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Brought my Son to LOW for his first big fishing trip..


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Spent 3 nights in the house and 16 hours in the truck (driving back and forth) and he did really good.

He caught is first Sauger, a nice 16"er..


Learned how to 'gill hold fish' (holding onto a nice Pearch that I caught).


Caught his first (14") walleye..


He went into the 'bathroom area' of our house to check on it's rattle reel and came out with a real nice sauger. ;\) (I didnt believe he actually caught a fish because no one heard the rattle).


Another nice perch, my biggest ever about 13".


A few other notible events..

Caught a fairly large (25" or so) pout in the middle of the day. Thought for sure I had a nice eye on the line until my friend said "Oh, I know what that IS" and he sat back down. That was a bit of a let down to hear. \:\)

Then on the last night, while cooking dinner, I noticed my bobber was gone (on a dead stick). No clue how long it had been down because I was cooking up some fish. I set the hook and start reeling it in. As soon as I got it near the hole, ALL the rattle reels start to go. My son starts to reel in one, my buddie starts to reel in another and we are all fighting against each other. Well, once we figured it out, I landed a tullipee and had 4 other rattle reel lines all tangled up. Cut the line to the fish and had to cut the lines on all the other rattle reels. I did get all the hooks and bobbers back though, cept for the hook in the fish. But now I've got 5 rattle reels in my house that need to be re-setup. Thankfully, it was on the last night of the year for walleye fishing. \:\)

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So, My wife looks at the pictures I brought back and said..

"All your ice fishing pictures look the same, except for the fish".

I just noticed, last years picture (in my profile) looks just like this years perch picture. My denim lined shirt is even folded over the same. I love that shirt though! ;\)

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I cant wait! A few more years and I can bring my son out for longer trips. As for the keeping of fish, either let them freeze (in water), or clean them right away. I hate to think of fish going in the trash because someone doesnt "feel" like cleaning them. But im sure it happens. When they are frozen in water, they stay good for a long time.

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All fish brought home were cleaned and the girls of my family also got to enjoy a meal that the boys brought home. ;\) No fish was wasted..

My other post about keeping fish was more for future trips, because I didnt think I used the best practice on keeping fish fresh this past trip.

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 Originally Posted By: Kylersk
Thankfully, it was on the last night of the year for walleye fishing. \:\)

Kyler don't stow all of your Walleye gear away yet because the season is open up here till midnite April 14th and the bite just gets better and better.

Great pictures and smiles too!


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