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"Bog Birdies"! pics


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Happy camper here! grin.gif...I finally got to see Mr. Boreal chickadee this morning!...actually a few boreals!...at the spruce road station and at the S.Admiral station...of course other birders at both stations...1 group from Milwaukee and 2 more groups from the cities....I had to shovel one birder out as he drove off the road on Admiral not realizing there's not much of a shoulder...bet he knows now! grin.gif....good thing there were about 5 guys there to help push him out!....a good day! grin.gif

a "so so" image of mr boreal grin.gif(things sure are hyper! grin.gif)



Mr. Redpoll



one happy pine grosbeak!(Owl Avenue) grin.gif


"Herds" of deer


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Hey Johnny you finally got your boreal. I wanted to go down there this morning but got side tracked into doing other things. I did not make it down till late after noon and didn't see much of anything. One boreal on S. Admiral and a sharp shinned hawk came and tried to catch some birds. It scattered as soon as it saw me raise my lens. I saw where someone went in the ditch, looked like there was a party down there....lol

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Thanks all!...no Ken,no digiscoping here,to "close",I gotta be not much closer than about 25'-30' or so for a decent shot (well,maybe a little closer but not much) or one can't focus properly,thing's designed for some far off shots...all these were with my Fuji s5000(my ancient camera grin.gif) and some shots were about 4'to 5'away(pine grosbeak)...the others were about 10'or so...I guess my digiscope sits on the front seat waiting for that eagle,great gray, or sharptail grouse sitting 75-100 feet away ...but,I'll certainly be ready grin.gif

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