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Another Newbie


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Hi all

I have been lurking here for a while.

There are a lot of great shots here and good advice.

I am new to photography and still have a long way to go.

My equipment is a Canon 20D, 100-400L ISM USM, 70-300 ISM and 17-85 IS USM.

I will try to post a test shot.




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It was cropped quite a bit and was the 100 lens.

I am not sure I am posting them correctly, if I right click on the image and show full quality it looks a little better, should I be posting differently? Iwill try a couple others later.



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Dbl and others,

I would welcome all help, I am new to Photobucket also, but this is what I have done so far:

From Photoshop Elements 5 I export the file as a level 12 JPEG

For size I pick 600 x 800

Is this a correct method, the first eagle post was a level 6 Jpeg

On another subject I shoot Raw and don't fully understand sharppening in Raw and also with Unsharp Mask in Elements.





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Nice rooster! If your shooting RAW and editing with elements. After you have make the color and lighting adjustments you can click on the details tab and then make some rough adjustments to the sharpness. If you just need to sharpen small areas, it is best to do it in the enhance menu after you have opened the raw file.

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