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Big Weekend


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Get off your soapboxes . . . true Gopher fans, along with Phoenix, have to be embarrassed how Wheeler acted this weekend, and don't forget Peltier's hits that didn't get called (he should have had a game DQ), and I really thought it was classy how Hubel (sp) started acting tough when Lucia came on the ice at the end of the game. The true difference between the Gophs and Sioux, is that the Sioux back up what they say or back up each other when someone takes a cheap shot at them. The almighty Gopher squad, from the coach down, wasn't free of misbehavior this weekend including cheat shops, cursing and instigating behavior.

I do agree Hakstol went above the call with the salute to Adam, but he let his emotions get the best of him, which surprised me. He manned up and it got taken care of. Time to move on.

Usually both teams are in it to the end, reloading instead of rebuilding. This year, UMtc is down. Who knows where each team will be in two years. That's what's so cool about college hockey. While I am not even close to a Gopher fan, I respect their program and what they have accomplished. Too bad good natured fun usually results in insults and belittling schools, players and fans.

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 Originally Posted By: Shorelunch
The true difference between the Gophs and Sioux, is that the Sioux back up what they say or back up each other when someone takes a cheap shot at them.

Isn't backing up teammates precisely what got Wheeler in trouble? He was heading out to "help" a teammate that was getting cheaped, totally abusurd, but that's what his thinking was.

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Rodent fans are finally seeing what it has been like to be a Sioux fan. Expectations are high every year and when there is a RARE down year you don't know what to do so you look for the littlest things to rip into the rival who just took 3 of 4 points for the weekend and 5 of 8 points for the year. The rodent fans on here sure are coming off like a bunch of middle children who can do nothing but whine and complain as big brother gets all the success and recognition.

Do I think the Sioux play dirty and classless? No I don't. Do I think they play hard and a little over aggressive and try to get under the other teams skin? Yup, and it worked this weekend.

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 Originally Posted By: Team Otter
If the Gophers don't make the playoffs, which is definitely possible, I'm going to cheer for Hockey East or someone else worth cheering for but certainly not the Slough, I mean Sioux. whistle.gif

As a sioux fan this is good to hear, I mean I would never cheer for the rodents and I expect the same from Minny fans. The good news is at least it's looking like you won't have to worry about UND ending UM season again this year. grin.gif

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I'll start by saying that I am first and foremost a Gopher fan.

Let's not kid ourselves, cheap shots, fighting, cursing, etc. occurs all the time with all the teams. Right or wrong, it's part of hockey.

As Hakstol is concerned, he was wrong and admits it. I think he is a class act. My wife and I were riding down an elevator at the X, and Hakstol was on it. He initiated a conversation with us, and he seemed like a genuine nice guy - it helped my wife was wearing a Sioux sweatshirt.

Bottom line: If the Gophers are out of it - I'm pulling for ND. They have good teams, coaches, and fans (and my wife is one of them - she does likewise for the Gophers - it keeps the peace).

At fridays game there was a Sioux fan in front of me. We bantered back and forth during the game - nothing personal or degrading. At the end of the game we shook hands and wished each other luck on Saturday. Just plain fun - what college hockey should be about.

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New member here, interesting reading on the great sport of college hockey. Great weekend for the Mighty Fighting Sioux, taking 3 points out of enemy territory. Looks like they are putting themselves in a great position to make a run in the final 5 as well as the national tourney.

Also a pretty typical weekend with a lot of whining on the side of the gophers. It was a pretty heated weekend, with lots of good hockey, but when did the MN gophers turn in to such a bunch of whiners? The officials were not great, typically never are, espically Adams. There were good and bad calls both ways. Some swear words and the finger? I've seen worse at work today! Woog had to sit out a game a few years back for the finger, which I didn't agree with even then. Some scraps at the end of the game? Big deal. It's hockey. Think kids are getting the wrong idea about hockey? Put them in soccer.

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 Originally Posted By: varmithtr
Woog had to sit out a game a few years back for the finger, which I didn't agree with even then.

And lets not forget the greatest rodent apologist of them all, Jeff "Puffy" Dubay was suspended last year from FSN for comments made about WCHA referee Todd Anderson. People get heated, it happens in sports.

Rodent fans sure must be happy that Hakstol gave Adam the finger. If that didn't happen all they would have to talk about would be Wheeler costing them a PP in overtime and a chance at a W, and the fact that the Sioux again took care of business in Minnesota.

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 Originally Posted By: wallmounter
 Originally Posted By: varmithtr
Woog had to sit out a game a few years back for the finger, which I didn't agree with even then.

As stated above all the North Dakota fans do is post the facts....LOL.

Woog wasn't suspended for giving the finger on National TV he gave the referee's the choke sign......

Carry on with the Facts boys.... grin.gif

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Quote out of the following article in the Grand Forks Herald, published Feb 4th, 2008.

"Acting co-athletic directors Betty Ralston and Steve Brekke determined the disciplinary action independent of the Western Collegiate Hockey Association.

League commissioner Bruce McLeod said he supports the school’s decision. The WCHA publicly reprimanded Hakstol for the incident, and McLeod said there will be no further penalties from the league.

“We’re satisfied with the action taken by UND, and that’s the end of it,” said McLeod, who suspended former Minnesota coach Doug Woog one game for giving the same gesture during the 1996 WCHA Final Five."

Entire article: http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=66134&section=News

Just the facts.

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This is what hockey is all about. As you can see it has everyone wound up. Just feel the excitement. What tell they play again in the WCHA final five. This is just like the old days when the Stars and Blackhawks would go at it. Just remember that your Sioux will be sitting in the 6th spot next year. By the way didn't Bina graduate like 3 years ago?

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