Scott K Posted September 13, 2007 Share Posted September 13, 2007 The 1187 is the newer model of the 1100, they are both good guns. I guess the 11-87 has less problems with jamming, I was told, I never owned a 1100 to compare it to. Any sabot slug will work in a cantelever barrel, you just need to fire a few to find some that gives you a tight pattern at the range you hunt in.I am not going to get into brands of shells, I will let others do that. I use federal or remington. As for a scope I use the Leopold, and love it.And its under $500 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
g_anoka Posted September 13, 2007 Share Posted September 13, 2007 I have an old mossberg pump that I bought when I was 16, added a rifled barrel about 10 years ago. I known it isn't the most expensive gun, but it has never failed me in 30 years. Just keep your gun clean and it should work for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 13, 2007 Share Posted September 13, 2007 I figure since I was posting gun pics, I would show my Rem. 1100 slug combo. Here ya GO! I am sorry, it is a Rem slug barrel! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whoaru99 Posted September 13, 2007 Share Posted September 13, 2007 I have about a $100 scope (Bushnell Trophy Turkey scope) on mine and it suits my needs.Unfortunately, you still have to try different slugs to see what works best.IF I slug hunt this year, and that's highly doubtful, I'll be trying the Hastings-brand slugs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 14, 2007 Share Posted September 14, 2007 Whoaru99,You are so dead one!I found with one slug, I can get right on. Another slug I am off. It is so true! I just went threw my slug selection and found Winchester Super x and Federal Classic.I am almost positive the Winchester is what is on target every year!I will let you know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrophyEyes Posted September 14, 2007 Share Posted September 14, 2007 I was got a new slug barrel last year and was sighting it in with federal sabots with the Barnes expanders. I couldn't get one within 5 inches of the others at 50 yards. Then I shot Hornady's SST's and had five touching at 50 yards. I also like the expansion and weight retention of the Hornady bullet. The slug went through both shoulders. I won't shoot anything else now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 14, 2007 Share Posted September 14, 2007 I sighted my scope in with federal sabots, switched to the barnes expanders when they started making them. They are the only shells I shoot. Every fall around oct. I go to target practicea bit, I put 3 shells in, shoot at 75 yards all within 1 inch, always has been, I havent touched my scope adjustments since the first year I bought the gun 15 years ago. Other people in my party tell me I should switch also, but I never needed to, gun has been dead on since day one. Same goes for my 30-06 run 2-3 shells in it dead on, clean it put it back in the case, wait until opening day, its always been dead on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted September 17, 2007 Share Posted September 17, 2007 I've got an 870 that jamming is a severe problem with too. I'm at the point if I can't get it fixed it's going to have to go away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
96trigger Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Wandering, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. A ton of deer have been killed by using the old standards. Unfortunately, the best shells that come out of my gun are the Win Partition Golds, but when that deer walks in front, it is deadly accurate. I tried everything else (remington, federal, other winchesters) and the Golds had the best precision and accuracy. I have not tried the Hornady's but I hear great things about them. They really aren't any cheaper than the golds so why switch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 I agree the federals may not be the best, but like you said if its not broke! If I ever need to resight in my scope I will look at other brands, or if the prices for them arent competitive anymore I will switch. I usually only shoot 3-4 during practice, then 1-2 during hunting, I rarely miss, so I typically shoot a box a year, so price doesnt hurt me much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ron Burgundy Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 870, Mossberg rifled barrel, Bushnell Sportsman, and Premier Core-lokt Ultras. Dead nuts. Only used this set up for one year though. Smoothe bore I'd go Winchester Super-X. Fast and accurate for a smoothe bore slug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pascooter94 Posted September 24, 2007 Author Share Posted September 24, 2007 well i did it i bought the 11-87 with the cantilever mount and now i need to find a scope but what scope so many out there i would like your input thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 24, 2007 Share Posted September 24, 2007 I reccomend the leopold good light transition, durable for a shotgun, and is priced around $400. Its best to spend money for a good scope, you wont regret it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrophyEyes Posted September 24, 2007 Share Posted September 24, 2007 I like the Nikon Shotgun scope for a slug gun. You need something that can take that recoil on a regular basis. Nikon's glass has improved so much over the last couple years and suposedly has moved in front of Leupold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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