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Tire Chains


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Question for you folks: Last year was my first for using an ATV for ice fishing and there were times I would go through some heavy slush. Needless to say, the ATV would have trouble going through it, so what I would like to ask is: do chains make a big difference through slush, and would you advise buying them?

Thanks in advance

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You betcha, those chains make a big difference on slush, you can get used car chains at garage sales if you are lucky and cut them down to fit your 4 wheeler if you are handy. They are a lot heaver and will last a lot longer than the chains they sell for 4 wheelers. wink.gif

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Absolutely chains will help, I bought a set for my 660 Grizzly last year, they work great on ice. The downside is that the manufacturer recommends a top speed of 5mph, a broken or loose chain and plastic fenders do not make for a fun combination!

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Thanks for the reply's fella's. I Guess I will buy a set before first ice. I was up at Rainy last year and the slush was a real problem. Sounds like the chains will help.

Thanks again.


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Chains are ideal on ice. I know that a 2wd pickup with chains will outperform a 4wd without chains on ice any day. I would think this would hold true for ATVs as well.


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