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Any duck movement in Lisbon area?

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Hey you North Dakota guys.....have you seen any movement of birds into the Lisbon area of the state? Am scheduled to come over to harvest my four-all I need- next week.I was over in that general vicinty two weeks ago and I saw quite a few dried potholes and just a few sorta nervous looking ducks. I'll be stumbling around the marsh a little south and west of you I guess....if I can find a swamp. Thanks.

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I saw what seemed to be a few more ducks in the area after the cold snap last week, but not a large number by any means. I still wouldn't say the "northern flight" has happened yet, but should be anytime now.

There are still ducks to hunt, but not a huge number yet.


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Yes... to some extent. A lot of the smaller potholes that only a held a foot or two of water are dried up. Things are a lot worse in the NE and central (Bismarck) and South & West Central that what we've got here in SE ND, but water levels are done a lot in the area. A lot of fire departments had record or near record numbers of grass fires. There was a pretty good grass fire about 10 miles west of Lisbon on Sunday.. gives you a pretty good indication of how things are around here... not as dry as other areas, but dry none the less.

Are you coming out to hunt basscatcher?


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Nope, not coming out, although some year I'd like to (both waterfowl and deer)! My neighbor had been going there waterfowling for a number of years because he has a friend that lives out there or something, but he wasn't going this year because it was dried up.

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I was talking to a farmer from the rock lake area today (north of Devils Lake) and he said in the last couple of days it went from hardly any ducks around to thousands of ducks feeding in his bean feilds. On my way to Cando this morning I saw several large flocks of snow geese coming from Hurricane Lake.

Jeff Dosch


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Just returned from lisbon area for a weekend of duck and pheasant hunting. It was a very enjoyable weekend. Our group hunted private land west of lisbon and ended with a few ducks, mostly ringbills and 15 pheasants. Pheasants sure became educated quickly in those big crp fields, as the dogs had a tough time pinning them done. There were very few mallards in the area and no geese. By Sat. we saw more migrating activity, but not a lot.

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