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Dog Food


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I have a 11 month old black lab and I've been feeding her Nutro from day one. I have recieved several compliments on her coat. Do your research on ingredients and i'm sure you find that the top brands are very much the same. Good luck with your new Pup.

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I'd get her on better stuff than Puppy Chow right away. If you want to stick with Purina, go to ProPlan. I think the puppy feeding is the most important as that's really when they are growing and developing. Feed a PREMIUM puppy food and then stay with a really good brand that is not mostly corn (not the first or second ingredient on the list). Later when she's ready for adult food, you'll have to figure out how active she'll be and all that and get the right fat and protein amounts to suit her. Don't skimp on food for a working dog, its the fuel that moves them!

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I've been having real good results for my Lab(5 years old) and English Setter(11 months old) with NutriSource. I've been feeding the setter adult formula from the get go. There isn't alot of difference between most puppy and adult formulas except there is a higher fat content in puppy formula. If you decide to change brands make sure you wean her off.


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I've been feeding the same thing metro joe is now for about a year, and have been extremely happy with it.

My dog seems to have more energy, [PoorWordUsage]s less (which is always a bonus) and his coat always looks good...

Plus, you're supporting a local manufacturer... I believe Nutrisource is made in Perham, MN.

Nothing wrong with Pro Plan either...


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I have two black labs and I feed them Iams Large Breed Adult. They have great looking coats, don't [PoorWordUsage] a whole lot (one is 90lbs so he is going to [PoorWordUsage] some) and the price is decent. Durring hunting season and when I have our big male pulling a sled in the winter I supplement with Natures Balance. It looks like summer sausage, comes in a tube.

My second choice would have been Science Diet.

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I have been feeding Maggie Eukenuba since she was a puppy. First the puppy formula, then large breed and during the season their High Protein formula.

She is almost four and and loves it. The puddles of drool around the bowl as she waits for the command to break can be messy though. And while taking a picture of her while using a flash can be difficult because she is so shiny.

I do not have any problems recommending Eukenuba to anyone.

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I have been feeding Maggie Eukenuba since she was a puppy. First the puppy formula, then large breed and during the season their High Protein formula.

She is almost four and and loves it. The puddles of drool around the bowl as she waits for the command to break can be messy though. And while taking a picture of her while using a flash can be difficult because she is so shiny.

I do not have any problems recommending Eukenuba to anyone.

I feed the exact same thing. I have a six month old that is on the large breed puppy, and my two year old switches from Eukanuba high performance to Eukanuba maintainance once the season is over. It is crazy the difference between the two make in her. On high performance she literally has to run around our yard three or four times to wear off the energy. On maintainance she still has energy, just not so much that she has to run it off. Nice coats and great weight management. At 7 months Libby was 62.4lbs and last week at 26 months she weighed 62.7lbs.

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I had a problem with my GSP going hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) this Thanksgiving while hunting where she actually had a full seizure. After talking to the vet, he suggested that I change her to a higher grade of dog food (I was feeding Iams Chunks) as once the Iams became available at the mass merchandizers like Walmart that the formula was downgraded. He suggested Purina ProPlan, Science and one other I continue to draw a blank on.

I switched her over to the ProPlan and also put our new puppy on the ProPlan as well.

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