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Micro chips


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I had it done with my lab pup. Seems like a very small price to pay for the chance that it could bring your lost pup back home. Think of it this way, $25 is only about the price of one bag of dog food and way cheaper than any of the upcoming vet bills! I say go for it!

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I discussed this with a few different breeders and some prefer tatoos over the chips. The micro chips are only read by certain kinds of readers, I believe there are about 3 to 4 different manufacturers at this time depending on what part of the country you live in. If you don't have the right reader then it will not show up. A tattoo is permanent and doesn't require a reader for identification. If you've ever lost a dog you will realize that both are worth it.

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I would jump all over it. I just had my puppy done last month and it was $55.00($25.00 for the chip and $20.00 for the registration). I also have a two year old female lab that has one too. Libby's was only $35.00 from the same vet and same company in 2003. It is added insurance and a small price to pay if you ever need to use it. My new male pup's breeder actually required the chip as part of the health guarantee.

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Thanks for your input guys. I am a Brittany breeder, and I am thinking about either chipping all the pups I sell (which means increasing the cost per pup) or offering the option to have them chipped to the new owners.

The chips are $25 & lifetime registeration is $15, I feel it is well worth it and I have all my dogs chipped.

Thanks, Ike

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My dog has the chip and it worked once already.

Even though she was just in the back Cul De Sac they still called me to let me know where the dog was at.

I didn't even know she got out, the kids left the gate open the night before so she got out right away in the am.

Got the call about two hours after I let her out for the morning.


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