate. Sportsmen’s grassroots action against House File 2501 and Senate File 2329 is imperative if this threat is to be stopped.

If passed, these measures would ban hunting for the nation’s #1 game bird, the mourning dove. In fact, more people hunt mourning doves across the U.S. than ducks and geese combined. Anti-hunting groups have wanted to take the season away since sportsmen successfully fought to get it established in 2004. Mourning dove hunting is a time honored tradition in 40 states, including Minnesota, and there is simply no justification for ending the hunt.

“Minnesota sportsmen must take immediate action to stop this impending threat,” said Rob Sexton, vice president of government affairs for the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA). “Anti-hunters see these bills as a foothold in Minnesota to attack hunting again.”

The USSA worked with Minnesota sportsmen’s groups to pass mourning dove hunting legislation in 2004.

Take Action! Minnesota sportsmen must contact their legislators today to urge them to oppose banning mourning dove hunting in Minnesota.

To find your State Representative call the information desk at 651-296-2146 and ask them to transfer you to your representative. Ask your representative to oppose House File 2501.

To find your State Senator call the information desk at 651-296-0504 and ask them to transfer you to your senator. Ask your senator to opposed Senate File 2329.

Legislator contact information can also be found by using the Legislative Action Center at www ussportsmen org.

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Just to add, it took 5 minutes for me to call BOTH my elected officials and oppose the bills.

The folks on the other line were friendly about it, except my (D) Senate rep's assistant didn't ask for my residential info like my ® rep's assistant did.

Don't know if that had anything to do with him finding out my stance first or not ;).

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I'll add a bit also! a few years ago Michigan had the same groups pushing for a ban,I believe Dove hunting in Mich. is no more.These people will NOT stop at doves.DONT LET THEM GET A FOOT IN THE MN. DOOR

Hunter Assn.s in Mich were emailing for help they stated they were afraid hunters were too relaxed about their hunting and did'nt think it could happen,so they wanted anyone to contact MICH. leg.s to help! Because hunters thought it could'nt happen in Michigan To them! BUT IT DID!!

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Well it's nice to see this subject is getting the same flacid response the lead shot issue is. Some people JUST DON'T GET IT....if it dosn't affect me I don't care attiude is going to bite all of us in the @##.

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I was watching the leg.session the other day on the tube,the Dove hunting is gettin blown off legislators said We just reinstated it we dont want to change already.Now weather it'll be broughht back I dont think so.But remember who tried to revoke it VOTE EM OUT.

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I e-mailed my clowns and asked them to not go with it. As I watched it, it looked like it had next to no chance of passing as it seemed that almost all were in favor of the hunting season for doves and the evidence about the dove population was good.

But, with this group, one never knows just what they might pass.

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