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wow,didnt mean to stir up the pot here.i personally fish mainly the river all open water.i spend so little time on the big lake that i havnt figured out the patterns etc.i always feel let down there when i know i could usually do lots better on the river.hardwater fishing also dont spend enough time there to know patterns,timing etc.even thought i have no faith there i will probably spend a primetime looking for walleyes and crappie.good luck to all on this final gamefish weekend.....

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I don't fish ylow more than a couple times a year. This last year I fished a weekend during the 4th July, and did great for nice walleyes and bonus fish. Went there a month ago for ice FishN, and did terrible... Here are some pics from last summer:







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had a poor fishing weekend.spent some time on both little yellow,yellow,and the flowage.not many fisherman on the over 30 inches ice.lake was very cloudy,recently turned over or in the process.give crappies a shot on st.pats weekend.

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had a poor fishing weekend.spent some time on both little yellow,yellow,and the flowage.not many fisherman on the over 30 inches ice.lake was very cloudy,recently turned over or in the process.give crappies a shot on st.pats weekend.

Is there a turn over in the winter?

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Daily bag limit on walleyes for the 2013-14 season dropped to 1.


It seems to me that it may have started at that last year or the year before as well and then bumped up to 2 before the season started. But that's going to cause a major hit to the resort businesses on the lake if it stays at 1. Not much point in choosing the lake for a vacation if your goal is to keep some walleyes.


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That ceded territory stuff sucks, I would never buy a cabin in it. My inlaws are on a 900 acre lake have seen it go from very good fishing then they speared/netted it for a few years now you hear of 1 or 2 walleyes caught a summer out there. Very sad, those lakes cannot take that abuse. The lakeshore owners even stopped stocking it since whats the point.

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chippewa band of tribes announced lakes to harvest,one band went from ten lakes to over 325,wisc. dnr. plans to meet with tribes to discuss but dont see it going anywhere.three pages of lakes affected are in new 2013 wisc.fishing regs booklet.

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I personally think that more has to be done than lowering the bag limit. First of all, poachers are poachers. There is definetly allot of people that think the daily bag limit sign at the access, is just a number.

They have not stocked that lake since 2008. There is definetly allot of natural reproduction going on, but not enough to support the fishing pressure it recieves. I would really like to see them start stocking the lake again. Oh well we'll see what it's like this (hopefully normal) summer. Best of luck fishing!

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Hey guys -

New to the page, been reading through past posts trying to glean any info on Yellow/Little Yellow.

Curious about the walleye limit. People on these pages seem very concerned about the walleye bag limit on the lake, and I respect that if thats the only fish you get after. While I like catching eyes as much as the next guy, if I'm going to eat a fish its going to be a pan...., hell even a midsized northern makes a meal that can take the pepsi challenge against an eye. Now if you don't fish for pans it makes sense....but I've personally never looked at a WI walleye as a meal. Canada is another story.

I'm not trying to start a holy walleye war here, I just want to see as many eyes on the end of my line as possible, and if that means more guys letting "eaters" go, then I guess I'm for it. I've just personally never really cared about a walleye bag limit being too low.

The native american topic is a whole different deal and I don't agree with the practice or really care to get into it.

Let me know your thoughts. I respect any opinion and could always stand to learn a few things..

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Welcome perch yerker!

I agree. I do love a good pannie meal. Which is what I eat most of the time. It just concerns me to see the population this low. That's the reason I speak of it.

I'm also a huge muskie guy starting 4th of July weekend.

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Need to be careful what is said about the new bag limit regs related to the Indians gentlemen! All I am going to say about it is a example of what it is doing. My Gpa told me this afternoon he is not buying a license this year (1st time in his life) because of the situation! It is indeed bad stuff....

As far as the poaching situation, happens on all lakes no matter where it is... I truly believe that having these super low limits is going to open the doors to more poaching. Either people are not going to come up here and fish, or they are going to come up and try and take what they can...

Hopefully some day these issues can be fixed. I'm with Zander in, I hope this coming season can be a normal one....

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I don't even know how to respond to this. I've got a lot invested in staying on this lake. (as do LOTS of others) Is it worthwhile for me to stay here? A big question I'm going to struggle with the next few weeks.

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Donbo im with you, we chose yellow becuse it has just about everything, i have 2 small kids and really considering if im going to invest more money on this lake and the surrounding lakes. its just sad to see that we (govermnet) only choose to regulate 1/2 the problem. whats going to happen when we start spearing musky.its only going to get worse.

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question,i only see lakes mentioned that the indian bands plan to harvest from.is there anywhere where amounts or poundage is listed?thinking similar to millacs band.is the amounts going up that much or just harvesting from more lakes?

i will be making as many trips as last summer to the area but i dont target only walleyes while i,m there.

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They have not stocked that lake since 2008. There is definetly allot of natural reproduction going on, but not enough to support the fishing pressure it recieves. I would really like to see them start stocking the lake again.

The stocking data I've seen shows it hasn't been stocked with walleyes since 2004. Either way, their long term goal is to NOT stock walleyes at all. They believe natural reproduction is keeping the population at their long term management goals and will only stock the lake again if they feel the population is falling below those levels.

I'm not as concerned about the walleye population out there as I am the muskies. Numbers there have greatly suffered since they cut the stocking numbers in half quite a few years ago. Back in the mid 90s, I loved fishing muskies out there. I don't expect any body of water to remain at its apparent peak as it was back then. But the change in the musky fishery since then has been pretty drastic, in my opinion.

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