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can you do riddles


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You have two coins that equal 55 cents. One can't be a nickel, what are they?


*At the end of this one, say the first thing that comes to your mind*

Say silk five times fast

What does a cow drink?

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If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?



A plane is flying over the United States/Canada border. The plane crashes. Where do you bury the survivors? The U.S. side, The Canadian side, or right on the border?

You don't bury survivors.

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i had the same answer of 2 boilerguy but then i thought they only match in the dark......if you grab 5 socks you are guranteed to have a match when out of the dark!!!! so to this riddle what is the correct answer??? 2 or 5 confused.gif

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How about this one, it was just sent to me..

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the riddle? Just repost this bulletin with the title "The World's Hardest Riddle", and then check your inbox. You'll get a message with the correct answer in it AND TRUST ME IT WAS THE MOST SIMPLEST THING U WOULDNT HAVE GUESSED

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