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If Public water is Public


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*Ahhh.. the sounds of sanity running rampant*

That Guy - Yougot it right!

The idea of moving someone's ice house and using the holes or the shack is one of three things...

1.) A fool who will get his butt whipped for trying something like that.

2.) A smart azz who is trying to be funny and is laughing at our reactions

3.) Someone who needs to buy an auger and hope he gets a "Clue Card" to go along with it.

Personally, I'm leaning towards #1, but I could be wrong.

I can't fathom where thoughts like that come from, much less where a person gets the cojones to publicly voice them, and I personally feel like maybe someone needs some help...

As someone who has put in the time and effort to build a shack or two, and also had them broken into, I can honestly say that if I was to ever see someone trying to move a permanent that I had put out, I might not show a whole lot of restraint when I got up to them.... and after that was over, the cops would be called... "Really officer, I was only defending my property. He was trying to steal it"

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That Guy,

Though I may not always agree with your opinions, I like it when you let them loose. The one I agree with whole heartedly:


I think common sense dissapeared the day it became illegal for daddy to bend kids over his knee when they thought up and did things like this.

That, my friend, is it in a nutshell.

I agree totally. Your are in the right on this one That Guy. You better not get banned for this.

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Its just insane.. the heck of it is, you would end up arrested most likely for acting in defense of your property.. If your lucky, the assualt charge will be dropped, but you'll pay dearly for battery. Personaly, I would just assume runt he person down with my truck.. I cant and wont do it, but it doesnt mean I wouldnt want to. The law allows us to call the authorities to deal with the situation.. good luck keeping the problem individual there until the authorities get there. We are near powerless in public unless we are attacked. If we are attacked, we are allowed to do what we are able to get the situation under control(defend ourselves), but we are guilty of a crime if we inflict unneccessary bodily harm on someone that had intent to harm us... So, if someone was coming after us with a pistol, we somehow got it from them without getting killed.. you better not use it on them. Thats our system.. I think it conflicts with common sense.

Sorry Ray, I dont mean to be so opinionated all the time, and it would probably be in my own best interest to more carefully think out my answers.. but why? My hide gets chapped pretty bad(and others like to chap it for me here and there when I expess my words the wrong way) when less thought is put into a question vs my non PC outburst pointing out the lack of common sense in a subject. I am not trying to make any enemies, prove any points, or earn any friends.. I am just me... trying to use common sense in my every day life in this crazy world we live in. We have 42 million people trying to save a whale, seal, or infectuous bacteria somewhere, 25 thousand people trying to steal my identity, 12 people locally trying to steal my car, 2 people trying to kidnap our kids, 8 thousand child molesters on the internet trying to learn of my kids identity.. 50,000 charities that 85% of the money goes to wages.. but they are non/not for profit.... and now we have someone trying to take my ice house! You have to draw the line somewhere!

I dont like it! And there is nothing I can do about except say that I dont.

What makes it worse? Theres a few people out there that might take that thought seriously and manipulate the system to acheive a criminal goal at one of our expense.

A scary thought.. 20 hours ago I saw my 2nd child come into the world.. beautiful, innocent being... that is going to have to deal with this publicly displayed or acted, pointless action, be affected by it, or capable to think it up!

I might be wrong.. we dont need to spank the kids as often... WE NEED TO SPANK THE PARENTS OF OTHER PEOPLES KIDS!! Young, and Matured.

What the heck does *Public* mean anymore anyways?

I know I have a few *loose screws*.. but if tightening them up is going to make me consider taking what is not mine, and feeling I have reason to do so.. I'd rather leave them the way they are with my corrupt way of thinking. The idea this thread ever came to exist is proof enough there is something very wrong with society.

If others dont want me to share my point of view.. just ask, and give me a good reason why I shouldnt.. and I will be happy to keep my thoughts to myself. I would rather focus my attention on something constructive personally.

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any one that mess's with My boat ,,,fishing gear ,,,or My Harleys I only have 4 words for ya "NO BODY ,,,NO CONVICTION" Nuff said

Notice the original poster hasnt made a comment since,,must have cranial rectal insertion


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Not to Hijack, but THat guy Congradulations, and I for one and not worried about that little person. Im sure that you will raise them with the right mind and they will know what to do in this messed up world! I know I was reading on another post that someones kid braugh up the right mind of thought about a deer shot. Thats when I realized the world of Hunting and fishing really is messed up by those who do not do it/understand it

again Congradulations


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Number 2 would be correct, sometimes I have to much time to think, When I'm not fishing.

1.) A fool who will get his butt whipped for trying something like that.

2.) A smart azz who is trying to be funny and is laughing at our reactions

3.) Someone who needs to buy an auger and hope he gets a "Clue Card" to go along with it.

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On Silver Lake near my home a woman came out and rudely asked us to leave the area because we were fishing near her dock. The area where she lived was "set back" into the bay where she most likely thought she owned the bay and water it surrounded.

This has happened to me on White Bear Lake, and other lakes up north by the Virginia area.

The reason I bring this up is I think it is a common notion among Lake owner people that they own the water their home is next to.

Well, they own their back or front yard leading to the water,my question I as never owned lakefront property is, who owns the shoreline?

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The shoreline is owned by the land owner. You can as stated use ant water that will float a canoe. It's been very well stated by Thatguy and others that common sense and common courtesy need to be followed by all of us out there. I live on a small No.MN lake, and know that I have no right to tell people where to fish, swim etc. That said, yes, cast by my dock and around my boat, I hope you catch a big one! If you can't cast well enough to keep from putting it in my boat and hooking something on the inside (it's happened) then go practice until you can. Also, if my kids are swimming in the shallows in front of my house, don't cast there then (yes, it's happened,too) I think but may be wrong, that the lakeshore owner is allowed to rope off a small swimming area, although I have never done this. We all should respect both sides of this issue. I enjoy seeing other people fish out on this lake, and realize that the waters are public but in certain situations, such as when the kids are swimming, ask yourself how you would feel if the roles were reversed. It does come down to courtesy and common sense, the same as any sportsman that when alone, makes the same decision with regard to ethics as he would if he knew he were being watched. I'll end with Happy New Year to all of you, and hope you can get on the ice even a third as much as you'd like to.

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