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Any woman can fish!

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Today I was approaced by a man who overheard me talking about my fishing adventures of the weekend. He then proceeded to tell me that there was no way in "heck" that I could possbliy be the outdoors type. First and foremost, ladies do not be deterred by these sort of comments. Second, I was not upset by this, but rather intrigued with this fella's view of me. As, I do not fit the stereotypical fisherman by any means. Just this past thanksgiving I competed in the Miss Minnesota USA Pageant, I now model for extra cash... but with all this I knew in my heart that I could probably kick that guys butt fishing anyday/anytime.

Side note to men: I am not a "man-hater" by any means and I doubt that any man on here would approach a woman in such a manner. However we are all very aware of the view of hunting/fishing as a "man's domain" and women who enjoy the outdoors as much as ourselves will probably face something similar to this at one time or another.

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Hi gals!

I really like having the guys come into this forum and give pointers and their perspective! I'm constantly in the ice fishing forum and I feel welcome there too. Isn't this forum great???!!! cool.gif

I've never got the vibe that any of us are "man haters" here-quite the opposite in my estimation!! blush.gifgrin.gif

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I also have gotten many "looks" from guys once I take off a hat or get close enough for them to realize I'm a women. Coming off the ice of Mille Lacs late at night or getting out of my kayak from rough water with all my fishing gear, always gets a "look". I just do my thing, know what I'm doing with my gear and know what I'm talking about and its amazing seeing the transformation in these guys.

I do admit it is a great pleasure chatting with the guys on FM. They are honestly respectful, helpful without being condisending, and fun as all get up to share stories and knowledge with.

hats off to the guys smile.gif

AND 2 hats off to the women ( since we always have to work 2x as hard to prove the same thing ) LOL laugh.gifgrin.gif

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Don't sell yourselves short ladies. Any guy that "doesn't believe you could be the outdoorsy type" doesn't know what an outdoorsy type person is no matter the persuasion.

I was thinking of starting a post here to point out how good it is to see the recent increased interest and postings from the better half, and I mean that. I have two daughters that I wish were more interested in fishing but unfortunately so far they haven't shown too much. My youngest will go with me from time to time so I'll keep working on her.

One thing though, they both enjoy hunting. My oldest is now 13 and has gone deer hunting with me for the past two years. Last year she got a nice 8-pointer on opening day! My youngest is now 11 and she's been goose hunting with me for the past three years. Next year I hope to put a shotgun in her hand. So I guess there's hope for them yet if I can keep the boy thing out of their head. crazy.gif

Keep up the posting. I truly enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Maybe you can help me out? I wish I could get my wife more interested in wetting a line from time to time. I know she enjoys being in the boat and catching fish but she rarely takes me up on the offer to go along. At first I figured it was the added difficulty when the kids were young but they're old enough now. I even gave up my old boat that I had finally outfitted the way I wanted and bought a new larger boat capable of handling signifcantly rougher water because I thought it might be that she was uncomfortable in waves.


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Thanks for the kind words!

Well Bob I've got a couple thoughts. Do you go out when the water is really rough alot? Maybe she gets sort of freaked out?

Another may be the potty factor. I don't mind relieving myself in a bucket in the bottom of the boat. Maybe she hates that and wants to go to shore?

Last thought-are you really hard core about fishing? If the day is really slow make the trips shorter.

You sound like a really great guy so it certainly can't be her fishing partner!! grin.gif

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Well I know this a fishing scenerio, but I thought I'd share a simuliar experience while registering deer a couple of years ago with my daughters.

A couple of dads with their sons saw my two daughters registering their deer. One of the dad's asked if their dad shot the deer for them. My oldest daughter said, "No way!" My younger daughter then says, "We shot them, gut them and do most of the dragging. Dad taught us how to do all those things for ourselves."

One of the dad's said, "Wow! our boys won't even gut a deer!"

My girls were feeling pretty good that afternoon. I just enjoy the fact that they enjoy the outdoors the way I do.

Now my wife loves ice fishing. But I can't get her in the woods with me. Next week she'll be out fishing in the gulf of Mexico with me . I can't wait. laugh.gif

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on the potty factor! a little trick we have used many times is to carry a mans rain coat in the boat. you can wrap this around your waist and use it as a skirt, so you stay covered and do what is neccessary! del

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Well I've always felt that whether you're fishing, hunting,camping that a gal can do it just as well or better than us guys. I have never given it a second thought with my two girls and son. They've been fishing with me since they could stand on their own.

My wife was a little distressed though when she heard the stories of them playing with their "Pet" leeches in the leech bucket. "Look daddy they're sticking to me." as they pull their hand out of my leech bucket with a pound of jumbos in it. Still makes me smile after all these years. laugh.gif

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My nieces (20 and 18) get this all the time "You fish and hunt??!?! No way!"

Not only that, but they gut their own deer and take their own fish off the line.

The funniest thing happened last year...they went fishing with some boys in a pontoon, and one guy had a hard time baiting his hook, and my niece did it for him. He was so red.... Then, one caught a large northern and was having a hard time picking it up, and my niece walked over and said "Let me do it before you kill it".

Many shades of red there too, and I loved every minute of it!

Also, some boys were fishing off a dock near the Twin Cities and their dad was casting out for them. They looked to be about 10 or so. My 5 year-old niece walks down and casts next to them. The boys didn't even notice, but the dad sure did.

Now, it is not about making people look bad, but I hate when people think you can't do anything "ichy" for you are a thin blonde-haired girl.

-Proud Uncle

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I wish my wife would fish. She will come along for the boat ride and the sun and read a book. Years ago when the boy was younger she would fish but now, a ride and the book in the sun. I have tried to tak her into deer hunting also, she will come along but no tree for her either.

Oh well.

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I think some people have had bad experiences when they were younger and don't want to retry it later because of those bad memories. That's why it's really important to be a patient teacher to the little ones early so they can at least fish or hunt under good circumstances!

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hammerhandle, my wifes the same way. loves to spear and summer fish. shes a little different though, she likes sitting in my house with me as i have a 2 holer. she decided she needed her own house cause she got tited of the nords coming in on my live chubby and never look at her artifical deek. rather have that than her staying at home watchin days of our lives.

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