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Can Non Residents register there ATV here


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My buddy from Il bought a another buddies (MN) wheeler and plans on leaving it with me for hunting. Can he register it in MN even though he lives in a different state? He doesn't plan on bringing it to Il because of all the tree huggers there.

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He can register the machine either in MN or IL. But either way, he will need to have at least a private use registration on it even if he is using it exclusively on private property here in MN (unless it's registered in IL). If either of you plan on riding on public lands, it will also need the public use registration.

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Good question MacGyver. I'm not 100% positive on this one, but I would have to say no. It was something that was explored, but didn't go through in the legislative session last year.

I would be ok with this being implemented in MN, ONLY IF, they offered as many trails to ride on as they do in WI. But at the moment, MN loses millions of dollars to their residents going to WI to ride.

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