Central Bassman Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 So I want to get a new gamming system this X-mass and it’s between a PS3 or an Xbox 360. What do you guys think? I know a lot of you guys on here have 360 but I want to see if anyone has a PS 3. I’m leaning more towards the PS3 just because you can play online for free. Socom is a great game just like Halo and Call of Duty. So it’s a toss up for games but I like the free internet hook up. So let’s hear it PS3 or 360???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 my personal opinion is if your going to squwak over $60 a year to play most xbox live games don't bother gettinga game system. It is the cost of 1 game a year. Plus the benefits, updates, and support that microsft has with there live service. Easy decision xbox 360. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 I've never experienced the online side of PS3, but XBox Live is very refined. Also, BluRay still has the potential to go the way of Betamax Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LwnmwnMan2 Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 Quote: I've never experienced the online side of PS3, but XBox Live is very refined. Also, BluRay still has the potential to go the way of Betamax I agree completely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigbartguy Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 I will say that Xbox live is worth every penny of the $5 per month that I have to pay for it. I'm biased and havent ever played a PS3. Xbox in my book Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JigginIsLife Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 i Have played the ps3 and not the 360 so i guess i will be biased and i wont for a second suggest that i know all the detail and tech stuff behind each system, but if i was to buy one of the systems it would be the ps3 just becuase that little 60 bucks a month is just a stupid ammount and why not just get the ps3 and not pay anything?? sounds like a smart idea to me. i dunno i think paying to be online is dumb but apparently thats just me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LwnmwnMan2 Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 Are there any services where someone with a PS3 can play against someone with an Xbox??? I'll assume no, because the platforms are different??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 Quote:i Have played the ps3 and not the 360 so i guess i will be biased and i wont for a second suggest that i know all the detail and tech stuff behind each system, but if i was to buy one of the systems it would be the ps3 just becuase that little 60 bucks a month is just a stupid ammount and why not just get the ps3 and not pay anything?? sounds like a smart idea to me. i dunno i think paying to be online is dumb but apparently thats just me. On the surface, I would agree, but you are not paying only "too play against other people". Yes, that is the crux of it. But you get sooo much more for that $60.We're talking movies, tv shows, game videos, arcade games. Not to mention updates and add ons to games. You have a live vision camera that you can use to live chat with anyone in the world.I'm sure there are a few things that I'm missing.Yes, I may be sounding like a fanboy, but if Sony offers all that for free with (relatively) hack free online gaming, then I say get the PS3.BTW, it's $60 a year......big difference Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 Quote:just becuase that little 60 bucks a month is just a stupid ammount and why not just get the ps3 and not pay anything?? sounds like a smart idea to me. i dunno i think paying to be online is dumb but apparently thats just me. Xbox live is $60 a year. No offense but I guess if I was too cheap to pay $60 a year for a high quality service then I wouldn't even bother buying a system to go online with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JigginIsLife Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 the only reason i say that the 60 bucks a month is dumb is becuase you will be using it for atleast 6 yrs. i have had my ps2 for something like that and i go online all the time. I just think its dumb to have to pay for it when you can get a near equivalent system but you dont have to pay for the internet use...is that so dumb? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 Ok let's try this the third time.....$60 a year Also, I just discovered Windows Media ExtenderWow, I think I can turn the 360 into a TIVO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 Quote:the only reason i say that the 60 bucks a month is dumb is becuase you will be using it for atleast 6 yrs. i have had my ps2 for something like that and i go online all the time. I just think its dumb to have to pay for it when you can get a near equivalent system but you dont have to pay for the internet use...is that so dumb? I was mistaken it is not $60 a year, it is $50 A YEAR. 1 YEAR $50, less than the cost of a game. Actually it is a 13 month card. LESS THAN $3.85 A MONTH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Central Bassman Posted November 13, 2007 Author Share Posted November 13, 2007 Interesting!!! Some good points but i'm still leaning to the PS3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FWA Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 Actually, 2 or 3 weeks prior to Halo 3 coming out, my kids were able to buy the 13 month card for only $39.99 + tax at Circuit City. BB and Target had that deal during that week as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 Quote: Interesting!!! Some good points but i'm still leaning to the PS3 You will have to but what YOU like. That is all that really matters in the end. Keep in the mind in the 1 year since the ps3 has been out they have drastically changed their systems 4 times. They launched with a 20gb and a 60gb which they dropped shorty for a 40gb and 80gb. They have taken out backwards compatability and they have the least games out of any system on the market. