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Who has a rain garden?


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I am planning on making a rain garden this summer. They are a great way to use some of the stormwater that comes off of any impervious surfaces in your lawn. The stormwater wont just make its way to the storm drain carrying whatever pollutants with it. When planted full of natives they will show some spectacular color come late summer. Once the plants are established there is very little maitenance and even survive drought periods because their root systems reach very far down into the soil.

Anybody have any pictures of theirs? Tips?

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You want to choose a spot where the water collected will be infiltrated in 1-1.5 days, not standing water as to not drown the plants. I would plant a mixture of flowers, sedges, and grasses. Here are a few that would work great: Wild columbine, big-leaved aster, blue flag iris, blazing star, sweet coneflower, new england aster, boneset, fox sedge, penn sedge, goldenrod, little blue stem, golden alexander, joe-pye weed, wild geranium....and the list goes on.

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I work at the SWCD in Faribault County and we have worked with some groups that have installed several Rain Gardens in the county. Our HSOforum has some pretty good information and pictures. faribaultcountyswcd (Contact Us Please) com Go to Rain Gardens.

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We put one in at the wentworth Library off of Robert St. in West St. paul as a small county project. If you want to see how we did it take a look. They do wonders for getting rid of excess storm water.

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