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Case for Lowrance H20...

The Yeti

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Not sure what your definition of "nice" is, but have the HL-5 from lei-extras. Inexpensive, full clear face, belt clip on the back. Nothing fancy, but eliminates those nasty scratches. I don't use it as much as I should, though. I got it for carrying in the B-Dub, but now use my RAM mount on the canoe thwart instead.

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Any suggestions where to get a nice case for my H20?

If you mean to just store it when not in use....I just picked up a cheap 35mm camera case at one of the local super stores....works great.

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I have a case that I use for my camera or GPS when I take it out in the boat or to the BWCA. I found it at a shop in Grand Marais. It is called an Otter Box. It has a belt clip on it, is padded on the inside, water proof and it floats. I paid approx. $20-25 for it and it works great for my needs. They come in different sizes and I know they have a web site. Hope this helps, Ken

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for my h2o c i just use a camera case and mine has two extra pockets on it. i use those for batteries, gps chips,ext. works great. does anybody know if they make a plastic case or hard case that you can put on your h2o incase you drop it and scratch the screen.

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