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Central Bassman Posted November 13, 2007 Author Share Posted November 13, 2007 Yes the PS3 has had some problem but so has the 360. The one really nice thing, that was already said was they can update your 360 online for you. I like playing Socom so that why I’m leaning towards the PS3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigbartguy Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 if the online Sony experience is good, and you like the games maybe PS3 is the way to go.I had the original Xbox and just stayed w/ Microsoft when it was time for a new system (if it aint broke dont fix it). The Halo games helped me make my decision also Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Central Bassman Posted November 13, 2007 Author Share Posted November 13, 2007 Yea i have the original Xbox right know but its time for something new. I would really like a 360 i think but all my buddys play socom online and i would enjoy playing with them. Im a big fan of Halo also but i like how socom is real. But will see!! maybe you guys can make me change my mind!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 If you like SOCOM, you will LOVE Call of Duty 4.I'm guessing there should be some good You Tube videos of the COD4 live play, check it out.But yeah, I know how it is with the friends thing.Good luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wishing for walleyes Posted November 14, 2007 Share Posted November 14, 2007 I just updated my ps3 online the other night.I enjoy both my xbox and ps3.Definatly more games for xbox verus ps3,but guitar hero III is free online on the ps3.My favorites are all the cabelas hunting games.The cabelas games are on xbox and ps2,but works great on the ps3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mamohr686 Posted November 14, 2007 Share Posted November 14, 2007 A couple of months ago I read that blockbuster quit carrying HD DVD and only has blue-ray format HD dvd. At the larger pilot stores where they had both formats the Blue-ray was rented 8 to 1 or something like that. I don't know if that has changed recently but I don't think Blue-ray is going to lose out on the format war easily. I've also seen that there are product updates on sony's HSOforum for the PS3. I have heard that there are lots of problems on 60Gb PS3 systems and that they have been discontinued. Does anyone know if you use the Xbox or PS3 games when you go online can you play people with the PC version? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 14, 2007 Share Posted November 14, 2007 Quote: Does anyone know if you use the Xbox or PS3 games when you go online can you play people with the PC version? Some XBOX 360 games can be played against PC users, I have personnally done this with Shadowrun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 14, 2007 Share Posted November 14, 2007 Xbox games to be available through Xbox Live Marketplace on Xbox 360Timed to correspond with the five-year anniversary of Xbox Live, Microsoft has announced it will begin adding originalXbox titles to the Xbox 360's Live Marketplace for users to download to their hard drive.Redmond (WA) - Timed to correspond with the five-year anniversary of Xbox Live, Microsoft has announced it will beginadding original Xbox titles to the Xbox 360's Live Marketplace for users to download to their hard drive.Xbox Live first burst onto the scene in 2002, a year or so after the release of the original Xbox console. Since then it hasgained around eight million users, completely dwarfing any other non-PC online gaming service.On December 4, Microsoft will release a firmware update for the Xbox 360, which will include in part the ability todownload specially chosen Xbox games from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Confirmed titles include Crimson Skies, Fable,Psychonauts, and of course Halo. The games will be priced at 1,200 Microsoft points ($15)."On its fifth birthday, Xbox Live truly is the place for hanging out with friends and enjoying downloadable TV shows,movies, videos, game add-ons and now downloadable Xbox games on demand," said the Microsoft VP in charge ofXbox Live John Schappert.It edges up the competition over digital downloads between Microsoft and Sony. Sony's Playstation 3 online store hasbeen noted for its inclusion of full-length, high-capacity games including the PS3 game Warhawk. Xbox Live previouslyhad been relegated to cheap, small casual game titles.Microsoft will also be celebrating the five-year anniversary by awarding 500 Microsoft Points to anyone whose currentXbox Live account dates back to 2002. Additionally, beginning tomorrow, all users in the US will be able to download Carcasonne, an Xbox Live Arcade title, for free. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Central Bassman Posted November 14, 2007 Author Share Posted November 14, 2007 I need some guys with PS3 on here to defend this stuff!!! LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomethingFishy* Posted November 14, 2007 Share Posted November 14, 2007 Quote: I need some guys with PS3 on here to defend this stuff!!! LOL Sorry nobody bought them to defend them. LOL. Sorry couldn't resist. My co-worker purchased one and seems to enjoy it, his frustation is lack of games that are worth purchasing. In all seriousness though, I will probably look into getting a PS3 next year, give them time to come out with more quality games. My only interest in it at this point is you basically are buying a Blue-Ray player and getting gaming capability for free. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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