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Lemon Law for Boats?



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Hutch....that's it!!! You've got to say enough is enough in my opinion. I'd make just one phone call to them saying they either give you a new '06 or even better yet a new '07 boat right quick, or you're going to court with them. If they say no, get a lawyer right away, file suite against them and Tracker and whomever else worked on the boat and make the shyte hit the fan!!! No one, and I mean no one should have to tolerate that kind of stuff. Call the better business bureau, call whomever you can. Stir the pot up good and then stir it some more! I'm [PoorWordUsage]ed just looking at it! (brings back memories of my old boat)

Enough is enough man. That's freakin rediculous!

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I sent them pics at tracker corp.

Not much was said from them except "They're Sorry"(where and how many times have I heard that before)

The new console is ordered(from what they tell me)...worse thing about it is that LR in St.C will have to work on it(maybe they'll do better as they have a "new crew" there "again"!!!

If I ran a business like either of these 2 places(Tracker & Link Rec), I would have been "belly-up" years ago!

At least I've got it back for the rest of the season...BUT, I'm still waiting for them to "make it right"!

Later guys 'n gals----I'm off to the lake!

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Sorry about your boat and sub-par service your getting for spending 30k. The first thing I would do is write a demand letter to the dealer and manufactuer, let them know your intentions if said boat isn't fixed in X amount of days. Hopefully this will put a spark under their arses. The attorney general's office will get involved if you contact them.

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I think that the best solution would be to make arrangements with Tracker to get the boat back to the factory and let them repair it right over the winter. I would think that would be agreeable to them if they have intentions of making this right with you. They aren't going to give you a new boat. frown.gif

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Hutch that sux man. I am [PoorWordUsage]ed off for you. After following thispost along and then to have to say you got your boat back. I was actually pleased. Then i kept reading and the anger just builds up, haha. What a joke, Hopefully you get this all squared away! Do that have monkeys working at that shop or what?! Best of luck to you man.

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Wow, that is bad. I added a console to my Crestliner Sportfish to make it look as a Fishhawk and I did a better job than them, from scrap stuff I had around.....

I hate to keep stirring the fire and make you mad but you seriously have to get on top of this.

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Basscatcher is right, at this point the only recourse you have left is to hire an attorney and contact the states attorney. It will be money out of you pocket for now but you can throw that cost in with settlement, along with "undue stress and strain" about owning a boat that spent the summer at LR.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

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I am sure some of you have read these threads from another walleye sight (initials WC) but I thought I would share some other people's Tracker experiences. Very similar situations.

web page

web page 2

I think the mods will let me do this. These are very interesting Tracker horror stories.

OK those links didn't work. If anybody wants to read them I can send them to ya.

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I am sure some of you have read these threads from another walleye sight (initials WC) but I thought I would share some other people's Tracker experiences. Very similar situations.

I think the mods will let me do this. These are very interesting Tracker horror stories.

OK those links didn't work. If anybody wants to read them I can send them to ya.

I have not read those stories, but I have to believe that it's more the dealer than the factory.

It's no different than if you take a vehicle back to the shop. Whether it's a Dodge, Ford, Toyota, GM truck, you can easily have a shop that's a dump and ruin things.

I deal with a Dodge shop near where I live. Over the years, for warranty work, I've had a truck broken into with both doors tore up. Also, my wife went in for an oil change, and they lost the keys to her car. It took 6 weeks to get the keyfob to unlock the doors again, because they ended up replacing the whole computer in the car. Meanwhile, she's driving a loaner.

It could easily been any shop. Personally, IMO, if you looked up "LR" in BBB's HSOforum, I'd say it's probably more their fault. Since LR is a big dealer for Tracker, once can make the link, no pun intended.

If you'd like to send those stories, please do....


I've also had the same thing happen with lawn mowers. After a while, you learn not to always just shop for the cheapest price.

