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Lowrance X-67 Ice machine??


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So far I've used it for open water fishing (trolling motor mount) and I have nothing bad to say about it. It is very bright and seems to be easy on the batteries.

If you have fellow fisherman that use flashers, they wont like you because apperently the sonar causes some major interference with them.

Here is a link to another topic about the x67c.

x67c Info

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Since you asked about the x67c and didn't ask about flashers, I can break it down for ya without distractions. Lets not turn this into the flasher vs. graph debate this time folks, please?

I've been running an x67c winter and summer for a good 3 years. I'm still using the same unit, and I wouldn't part with it, except for maybe an LMS-552c Ice Machine. smile.gif


- Completely quiet. smile.gif No electric motors inside.

- Much better on the battery. No motor to power. 100% digital display and processing. My flasher buddies need to bring 2 or even 3 batteries to keep pace with my one. This is also a plus if you are powering your portable LED lights from your fish finder battery.

- 256 color active matrix display! See how fat the fish is in splendid color! Just like in summer! This is the same display as in a color GPS like the Lowrance H20c, or most color cell phone displays, or a laptop screen. Performs fine WHEN ON down to -20F (see CON below), don't let uninformed people scare you into thinking it the display freezes up when cold, thats complete hogwash, urban myth, FUD, whatever - just not truth. Same goes for "x67c screen isn't 'real time'".

- Graph display. Its an Ice Machine thing. You can't know why this feels so revolutionary until you use it on ice and ignore the flasher mode. The flasher display mode on the x67c is training wheels for converting to graph mode, then you will never use it again.

- Use it in the summertime in the boat. We all have advanced graphs in our boat, right? The full line of regular Lowrance sonar accessories are available for the x67c to rig your boat for it.

- Fully Adjustable Zoom alongside full water column view, on the same screen.

- Advanced noise canceling features. Yes, plural.

- Good price point. Un-discounted store prices under $300. $279 is the highest in-store price I've seen lately. I bought mine 3 years ago on sale for $250.

- Great customer service, once you hook up with a technician in Tulsa. Email support is the best way to go to do that, don't phone them. The boys in Tulsa will bend over backwards to help.


- Do not store OFF below -5F for extended periods, the TFT active matrix display liquid can freeze and split your screen open. This condition is NOT covered by warranty.

- Properly configuring a Lowrance unit for use in close proximity to other ice sonars, whatever the brand, is not intuitive, it requires lots of menus and careful option selection. If you search these FM archives, you will find my own prescription for configuring your unit to eliminate interference from other sonar units (flashers or graphs - its all just sonar). Search on my username in the username field, and "x67c", and go back 2 or 3 years.

Not properly configuring a Lowrance unit for ice use near other sonar is the main reason people return them - they can't solve the interference issues - they don't understand how to set them up, and Lowrance has not been helpful in teaching folks how to do this.

- The metal rod mounting kit for the ice-ducer to hang on in the hole is an abortion. Put it aside, and go to Cabelas and get an ice transducer float kit with foam cord float and float-stopper. Much better!

- Must send your unit to Tulsa for repair or warranty work. Vex owners can go directly to the Bloomington HQ for service, and Marcum folks can go to Marcum HQ or a couple other locations in MN for service. This is only a con if you live in MN near one of the Vex or Marcum locations.

It is hands-down the single best fishing equipment purchase I've ever made.

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- Do not store OFF below -5F for extended periods, the TFT active matrix display liquid can freeze and split your screen open. This condition is NOT covered by warranty.

Can someone provide more detail on this? Should I just leave it on when moving around or is that not what you mean by extended periods?

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To start off 100% ditto on all points made federline. Also a hats off and a thank you for all your info and detail you've given on the x67c. I've had mine for 3 yrs and also use it for both seasons. Love it, would'nt trade it.

iafish4fun about the -5. More than once in subzero with the x67c and never a problem. The machine has always been running as it does with every trip subzero or not. As stated by federline its so easy on batteries there's no need to turn it off. As for storing I bring it in from the garage after each trip where it has it's own little bed right next to mine. nite nite Ice Machine. crazy.gif

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For all those cons that you wrote about is a very good reason to buy a flasher. I have used and seen many in use. The forums are for sharing info. From my experiences I would recommend a flasher. Not a machine trying to be a flasher. Big difference.

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For all those cons that you wrote about is a very good reason to buy a flasher. I have used and seen many in use. Not a machine trying to be a flasher. Big difference.

For clarification. You've seen many flashers or Ice Machines in use? As for the, "Not a machine trying to be a flasher." comment jealousy is a terrible thing.

