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Lime Green Grass Blades


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This spring I reseeded a couple of bare spots and now they are bright lime green while some spots that I did not reseed are also bright lime green. The rest of my yard has a really nice dark green color to it. What is this?

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So far this year I've used weed-n-feed and then the insect control on the established lawn. When I planted the new seed this spring, I mixed in starter fertilizer also. Should I try to power rake and aerate this fall then overseed? Maybe seeding in the spring just isn't the right time of year.

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It is Poa Annua also known as Annual Bluegrass...Trust me, I know. It is a weed. You can only kill it with Roundup. Chances are good it will come back because it is a prolific seed producer.



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It is Poa Annua also known as Annual Bluegrass...Trust me, I know. It is a weed. You can only kill it with Roundup. Chances are good it will come back because it is a prolific seed producer.



This is what I would say as well.

Is it taller and skinnier, with a distinct point, as well as single / two blades together??

Or is it clumps of grass that are growing out of one specific root structure?

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You'll have to either hit each one with a Q-tip dipped in round-up, or take a rubber surgical glove and put it on your hand, then put a cotton gardening glove over that, and dip that into the roundup, and "stroke" each blade.

If you're VERY VERY careful, you could do it with a sprayer, but you can only get 1 drop onto the blade and then let it run down the leaf of the plant.

If that sounds like too much work, then let it go. It'll die out around the first frost, but most likely it'll be back again next year, with a couple of relatives.

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The "weed" part of the weed & feed fertilizer stops your new grass seed from germinating. Made the same mistake last year. Called the extension office, then read the lable on the grass seed.

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