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Where can a guy get spearfishing equipment?

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Boy, what a great question. I've never thought about it because my spear and shack were passed down to me and decoys are a little easier to find.

I hardly, if ever, see spears for sale at the Big Box stores, I have actually seen more at the mom and pops stores. There are strong spearing communities in some places. Annandale, Detroit Lakes, Fertile, and Cass Lake are a couple that spring to mind for me personally but they are not exclusive and many would disagree with me. You could try calling some small bait shops in those type of towns.

I googled things and found darkhousespearingsupply. You might give them a try if you don't want to look for things.

It's a pretty short list of things needed:

A shack with no windows

A saw or spud bar to cut the hole

A decoy or sucker rig

A spear with rope on it

Some line to hang the decoy on

You can use some other things (A hookless daredevil on a string as an example) but those are your basics.

Good luck Agronomist.

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Got a strikemaster 5 tine weighted spear from sportsmansguide and a decoy. I'm trying to find a cheap portable with and open floor for my dark house. I have never been spearing or seen it done. does anyone have a video i could watch. Trying to figure out something i read about the rope going around the spear front????? Had something to do with bringing in the fish?????

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Agronomist I assume you are currently living in IA. It might be hard to find spearing equipment in a non-spearing state. In MN most small bait shops sell spears and a few decoys. People also need an ice saw, chisel and tongs to pull out the blocks and to drag them back to the hole when finished for the day. An Otter can be used as a darkhouse. Some guys throw an extra tarp over them to make the inside darker. If you want to check out what it is like, I am sure some of the guys on the forum would take you along. In MN non-residents can sit in the darkhouse to watch but not to spear. North Dakota, MI, WI and AK are the only states that allow non-residents to buy a spearing license.

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As far as taking care of your spear, be sure to have something to protect the tines from getting dinged up. I have a cover I made by drilling holes in a dowel. As you can see from the videos, you need to tie a rope to your spear. If it doens't have a loop at the top of the handle, you should find a machinist who can drill a hole for you so you can attach a rope. Get good, dense rope that won't break when wet or frozen.

Now you just need to find a nice shallow flat or a point or some sort of structure to set up on where pike are cruising. Wiggle that decoy every once in a while and be ready!

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Parts of those videos are instructive such as cutting the hole and the view through the spear hole. On the other hand there were some serious problems depicted: 1) don't throw the spear from above the water. 2) tie off the spear so it doesn't ever hit the bottom. 3). don't throw two spears at the same time. 4) show some respect for the fish and other people by not doing things like taking bad shots so the fish fall off to die, swearing loud enough for anyone within a quarter mile to hear you, or spearing at everything that comes into the hole including tiny or huge pike (unless it is your personal trophy), etc.

It would have been better for those kids to have had a responsible adult along to teach them these things. I understand the excitement and maybe I'm a little old fashioned, but I don't like the way these guys went about their spearing. The same admonition would go for anglers that act in a similar fashion.

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Early Riser is right, I was in a hurry to find Agronomist a good spearing video before I headed out this morning, but I didn't have my speakers on and only watched about half of it. I am going to take the video link off since they are swearing and being disrespectful.

I did notice that they threw the spear making a splash....huge no-no. How much rope one uses depends on what you are spearing over. If I spear a muddy bottom lake, I don't worry too much about hitting the bottom versus a rocky lake. But I also am careful to pull up the rope in a hurry, because the other aspect of rope length and not touching the bottom is to not give the fish any leverage (the bottom) to get off the spear.

Spearing is like stand hunting deer. You need to exercise some restraint in what you spear. You definately don't spear everything that comes through the hole, and you definately don't spear a fish twice.

So if you want to see some darkhouse spearing, do a search for it on youtube but remember that many unethical yahoos have cameras out there.

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I go back and forth on the rope length question. When I first started out I didn't worry too much about the spear hitting the bottom, but after a couple experiences such as the spear getting stuck in the mud, hitting a rock or two, and the fish flopping on the bottom stirring up too much sediment to see for about 30 minutes, and the fact that a fish on the end of a spear on the bottom can seriously rearrange your weed cover, I have started to tie off.

I do like to have a back-up spear handy because there have been a few times when I wanted to make sure the fish didn't fall off. That being said I think it is really important to invest in the best spears you are able to find and be very selective about the shots you take.

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So if you want to see some darkhouse spearing, do a search for it on youtube but remember that many unethical yahoos have cameras out there.

Ya those kids were a bit more on the unethical side then one likes to see. After watching those videos on you tube, it really makes it clear on how one should spear. I think that the one is using a portable eskimo lodge ice shak, I thought the flip up holes would be to small to spear from but looks like it would work.

Has of right now I have these things to go spearing with:

1. Strikemaster 5 tine spear

2. Fake Perch decoy

3. Eskimo Lodge (very dark Canvas Cover)

4. Nylon rope to tie of spear

5. Auger & spud bar to open the hole

6. 1917 acre Lake with northern and perch that's only 5ft at the deepest

Anything else I would need?

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In MN non-residents can sit in the darkhouse to watch but not to spear. North Dakota, MI, WI and AK are the only states that allow non-residents to buy a spearing license.

