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Reel Weeds on Sale!


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I saw the 2 packs on sale at Gander Mountain for $20 (Instead of $30) and the camera line weed was $10 (Originally $20 - I believe).

Just a heads up on what I saw..... Augers were also about $30 off so far.

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In the right situation, these do work very well. No, not always but they will help hold fish under one for a longer period of time. They do not call in fish but, when fish come through an area where the weeds are placed, it will truely help to hold the fish for a longer period of time.

The weeds only hold fish and then its the fishermans job to present the correct presentation for the fish to bite.

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Have always wanted to try them. Just wondering, when people talk about putting up a perimeter of reel weeds around there ice houses, how do you get them back out when the holes freeze? Do you constantly reopen the holes they are placed in like a tipup or what? Something I was thinking about.

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There is a little foam "sponge" type deal on it, that will allow you to get it all out even if it freezes. I usually just kick the hole a bit to break it up, then pull it up.

I have had them help, where we didn't get anythign without them down, and have had it not matter. I was only skunked once while using them, and that was on new lake lake in a (I know it now) stupid spot. I also used them over an already very weedy bottom, but pulled them up a bit higher, and we caught more crapps than others in our party who were farther away. That could have been our presentation or our floro line over my bro-in-laws thicker mono line too... But I like my Reel Weeds.

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I have the weeds and did a little modification. The floats seemed to float too high and crooked to be real easy to remove when the ice froze around. I added more weight which made the float ride lower an leveler, this made it easier to remove when the ice froze around it. But spending 5 days on Red leaving them over two nights when it wqs really cold the holes froze in over 6 inches down. I had to chop them out. One thing I learned doing this was as you chopped the hole down and removed the ice and snow keep moving the float down to the top of the ice so you have the float just above the string. This helped prevent hitting the string with the chisel. I also waited till the holes had a thin layer of ice around the float and put light snow over the hole to help insulate it. Helped but it will not stop freezing deep when the low id -33 and high of 5 for a day or two.

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I have the weedez and heres what i did.I took a 3/4 piece of styrofoam insulation and cut it out the size of a kitchen plate.Put a hole in the center for the string.Then i tied an aligator clip on to clip to the string.You could try this leaving your small float under the styrofoam and then cover with a bunch of snow.Same principle as a thermo tip up.Heres a picture of my weedez.


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I have tried to find WeedEz but is there anywhere (other than online) to pick these up?

To reply to others asking about if they work..... I would say that they are effective, not always, but they will hold fish. NO I don't know how much attraction they provide, but a passing fish seems much more likely to stop and "check things out".

IMO - they do hold fish longer, and I seem to catch and hold bluegills and perch for long periods of time. One day I had fish on my Vexilar ALL DAY with the weeds down! (I ONLY HAVE A 2 PACK - SO FAR!)

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