Here's the story: I went out on the ice this afternoon after fully charging my LX-3 last night. For some reason, no matter how high I turned up the sensitivity, my jig (size 8 shrimpo) would hardly show up. Saturday it worked just fine. I've never had this problem before, as typically I have the sensitivity set around 6 to 7 and it shows up just fine. There's no current or any other enviromental factors that I can think of that could cause this. Did the transducer go bad?
Here's the story: I went out on the ice this afternoon after fully charging my LX-3 last night. For some reason, no matter how high I turned up the sensitivity, my jig (size 8 shrimpo) would hardly show up. Saturday it worked just fine. I've never had this problem before, as typically I have the sensitivity set around 6 to 7 and it shows up just fine. There's no current or any other enviromental factors that I can think of that could cause this. Did the transducer go bad?
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