Didn't look into it that far, sucks guess the great state of North Dakota will have to get my money instead frown.gif I'd really rather donate it to MN much closer for me grin.gif

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North Dakota, MI, WI and AK are the only states that allow non-residents to buy a spearing license.

And that's only if it meets this statement, from the ND GNF HSOforum:


Nonresidents may darkhouse spear fish in North Dakota if the nonresidents state provides the same privilege for residents of North Dakota.

Does MN allow non residents to spear?


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North Dakota, MI, WI and AK are the only states that allow non-residents to buy a spearing license.


And that's only if it meets this statement, from the ND GNF


Nonresidents may darkhouse spear fish in North Dakota if the nonresidents state provides the same privilege for residents of North Dakota.


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I was checking out the regulations on spearfishing here in Iowa. Here is what it said in the regs that is posted on the DNR HSOforum.

Unlawful Means

Gaff hooks or landing nets may be used to assist in landing fish. You cannot use any grabhook, snaghook, any kind of net,seine, trap, firearm, dynamite or other explosives, or poisonous or stupefying substances,lime,ashes or electricity in taking or attempting to take any fish.

Common carp, bighead carp, silver carp (see p. 23), grasscarp, black carp, bigmouth buffalo, smallmouth buffalo, black buffalo, quillback carpsucker, highfin carpsucker, river carpsucker,spotted sucker, white sucker, shorthead redhorse, golden redhorse,silver redhorse, sheepshead, shortnose gar, longnose gar, dogfish,gizzard shad and goldfish may be taken by hand fishing,by snagging,by spear or by bow and arrow, day or night.You cannot take or kill, or attempt to take or kill any other fish by hand fishing.

I have an e-mail into the DNR to see what they say, but looks like a guy can spearfish, just doesn't look like a very fun selection of fish. But if this is the case I would say that ND should let a guy spearfish from Iowa then. What do ya think? confused.gif

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I think you might be out of luck on this one but like marine man said get ahold of the game and fish they are good to respond quickly. If you are able then head to Devils Lake as they are one of the better lakes to have spearing success at.

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I know how you feel about everythign that you need for spearing. there isnt alot that is involed, unless you are a die hard like myself, that has to have 15 decoys in the house, 3 spears, saw...... list goes on.

For starters, is not bad. If you want some tips or hints, just let me know. i can help you out anytime.

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Got an e-mail in to ND to see what they say. MN definatly won't let anyone out of state spearfish, But I had someone mention that their could be a possibility of going to Upper Red Lake on the Indian Res. If you have an Indian guide take you out. Does this sound right or is the guy just messing with my mind.

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By no means am I a expert on Red but there are a few people from around here that go up there during the summer to fish Pike on the Red Lake River where it begins on the reservation, I believe they said the season closes at the end of October and doesn't open until the opener next year.

Other than that, I don't believe anyone other than tribal members can get out on the lakes on the reservation side.


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If the Ice is not to thick I have used my power saw to cut my spearing holes. Just do not put oil in the auto oiler!

Cut the block of ice and use a spud to split the block into smaller pieces so it is easier to get out of the hole.

Great sport! smile.gif I have not had time to try spearing for years. frown.gif

Glad to see a spearing forum! Even if I do not get out I can read the experiences of the guys that are out there.


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Agronomist et. al. -

There are currently seven states where spearfishing is still legal.





North Dakota

South Dakota


I'll break it down state by state -

Alaska - residents and non-residents permitted. Rough fish and Pike with special regs for certain lakes.

Michigan - residents and non-residents permitted. Rough fish, Pike and Muskellunge with special regs for certain lakes.

Minnesota - resident only. Rough fish and Pike with special regs for certain lakes.

Montana - resident and non-resident. Rough fish and multiple game fish with special regs for various regions.

North Dakota - residents and non-residents from the following states: AK, MI, MT, SD and WI. Rough fish and Pike with special regs for certain lakes.

South Dakota - resident and non-residents. Rough fish and multiple game fish with special regs for certain lakes.

Wisconsin - resident and non-residents. Wisconsin is a little different, they only allow for rough fish on certain lakes. I believe you are restricted to a 12" diameter hole?! (Maybe someone from WI can help me on this) They also have a sturgeon spearing season in February with special regs. Lakes Poygan, Winnecone & Butte des Morts had 500 permits that were available in a drawing. Entries had to be in by August 1st. However, you have until Oct. 31 to purchase a Sturgeon Spearing license for Lake Winnebago only. No permit restriction on Winnebago. Limit is one per season.

Ag, if I were you I would look at some of the lakes up in SD. Hamlin, Spink and Kingsbury counties to be exact.


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Oh yes, I'm suprised ' Fish ' ( a.k.a Fish Toys on FishingMN )as he is known is these parts hasn't chimed in on the board yet but I suppose he's in farmin' mode right now trying to get things tidy before freeze up. I did see him shipping a whole bunch of saws the other day so he must have been busy during the last rainy spell.

BOY, that must be one of his Alaskan version ice saws! That thing looks tall.

If you go spearing, Fish's handmade Ice Saw is a must in the aresonal.


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