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orlando bass fishing


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Taking the crew to Orlando to tackle the Magic Kingdom. I will need a break eventually and was hoping to do a little fishing. I think I have a little travel rod/reel combo in the garage somewhere that I will throw in. I am sure that I will have a hard time finding a guide at such short notice. Would anyone out there have any suggestions for shore fishing spots or a guide. Thanks Sam

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Some hotels have in-property lagoons.Most of them are stocked with gamefish.The Marriott at Grande Vista has a huge lagoon where I fished everyday from.Caught some good sized bass too.

You can even fish Disney itself on shore on your own.There are some neat bass guides at Disney but the prices are outrageous.

One thing to note about Orlando fishing.You are not on top of the food chain.

Them gators are.

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If your staying on Disney property, specificaly one of the big ones on the lake, in the evenings you can fish from shore. During the day they have an area by wilderness campground that you can fish. Their are some GIANT bluegill in those waters, 9" are very common. There is a good bass population too with the majority running a few pounds but some will push 4-6lbs.

The guide trips run by Disney are well run but like BPA said priced on the high side.

Their are alot of popular bodies of water not far from Disney property. Toho is the big one. Search the web and you'll find tons of guides.

When you going? This time of year would be killer down there!

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I am thinking about going next year about this time, I have checked on a couple guides and I dont know if I want to pay 40 to go bass fishing for a day, I wouldnt mind fishing from shore though. I have to check out what a outstate license costs.

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I'm going down there too, been searching for "bass fishing kissimmee FL". Found quite a few for $250 for 4 hours and the rate is for two people and 4 hours actual fishing time. I'm going to look into it when I get there.

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 Originally Posted By: Bass_Bully
I did a guide trip on Toho last year. The guide was reasonable, but I had to pay for shiners, $18 a dozen X 5 dozen....expensive bait!! I'll let ya know the name of the guide if I can find it.

Paying for the shiners is pretty common. I had to buy 'em, too. Its a good point though, thats roughly another $50 you need to account for when planning a trip unless you fishing artificials.

How did you do on you trip to Toho?

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We didn't do that good fishing. My trip was pushed back a few days because of a storm that came in the day I was supose to go.

We were trying to find big fish as apposed to big numbers of fish. Ended up with a few fish with biggest only about 4 lbs. It was a lot of fun though. I was down there a couple months after the Classic was held on Toho a couple years ago.

HSOforum was orlandobass.com. James Jackson was my guide.

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