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For all those cons that you wrote about is a very good reason to buy a flasher. I have used and seen many in use. Not a machine trying to be a flasher. Big difference.

For clarification. You've seen many flashers or Ice Machines in use? As for the, "Not a machine trying to be a flasher." comment jealousy is a terrible thing.

I own BOTH and tend to agree with Bob. With my AquaVu I, can actually see the lag in time between what is happening below and what I see on the Lowrance's display.

The Lowrance sure makes a great GPS unit on my sled/ATV, however.

No jealousy whatsoever.....


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The return rate on these units is so small how can you notice a difference?

Flashers make noise, I like the quiet.

Flashers use three colors. Sonars use 256.

Using Flashers at night hurt my eyes. Sonars do not.

Flashers suck your batteries dry. Sonars do not.

On a sonar you have the ability to adjust brightness, sensitivity, color, and ping speed. Can you do that on a Flasher?

Each unit has it own use. Yes, people are in love with thier flashers, and yes they are a great tool. But saying sonars are junk and are trying to be a flashers, that's not true.

I like my Sonar unit for ice fishing and when someone asks about the PROS AND CONS OF A SONAR , don't say something that doesn't correspond to the topic.

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The return rate on these units is so small how can you notice a difference?

The eyes are quicker than you realize. By setting my camera next to the Lowrance...so I can watch both simultaneously, I can detect the lag...even though it's only a split second.


Flashers make noise, I like the quiet.

I love the whir of a flasher. To me THAT's ice fishing...


Flashers use three colors. Sonars use 256.

Really? Can you tell the difference between color 132 and color 133? I can tell the difference between color 1, 2 and 3 on my flasher without even making a conscious effort...


Using Flashers at night hurt my eyes. Sonars do not.

That's exactly why my FL20 has a nightime setting for the LED's that comprise the dial. Helps to preserve my night vision....


Flashers suck your batteries dry. Sonars do not.

I can go almost 2 days between charges on my flasher with a 9ah battery


On a sonar you have the ability to adjust brightness,

You bet! See above....



Absolutely! It's called "gain"



Why would I want to do that?


and ping speed.

Not necessary, since my unit doesn't have the capability to scroll the screen. It's real time. Can you tell me why you adjust ping speed on your unit?


Each unit has it own use. Yes, people are in love with thier flashers, and yes they are a great tool. But saying sonars are junk and are trying to be a flashers, that's not true.

A flasher IS IS IS a "sonar". Sonar stands for SO und N avigation A nd R anging, and is PRCISELY how flashers, LCG's, TFT fishfinders ALL work. Turn it on and place the 'ducer to your ear. Hear that clicking? That the "Sound" part of Sonar. ANY fishfinder that uses sound waves (which is all of them, to my knowlege) IS a sonar unit! Doesn;t matter if it's a flasher or a graphing unit


I like my Sonar unit for ice fishing and when someone asks about the
, don't say something that doesn't correspond to the topic.

Looks like everyone's been staying on topic to me. Where did someone say something that didn't correspond to the pros & cons of sonar???

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I own BOTH and tend to agree with Bob. With my AquaVu I, can actually see the lag in time between what is happening below and what I see on the Lowrance's display.


Genuin curiosty here w/no slam settup. Does the graph you use have the "Fastrack", was it on and is that where the lag was seen? Lowrance claims Fastrack is realtime. I've never had a camera and x67c side by side. I just bought a Marcum vs380 with the new Sony lens it hasn't arrived yet. Can hardly wait. Sorry last part off topic.

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Here is another comparison.

Back in the 50s and 60s, Lowarnce came out with the Green Box. That was flasher technology. For a comparison, back in the 50s, people were listening to record players. The sound was dump. Today, if you were to listen to a record player and compare it to a CD or MP3 player, there would be no comparison.

That is the same theory behind the flasher vs. sonar. Yes, flashers have been upgraded but they have, in pricipal, the same technology as they did in the 60s. Sonar is like the MP3 player. Newer and crisper images.

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Here is another comparison.

Back in the 50s and 60s, Lowarnce came out with the Green Box. That was flasher technology. For a comparison, back in the 50s, people were listening to record players. The sound was
. Today, if you were to listen to a record player and compare it to a CD or MP3 player, there would be no comparison.

That is the same theory behind the flasher vs. sonar. Yes, flashers have been upgraded but they have, in pricipal, the same technology as they did in the 60s. Sonar is like the MP3 player. Newer and crisper images.

The part you're not getting is that flashers ARE sonar.

