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Insurance Question



Yesterday we had our vehicle broke into a park and ride (along with 25 others) and I haven't had to deal with this before. Besides the window being shattered does the vehicle comp coverage, cover what was taken: cd's, auger, & flasher or would I need to file that under home owners? Thanks for any input you may have.

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8 answers to this question

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Most auto policies in MN don't have any coverage for non-permanent things like augers and flashers. Chances are those things will have to go on your homeowners. Which usually means a seperate deductible. Auto policies usually only cover things that are permanently attached, like CD players, ect.. Sorry about that happening. It always kind of leaves a sour taste when people do stuff like that. I still get upset everytime I walk past Big Buddy Heaters in a store from when I had one stolen four or five years ago!!

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Items taken from your car are not covered under the auto policy, as they are not part of the car. Most of the items should be covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy, but its subject to the policy deductible and it's possible that the CD's are not covered at all if stolen from a vehicle. On the other hand, there's a very good chance the window will be covered without a deductible. Before you file a personal property claim on your homeowner’s policy, make sure you discuss with your agent how this claim may affect your homeowner’s rates in the future. Sorry for your misfortune and good luck!

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Agreed, the other posters are correct. I worked in insurance for a few years, and it would be your homeowners policy that covered your stolen goods.

I also had my tackle box stolen out of my trunk, and it was my homeowners policy that sent me on a rampage through Cabelas. \:\)

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I would really talk to your agent. Sometimes small multiple claims will get you canceled. Sounds stupid but if you have more then 3 claims in a couple of years your rates will double or they will cancel your policy. Don't konw why but I have seen it done. You might want to eat the 500 bucks you would get after deductable for homeowners.

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Comp claims are typically factored into new business rating, and I doubt they are really used to cancel a policy (unless fraud is involved).

It will affect your rates, but only if you have several of them (>3 most likely). But yes, talk to your agent and ask them how rating is affected by comp claims.

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I made 2 claims in 15 years but they were a year and a half apart, they first raised my deductable from $500 to $1000, then 6 months later raised my rate, then I found a new company!

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