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Thanks for the heads-up huntingislife. Looks like there's a bunch of us tracker owners in the same boat(pun intended)!

As for myself, I'm planning to be at most of the upcoming boat shows informing people on the "service" you get from both the dealer and the main corporation.

Oh yeah...I've got my consumer complaint form for the attorney general about ready to go too!

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Hutch -

I've got some bad news....

I was at my Tracker dealer today and asked the service guy about it.

He more or less said yes, that if you beat your boat, they will suffer damage. He also said that it's like anything else, whether trucks, cars, lawn mowers, you have to take everything with a grain of salt, because you're usually going to only get one side of the story.

He also said that Tracker does have a tendency sometimes to change things in the middle of a season, and that your console situation may have been one of those situations.

IMO, the dealer should have never let that out of the shop, but at the same time, they may have just done that to get you out of their hair.

Anyways, me personally, I'm not worried about my Tracker purchase. The depth locator bracket broke off on the way back from Park Rapids 3 weeks ago. Before I got any further, the service guy grabbed a new one off the shelf and gave it to me, without me signing anything for it, and said bring the old one back sometime within the week, if I could.

I realize this $9 piece of plastic isn't going to ruin the dealer if I never show up again, but it's the second time I've had a complaint. The first was the AM on the radio didn't work at all, and the FM was VERY poor reception. They had the boat back for 2 days to diagnose the situation and then ended up putting in a whole new head unit from this year along with a new antenna.

I don't know.... I think this shop would have never let your boat back out in your current shape, all it's going to do is end up as bad publicity.

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Hutch -

I've got some bad news....

I was at my Tracker dealer today and asked the service guy about it.

He more or less said yes, that if you beat your boat, they will suffer damage. He also said that it's like anything else, whether trucks, cars, lawn mowers, you have to take everything with a grain of salt, because you're usually going to only get one side of the story.

I had to grin at the "if you beat your boat" comment. I went thru a very time consuming hull repair on my SmokerCraft with St. Cloud Link Rec/SmokerCraft about 6 years ago. And there was no way that I "beat my boat", but that was what Link Rec was insinuating all along the way. I'm the guy who my in-laws call 'Captain Cautious'. I'm also the guy who has reached the 200K mile mark on 5 vehicles in the last 20 years. And this doesn't happen if you "beat" or abuse your vehicles. It happens when you take care of and maintain your belongings the way intended. And my boats are no exception.

So the "beat your boat" comment really gets my blood pressure up. Sorry to vent, but if I had to go through it again I would take all the advice above and act on it!

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Sorry to hear about your boat! most of the run around comes from the owner of link rec the main concern is making money not customer service! i know from experience i worked for him in the st cloud location until recently. you ever notice the employees change quite often? "were slow get rid of everybody" unfortuanetly the "new" employees haven't been there long enough to know whats going on. st cloud has been threw five or six managers in the last 8 months. i went from hourly working six days a week to salary working six days a week when it started getting slow they kicked me back to hourly, about a month later they let 13 of us go between st cloud and rodgers. anyways i know i rambled on but the point is its not the employees it's the owner.

p.s give it to him he deserves it.

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Keith -

I agree, that "beating a boat" is somewhat hard to prove, or NOT prove, unless you film every single minute that boat is in your hands.

Even if you filmed each fishing trip they could say that you left the one trip out that you "beat your boat".

Anyways, I suppose about the only thing that could be done, would be to rig up to the motor, a computer that would track all weather data for that trip, so one could show that you were only going 15 mph in 5' waves or that the wind was blowing 2 mph, therefore no waves when you were going WOT.

I guess that your point of dealing with SmokerCraft made an earlier point of mine though, that this situation is not directly tied to only Tracker.

I had a 16' Grumman before this Tracker I just bought, and over the years we've lost rivets here and there, never bent a hull though. It would start leaking, and we'd know that we had to start looking for the missing rivet again.

