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Camp Ripley


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Alright, I need to vent a little about Camp Ripley this year. I know...I know...this is how it has always been, and this is always how it will continue to be. BUT for those of you that followed the guidelines that the DNR established, and put out for us, thank you. But for those that feel that it is more important to do what you want instead of following the rules, I hope you got skunked.

In the guidelines established by the DNR it clearly states, please do not show up prior to noon the day before the hunt. I rolled up to the guard shack at the entrance EXACTLY at noon, only to be 1/2-3/4 of a mile from the front of the line when I got into line. I talked to the civilian security officer for Camp Ripley and he said that they started letting people in at 5:30 that morning. ONLY BECAUSE YOU LINED UP THAT EARLY, AND WOULD HAVE BEEN A TRAFFIC HAZARD!!! Then the morning of the hunt they opened the gates to allow us in...only to sit and watch the right side of the line move because you a**h*les decided to let your buddies in line in front of you, because they didn't get there early enough! Thanks again! The one bright spot that came of this was they stopped an RV that cut into line at the check-in station, and made them wait until the last car passed. How was it getting to your stand at noon, and having to watch me drag my deer out before you even got your stand up?

If we don't start policing ourselves, they will eventually just have controlled hunts up there instead of giving us archers a chance to hunt. I realize that this has been going on as long as the hunt has been around, but we as CIVILIZED people need to start policing ourselves before we ruin a great thing.

For those that followed the rules and spirit of the hunt, I hope everything went well, and you were successful.

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Thank you i totally agree , I was also wondering about the noon gate thing , i was planning on getting there when allowed , i was confused by hearing people were getting in earlier . And the butting in line thing in the morning , its been like that for years i hate it and im sure others do to . Yeh i dont understand you would think being the hunt is held where it is , it would be really strict about the rules they establish. Well anycase i hear ya and ive dealt with it for years but as soon as im in the woods i tend to forget and have fun.

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Thank you i totally agree , I was also wondering about the noon gate thing , i was planning on getting there when allowed , i was confused by hearing people were getting in earlier . And the butting in line thing in the morning , its been like that for years i hate it and im sure others do to . Yeh i dont understand you would think being the hunt is held where it is , it would be really strict about the rules they establish. Well anycase i hear ya and ive dealt with it for years but as soon as im in the woods i tend to forget and have fun.

It’s a moral dilemma. You know that there will be a ton of people already there on Friday at 5 a.m. So do you follow the rules, and get there at noon, or do you give yourself the best shot to be one of the first 50 and show up at 5 a.m.? I know what I would do, but I can sleep at night too.

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I agree I guess you have to expect that however once in the woods you really tend to forget about it. Unless of course one of the Butters takes your spot of choice. I was wondering why the line didn't move forever. I guess with extra people butting at the last moment it makes sense to me. I agree with the gate thing. I though will follow the rules cause I don't want to be the reason the hunt is stopped and sharpshooters are called in instead. I did hear a few comments this weekend though that made me agree with things stated. One guy said he was upset cause he was in his stand at dark. Had a guy set up about 40 yards from him. He said" I didn't make a peep I waited till it was light then I waived at him" He said he couldn't believe that the other hunter wouldn't leave. Hmm... without a courtesy flash with the light I don't blame the other guy. Lets see. It is dark, you are in camo, you are quiet and you wonder why a fellow hunter doesn't know you are there. A Complete (Contact Us Please) if you ask me! There are many good people that make the hunt fun and enjoyable. But for those there are always a few that would be better off staying home!! Thanks to all who followed the rules, were courtious to others and made it a great hunt. I really enjoyed the oppourtunity and with all who are going this weekend to have a good, fun, safe trip!

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Wow, this comes from the same guy that was lucky enough to get drawn and then lucky enough to shoot a nice buck.

Get over it! You don't have to apply next year.


Hopefully a lot of people will read your comments and decide not to apply next year. If there weren't a few negative aspects to this hunt, just think how many people would apply. You would get drawn once every 3 - 4 years.

Oh man am I slow. I just figured out your logic on why you were complaining on this forum. You'll have a 0 preference next year and you are hoping that a lot of people read this and it will discourage them from applying, so that your odds of getting drawn will be better.

A tip for next time: If you want to get in the front of the line, you need to be waiting at the gate by Tuesday evening for the Thurs - Fri hunt. I'm not kiddin.


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Wow, this comes from the same guy that was lucky enough to get drawn and then lucky enough to shoot a nice buck.

Get over it! You don't have to apply next year.


Hopefully a lot of people will read your comments and decide not to apply next year. If there weren't a few negative aspects to this hunt, just think how many people would apply. You would get drawn once every 3 - 4 years.

Oh man am I slow. I just figured out your logic on why you were complaining on this forum. You'll have a 0 preference next year and you are hoping that a lot of people read this and it will discourage them from applying, so that your odds of getting drawn will be better.

A tip for next time: If you want to get in the front of the line, you need to be waiting at the gate by Tuesday evening for the Thurs - Fri hunt. I'm not kiddin.


I wasn't sure how to reply to this well thought out statement (note: sarcasm). So instead of banging my head on my desk, I will borrow, retune, and apply the following quote from Billy Madison to get my thoughts across.

"Mr. Bells, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

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So if the rules from the DNR State " DO NOT ARRIVE AT THE GATE UNTILL 12PM THE DAY BEFORE THE HUNT"Why would it be okay to arrive tuesday night again?? I guess I don't get it. Drawn or not everyone and I mean everyone should have to abide by the same rules. Personally my thinking is that if you were to arrive at 5am instead of 12pm you should not be allowed to come back untill the morning of the hunt!! Justifying why it is okay to break the rules is exactly what the point of this post is. Every has the same rules and rights at these public hunts therefore everyone should follow the rules end of story! I do side with MNDeerhunter here.

