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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Not to worry, I have inside information that Castro a.k.a. Dreads, is gonna get his pink slip tonight...(My wife told me and she knows everything grin.gif) I'd probably be missing a tooth or two if she seen this!

If Seyesha goes, I think we should load the bus with FM'ers, strap some ladders on the roof so we can scale the walls, get our shovels, rakes and pitch forks and go into the attack mode!

Ah geeze, my wife said I can't go, said you guys will have to find a different driver, she wants me to fix a leaky water valve!


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Yup, I guess wifey was right? It's all good and I don't have any missing teeth! But oh, oh? Who are we gonna kick around now? eek.gif

You know, as talented and as pretty as Seyesha is and she gets prettier with each new appearence, without even hearing her sing unless she does something supercalafragelisticexpealadousius next week and one of the others falls on his face, I'm afraid she is gonna have to walk the plank?

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Dredd boy was still better than watching Sanjaya week after week. Even though I hate dreds, he was kinda cute. blush.gif

What really cracks me up was originally the judges praised Sanjaya and said his singing was so much better than his sister. They shoulda kept his sister.

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Man was I glad to see dreads go..........did he really think "I shot the sheriff" would get him in?

I hope it's Seyesha and Cook in the finals........whomever said the "gooly, geewizz" line was dead on.........Holywood will eat that kid alive!

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I thought it was you windy..........made me laugh out loud in a meeting (yes I was on FM while in my head of department meeting today).

I think you're right, but I hope she stays around for another week.

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Not sure what the theme is. Did you all see about David's Dad being banned from back stage? Must be a real pushy guy. Heard it cost the show a lot to change Stand By Me like he did.

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Yup, I do believe that pretty Syesha has to walk the walk tomarrow. To bad, now we have to look at the other two mugs for the final count down. frown

They are the best two, no doubt, but I bet that they wouldn't look anywhere near as nice as she does in short skirts! grin

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If cook doesn't win it, it's only because all the Hanna Montana fans are voting for salimadar tounge. I really wish it was Cook and Seyesha in the finals. She makes you say Kristi who? I just don't like how salimandar sings, sorry, just personal. He can sing, just don't like his voice and he has zero stage presence.

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Hike up your skirt a little bit and show your world to me!

I think Dave Matthews sang that, didn't he? Thats the first thing I thought of when I saw Sayesha's dress. She didn't have very far to go before the world saw her world! LOL

Sorry to say but I have to agree that it is Sayonara for Sayesha tonight. Let the battle of David begin. Cook rocked the house even with that lame song that Simon picked for him but that really showed that he can sing anything and make it sound good. Salamander boy is only comfortable when he is singing his sappy ballads, he looked really lame doing My Boo. I think Simon was setting next week up for Cook by choosing such a lame song for Cook, knowing that he would knock it out of the park.

Let the whacking begin.........


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missed the show last night, it sounds like I'm gonna have to google up a pic of that skirt!!!

OKAY, Youtube saves the day and WHOA!!!!! Not a lot of physiques carry that dress off that way! OH MY!!!! I have a fever!!!! HA.

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