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Interesting how the manufacturer is using the "beat the boat" excuse. A few things come to mind when I read that. First, I would say that if you can't beat on a Tracker boat like you can on a Lund, Crestliner or Alumacraft, then Tracker better start re-thinking the structural design and strength of it's boats. Better to make canoes, kayaks and pontoons if you can't make a durable fishing boat. Secondly, if I were them and have been paying attention to customer complaints and issues that arise with the boats, I'd be at the drawing table working on revising the design of the boat and/or the materials used. Obviously there is something going wrong. Lastly, I'd quit making excuses to the customers like "you can't beat on the boat". Who the heck would want a boat that you'd be concerned about using in 2', 3' or higher waves? Not me. And if a dealer told me I couldn't beat on my boat, I'd be letting everyone else I know about it. Why? Not to bad-mouth the manufacturer, but because I'd hate for my friends to get a product that may be of risk to their well-being. Stop the excuses, go back to the drawing board and get the job done. Hire outsiders if you need to, but don't keep making a product that puts the customer at risk. It's bad for the customer, it could potentially be very bad for the business.

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If any of you are still interested...

The new console(got my fingers crossed) should be delivered to Link Rec in St.Cloud next week. Seems Tracker Marine has been dragging their feet making it. Hopefully, they(Tracker & LinkRec) don't screw this up!!! I suppose it'll take LR most of the winter to install it. tongue.gif

BTW...no one at Link Rec has made this "right" with me yet.

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Hutch -

Once you get it fixed, I know this is my own opinion, but you might want to check out my Tracker dealer.

2 weeks ago, we took the boat out, got about 500 yards from the boat launch and the alarm went off for the engine.

Figured out we had no water pressure for the motor, so we limped back to the launch with the trolling motor, and it figures we had to head back into the 20 mph wind as well.

Anyways, took it over to the dealer the next day, they said pull it around back, and blew the output for the water out. A piece of debris had gotten in there and so the engine could get water, but no where for the water to go.

They never even had us fill out paperwork that we were at the shop, just did it and we left.

Alot of places would have had to drop it off, wait in line, you'll get your boat back when we get the chance, even on a small situation like this.

Anyways, I realize that this, and my previous experience (radio wouldn't work, only FM) are small issues compared to yours, but when you walk into the dealer, you feel like they're going to take care of you, know what I mean??

I will say though, it's about another hour east of your Link Rec in St. Cloud.

One last thing... Tracker does seem to drag their feet on things, as it took me 8 weeks to get a cover for the new boat I bought in August. Just got it last week.

My mother-in-law works at Premier Pontoons though, and she's always talking about how they're waiting for fabric, or other parts to come in to either make things, or build pontoons, so maybe it's not Tracker / Premier, but they need better suppliers???

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Well...brought my boat up to Link Rec in St.Cloud for winterization & storage. Got there, saw a package from Tracker Marine in the corner, opened it up and guess what? Those IDIOTS at Tracker sent the wrong console, AGAIN! I just about went postal crazy.gif Called everyone on my "hit list" and did some royal ripping. Even went up to the main office and ripped into a salesman(since "he was the only one there"). Told them all that the attourney general's office will get the whole file on this one now. Got the old "we're sorry" bit. Told 'em they could write "we're sorry" an a 2X4 and stick it you know where. shocked.gif Finally, I regained my composure(sorta)...told them to get it fixed ASAP and got outta there before I did something really stupid. Did I mention I had all my hunting gear in the truck?(Guess I could have pleaded temporary insanity)LOL

wink.gif Now I just gotta wait until Monday to get ahold of Tracker's prez.

Man, what's a guy gotta do???

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I wouldnt mess around anymore. Get the lawyers working and get a new 07 boat out of the deal. That boat isnt worth its price in alum. anymore.

Oh and I hope someone from Tracker is reading this. Shame on you all!

And Link Rec. I dont know how you guys stay in bussiness.

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