Here, this a direct quote form Marcum's HSOforum...

"NEW! The Most Powerful, Most Sensitive, most Feature Laden Flasher Ever Designed. Manufactured in the USA, this sonar unit boasts 2,000 watts of peak to peak power, TrueColor display, SuperFine line resolution, and dual beam transducer."

So, according to Marcum, their flasher IS a sonar.....

Let's see what Vexilar has to say...

" FL-20®

The dawn of a new era in sport fishing sonar is at hand with the FL-20 from Vexilar. Packed with features and enhanced sonar performance, the FL-20 promises to deliver live action, three-color sonar that will change the face of fishing."

So Vexilar calls their units sonar, too. They even go so far as to call it ENHANCED sonar....

You're comparison doesn't hold water. It's apples to oranges. Records utilize a diamond that converts microscopic grooves & bumps into vibration and then sound. A CD does the same thing with a laser beam. and an MP3 is a digital data file. Obviously, they are all very different technologies.

Sonar, however has not changed for almost 70 years. Like I said before, it's a transmitter (transceiver, in this case) that emits a sonic signal that is bounced back form objects to a receiver (the "ceiver" part of the transceiver). THAT'S SONAR!!!!! It's done the same way now as it was in WWII. The only difference being that now sonar uses microprocessors (integrated circuit chips) instead of vacuum tubes. That's a definite improvement in sonar technology, but all modern fishfinders use that same modern technology. The Lowrance, the Vexilar, the Marcum....you name it. The SONAR TECHNOLOGY in them is all the same!! The sonar technology of the Lowarnce is the same as the sonar technology of the modern flashers.

Sure the displays of the flashers & the Lowrance may differ, but that doesn't mean that one is a sonar and the other isn't. The green box is a sonar, Vexilar is a sonar, Marcum is a sonar, Lowrance is a sonar, most Humminbirds are sonar, and on and on and on and on. Granted the DISPLAY of the Lowrance is different from the other flashers, but the sonar part of your Lowrance is of the same generation as the sonar part of modern flashers. It's the same technology!!!

Truthfully, the only operational diference between a flasher and you're Lowrance is that the signal the flasher sends/receives, drives a rotating disc with LED's (light emitting diodes), while the signal the Lowarnce sends/receives feeds a microprocessor that drives a color TFT (stands for "thin film transistor") display.

BOTH units use modern sonar technology and ARE modern sonars. Newer & crisper images, for the most part, are driven by DISPLAY technology and not sonar technology.

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I have a X-67, the main reason I bought it is I can use it both summer and winter. During the summer I take it out of the "bag" and mount it to the front of my boat. During the winter it is in the "bag" and on the ice. I have had alot of compliments and a few that have "superior" products in there eyes laugh. For the everyday ice fisherman it is a good unit, like any thing else yu have to learn the ins and outs. Since I am not sponsered or work for any company I needed to buy someting I can use year around.

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Do not store OFF below -5F for extended periods, the TFT active matrix display liquid can freeze and split your screen open. This condition is NOT covered by warranty.

Now just wait just waiting second there Forest.

They call this an "Ice Machine" and it can't handle a little sub-zero time? confused.gif I've always thought the unit groovy but overpriced. I've got to admit that sticks a fork in it for me, I don't want anything that can't handle the cold while ice fishing.

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Do not store OFF below -5F for extended periods, the TFT active matrix display liquid can freeze and split your screen open. This condition is NOT covered by warranty.

Now just wait just waiting second there Forest.

They call this an "Ice Machine" and it can't handle a little sub-zero time?
I've always thought the unit groovy but overpriced. I've got to admit that sticks a fork in it for me, I don't want anything that can't handle the cold while ice fishing.

Ummm, it can handle the cold just fine. I have run mine outside in below zero temps with no problems. They just suggest taking it inside when not in use. You gotta bring the battery in to charge it anyways.

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Heh smile.gif When K-started making the news, I used to bristle when I would get the "J-Fed" (first name starts w/ J) ... But after a while now I laugh. grin.gif For one thing, almost everyone can spell my surname now! But, yeah, you can't imagine how much I get the question "So... are you related to K-Fed?" That I have no clue about...

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I thought about the M68c, but it does not take mapping chips, so it seemed pretty worthless to me. The 522 would be cool, but keep in mind that you'll have to carry the whole thing around with you when you're scouting a location. I have an X67c with an H2Oc RAM mounted next to it. I can run it off the X67c battery, but I can also pull it out and just take the H2Oc out and go scouting if need be.

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    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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