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I think the point here is why don't they inforce the rules here a bit more. I feel no matter what time you get there even if it was Monday there would be someone still that beats you there. Personally it doesn't bother me. There are a bunch of great spots to pick from. And just because you were the first 50 doesn't mean you are guaranteed anything. There is a lot of being in the right place at the right time that goes into Ripley. I personally had a lot of fun and I really ejoyed the opportunity and I know I was lucky because there were many who wanted to hunt that were sitting at home. So for that I really feel lucky I got to go. Good luck to all who get to go to this weekends hunt

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I agree with DH, why the heck didnt they enforce it?! that is really stupid from the DNR's part, make them come back in the morning or kick them out and only let them hunt the 2nd day; they should have done something

how many people do they let hunt this debackle? sounds like a really good area though with all the bucks taken every year from the outdoor news...

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I agree with DH, why the heck didnt they enforce it?! that is really stupid from the DNR's part, make them come back in the morning or kick them out and only let them hunt the 2nd day; they should have done something

how many people do they let hunt this debackle? sounds like a really good area though with all the bucks taken every year from the outdoor news...

The reason for not being able to enforce it is because the DNR says "not before noon", but when these self-serving egotists show up before noon, the Commanding Officer for Camp Ripley needs to make a safety decision and allows them in. See, these guys (I refuse to refer to them hunters) put the safety of themselves and all other motorists at risk if they are parked along 371, the exit ramp, and the adjacent roads. So in the interest of public safety the Commanding Officer is put into a position of allowing people in early, or risk injury to those that travel along those corridors. These people think of nothing but themselves, but they won’t change. More than likely these are the same people that think there are too many handicap parking spaces at the store, and “no one will care if I take just one for 15 minutes”

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Right on MNDeerhunter! The officer has not much choice. I would have them wait just inside of the gate and not be allowed to enter till much later. Or better yet take away your entrance letter and send you on your way!

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Right on MNDeerhunter! The officer has not much choice. I would have them wait just inside of the gate and not be allowed to enter till much later. Or better yet take away your entrance letter and send you on your way!

I agree with the last statement. Our group arrived right on time at about noon only to find out we were 3/4 miles in the line. The second day we observed 6 trucks cut in 2 trucks ahead of us because someone wasn't ready or it was their buddies. We manage to get 2 does and seen nadda bucks this yr.

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Right on MNDeerhunter! The officer has not much choice. I would have them wait just inside of the gate and not be allowed to enter till much later. Or better yet take away your entrance letter and send you on your way!

You know what? The more that I think about it, the more that I like your suggestion DRH...imagine this scene...it's 5:30 a.m. and a truck pulls up to the guard shack. The guard says, "Permit and drivers license please". The driver (and possibly passengers) hand them over, the guard takes the paperwork and hands back the drivers license, and says, "please turn your vehicle around and exit the property immediately. You are in violation of the established entry time by a mere 6-1/2 hours." Imagine the looks on the faces of those guys when they have to explain why they weren’t able to hunt it to their buddies back home? Priceless.

You could also have local and state law enforcement remove the violators from the local roads that are parked, and if they don't (or keep returning)? Issue them a ticket for obstructing traffic.

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The first morning it took over 1 hr for us to get to the gate, so we hunted close to get good position the second day, only to see a good handfull of people butt in line. Pretty cool guys. 2 of the trucks pulled right infront of me because I wasn't hugging the guys bumper infront of me. Was I extremely mad and did it wreck my hunt, nope, can't say I didn't call them a jerk to my buddy though. It's just unfortunate because that explains why it took us over an hr to get to the gate the first morning.

On a side note, on the south end the first day, we seen some incredible bear tracks. I've hunted bear and these where by far the biggest i've ever seen, walking right down the middle of the road over the top of my boot prints from earlier the day.. holy buckets were they big! Would have loved to seen that animal.

No deer for us, drew back on a buck and a doe but they didn't offer me a good enough shot. Seen some good deer though. Lot's of season left grin.gif

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Right on MNDeerhunter! The officer has not much choice. I would have them wait just inside of the gate and not be allowed to enter till much later. Or better yet take away your entrance letter and send you on your way!

exactly, why dont they enforce this! that would make me mad too, those who cheat, cheaters never prosper, and to cheat for a hunt, wow.

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I had to register just so I could post.

I have been going to Ripley off and on for 15 years or so. It has always been the way it was the first weekend. If you are going to Ripley you need to realize this and just accept it. At least they have tried to stop the budding in line.

I just keep telling myself "It's Ripley and this is how it is."

Keep in mind that Ripley is probably one of the only places in the country, you can put a stand up after scouting for one minute and have a big buck run by you 30 minutes later. Where else can you go and see 30 deer in a day in mid October??

I will be back and telling myself "It's Ripley and this is how it is."

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I had to register just so I could post.

I have been going to Ripley off and on for 15 years or so. It has always been the way it was the first weekend. If you are going to Ripley you need to realize this and just accept it. At least they have tried to stop the budding in line.

I just keep telling myself "It's Ripley and this is how it is." Keep in mind that Ripley is probably one of the only places in the country, you can put a stand up after scouting for one minute and have a big buck run by you 30 minutes later. Where else can you go and see 30 deer in a day in mid October??

I will be back and telling myself "It's Ripley and this is how it is."

Hence the reason that I wrote:

"this is how it has always been, and this is always how it will continue to be."

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