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Kids ATV's


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by taking the test as agroup i meant this....the instructor read the questions, the group then discussed which one they thought was right (and if the concensus was for the wrong answer the instructor would "lead" them to the right answer) and then mark their tests!!

Ohhhhhh, that's not how the firearm safety "group test" went. I don't agree with the way your group testing went either.

LEP7MM, thanks for taking the time to clarify some of the intentions, and questions, for the ATV safety training.

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I just recently attended a class with the DNR Regional training officer in order to be certified to teach youth ATV safety classes. The officer explained to us that reading the questions out loud to the class eliminates any confusion the student may have about the "wording" of a question. It is proven that kids do better when the questions are read to them rather than left on thier own to decipher. I do not believe that the before mentioned instructors conducted a proper class. The fit test is a very important part of the test and I believe should be taken seriously. SAFETY is the reason for the class. This does not sound very safe.

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As for the original purpose of this thread, I bought my son a 50cc no name chinese wheeler off the internet last year. It was reasonably priced and has been pretty good so far. It came with a remote kill switch and starter that I hold in my hand(looks just like the keyless entry remote for my truck)so I can shut him down if he does anything not-so-smart! I think it was worth every penny as my 5 yr old has a blast on this thing. I will probably have to upgrade to a 90cc in another year or so though. But some 90's are fairly big compared to the 50's so make sure if you get a 90 that your child fits well on it.

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Thanks for all the replys and the great info. I have my mind set on getting a off brand. The main reason is the price. I can buy 3 or 4 of the off brands to one of the major brands. It is hard to do as for I am a firm believer in the you get what you pay for, but have heard some good responces when I asked around about some of the off brands. Again thanks for the opinions it has helped a lot in my decision. I wont be buying for a couple of months, getting married and need to make sure that is paid for, but after the kids have it for a month or so I will update how it is working.

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Have you talked with Ken lately? I sent him an e-mail with my presentation for you guys to use if you'd like but I haven't heard back from him.

I mentioned to Ken that I would be more than happy to help you guys on your first time out. I will be having a course in Waterville on June 25th for anyone that would be interested in helping out there.

If interested, you can contact me @ [email protected]


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Have you talked with Ken lately? I sent him an e-mail with my presentation for you guys to use if you'd like but I haven't heard back from him.

I mentioned to Ken that I would be more than happy to help you guys on your first time out. I will be having a course in Waterville on June 25th for anyone that would be interested in helping out there.

If interested, you can contact me @


No I havn't talked to him since the DNR meeting. He didn't show up at the last club meeting but we have another one coming up so I will see if he comes and talk to him about it.

Thanks for the offer of the help. We much appreciate it. We will probably need all the help we can get until we have a system of our own.

I'll keep that waterville course in mind. I would like to help out with a course once to get a feel of it. I'll let you know when I find out that I can attend for-sure.

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