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New Polaris 500, Should I purchase additional warranty??

S.D. Ice Angular

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I just purchased a New 2005 Sportsman 500, I plan on picking it up tomorrow.

It comes with a 1-year warranty now but I can buy additional years should I???

I have read many post on here and noticed that many of you have commented on

how happy you were that you had the 2 or sometimes 3-year warranty.

Is it worth it.?????

Thanks Guys

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My extended warranty has no deductable. I have not had to use mine, but I will for one final check up before the warranty expires(3 year).

The extended warranty usually covers the cost of routine maintenence also.. oil changes, etc. If you dont do all the work on your wheeler yourself, or prefer not to, its well worth the money in maintenence alone... shops are expensive if something does go wrong. With my extended warranty, I also got the guarantee that my machine would be worked on within 24 hours of the time it was brought in at the dealership.. beats making a payment if it had to sit there for 3 weeks to get looked at... or paying $135 for an oil change and spark plug if I want to ride the coming weekend and dont have the extra time to do the maintenence.

I work on my own.. but with the warranty I havent had to other than brake pads. If something major was to happen, the extended warranty could very well be a small price to pay.

They cost you, but I highly recommend the extended warranty.

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I have an 04 Honda Rincon I bought the extended warranty and I am glad that I did just had the engine rebuilt because of my stupidity or is that a rookie mistake eather one but Honda paid for the complete engine rebuild so to me the extended warranty is something I wouldnt by a wheeler without that just me.

Big Fish Hunter247

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Here is my take on extended warrenties, be it car, wheeler or a dvd player. If you think the machine is going to break (if you think you are going to use the warrenty) in that time frame, why purchase the machine? If you need the piece of mind to sleep that's another thing but I'd be willing to bet if you did a pole of the people that had purchased extra warrenty time I'd say 8 out of 10 didn't need them. They are nothing but pure profit for the company.

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Some good points MnFishinguy, but they don't give you a crystal ball, thinking or not thinking it's going break should have no bearing on whether you get a warranty.

If you have few grand laying around to spend on your machine when it decides to break after your warranty expires maybe you don't need the warranty.

If you want piece of mind get the warranty.

And IMO if I were you based on experience and the machine selected definatly get the warranty.

And yes Mnfishinguy is right the manufactures make a ton of money on warranty's, and most machines won't need major repairs but.......

Good Luck.

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I have a 99 sportsman 500 I bought new with a 5 year extended warranty and never needed to use the warranty and I beat the he!! out of the machine. grin.gif If it we're me I would pass on the extended warranty,but thats just my opinion.

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my extended warranty also came with routine maintenance included. when i added up the price of having the dealer do the regular scheduled maintenance, it was cheaper to buy the warranty with that included, plus also got the peace of mind if anything major were to go wrong its covered.

i figure resale value should be a little stronger when you can document that all regular maintenance has been done on time and by a professional rather than having to trust someones word maintenace was done.

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you have some good points with the service record.. also extended warranties can usually be transferred to another owner if the machine is sold... that has to increase the resale value.

Another poster asked what machine I have and its a 03' Kodiak 450.

Someone else cross referred an extended warranty to electronic items like DVD players.. well, if the DVD player cost several thousand dollars, I would get all the coverage I could get.

The warranties do cost you, but if you have a major oops, or a defective part that causes some damage... that can cost a heck of a lot more.

There is also another route, looking at machines that come with a longer warranty like Bombardier(sp?)

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Here is my take on extended warrenties, be it car, wheeler or a dvd player. If you think the machine is going to break (if you think you are going to use the warrenty) in that time frame, why purchase the machine? If you need the piece of mind to sleep that's another thing but I'd be willing to bet if you did a pole of the people that had purchased extra warrenty time I'd say 8 out of 10 didn't need them. They are nothing but pure profit for the company.

Right on. I am so tired of extended warranties. A few years back when I was buying a new truck they were pushing me to get one. They kept saying thing that it would cover. I asked well does Chevy have problems with that. Oh no no would be the response. Finally I said well if I need the warranty so bad many I should go down the road and get a Dodge. Well that ended the discussion and I got the truck and had for 110,000 and never once had a warranty issue. So personally I think that are a rip off.

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I bought one of them trucks to but got tlaked into the extended. I haven't used that part yet but by the time the truck had 30k on it they rebuilt the front drive, put in new trans, rebuilt limited slip, put new breaks on it, and did a couple other small things. The thing is, no matter how good or bad one persons vehical or atv might be the next one off the line might be the lemon or vehicale of the year and you have no way of knowing which one you are getting.

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If you read any of the Consumer Reports type publications and articles out there, they will tell you that regardless of the product line, the extended warranty buys are favorable to the salesmen and the companies and are huge profit generators. So overall they are definetely getting more than they pay out. Now the flip side, if you are the one guy that gets a big payout because yours go to junk, you'll think they are great. Its just like gambling really. The slots always pay more to the house, but the big winner thinks they are a great deal...

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