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Look what showed up at my feeder today.


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We were on green lake last saturday and a small all white turn landed on the ice by us and then took off. most of the turns I see have some black on them or grey this was ghost white. and I have never seen one so far from any open water in feb.

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I have to admit, those pictures were taken through my window. I can never get close to them outside. It will be interesting to see if it stays around. The white throated sparrow that tried to over winter at my feeders died early into winter. I found him huddled up against my foundation. Hopefully this one fares better. Spring MUST be on the way.

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Just as a point of info, mourning doves are regularly recorded on Christmas Bird Counts in many parts of Minnesota and North Dakota, particularly farming communities with grain elevators, where it's not uncommon for them to overwinter.

Not trying to say it wasn't a cool sighting. I'm just SAYin. grin.gif

I hear you on shooting them through the windows, Jay. The only time I've been able to get close-up shots of doves outside was when I was in my blind. They are spooky birds!

Sorry to hear about the W-T sparrow. We've had them overwinter here, but it was cold early and cold again at times in the middle part of the winter, and I haven't seen one since November. In fact, my feeders have been so empty of anything but chickadees and deer this winter that I'm just hunkered down and praying for April.

Some cracked corn will go a long way with mourning doves.

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Walked out onto my deck one morning a few weeks ago and a dove took off. That burst of wings and sound can kind of scare you a bit if you're not expecting it. And I surely wasn't expecting a dove to be around in winter. That was the only time I saw it. I live west of the cities in farm country.

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In the early to mid-90's, we didn't see them very often in the winter. As Steve said, in town in the SC part of the state, they're common. Where we live in the country, it's fairly open but the trees & shrubs we planted have grown enough so it's sheltered in the yard. With the trend towards warm winters the past decade, mourning doves have become regulars, although their numbers seem to fluctuate. The temps were warmer earlier this winter and there were up to a dozen cleaning up under the feeders. During the recent cold snap, they're back to 2 - 4 per day. Was surprised to see pics of them as far north as Hibbing. And yes, spring is on the way. There were horned larks flying off the shoulder of the road this morning on the way into the office.

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Birds are starting to sing their mating songs, LPCrowRiverFisherman has seen some Robins and turkeys are starting to display. The daylight is getting longer and snow is melting a little.

I hope this is all a sign that spring is getting closer.

I have kept track for a few years of when the lakes open up around here and have an average date of 3-26.

This year may be a little different being we have about 3 foot of ice out there. My predictions are the 4 or 5 of April. Good photo ops for spring migrating ducks a few weeks before when the shorelines open up a little keeping them at closer range.

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Nymph, it ain't melting where I live. But the wind just switched, and I can smell the melt coming from the south and west.

Let's give it another month so I can finish the laker season in style, and as soon as the last day of March hits, I'm SPRING OBSESSED! grin.gifgrin.gif

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