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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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I guess 2) McGurk, recent aquirer(er?) of a small shack on the shores of Lake IWBT. Just my wife and me (at present) and commute regularly from my home (here) to a 5-day long stay at the cities on a weekly basis. Still meeting regulars here and am enjoying the festivities.

Formulated fixing up a flying fishhouse for the fling, failing forthwith.

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3.) Dan Thiem. Resident of the lake with a few good friends that have cabins there. Always enjoy myself while reading about the lake and my rare but cherished trips to the lake.

Almost got in some trouble with my ice stealin dog once but Bobby smoothed it out for us.

My favorite things about the lake. In no particular order.

Pizza cannon

ice shack flings

Mindy and Mandy and their root beer

the way the mail gets delivered

the residents and their funny activities

And of course this list I copied and pasted from an earlier post.

Lodge Pole Resort

Reed the Realtor, local Realtor, Town Hall member

Porky's Houseboat-drink establishment.

Pink Flamingoes- a donation puts the flock in your yard of choice.

Johnson boys, local brothers who do odd jobs when home from college.

Hammering Hank, town handy man, jack of all trades. Town Hall member.

Tom Miller-FOOT, a resident of Lake Iwanttobethere who passed on.

Dew Drop Inn-drinking and eating establishment.

You Bet'Em Casino ran by Ma and Pa Willow pull tab business

Mark the Mailman

Ms. Molley Bodensteiner, Reeds secretary, part owner of the Watering Hole

Frank the county plow driver

Marv's Dinner- eating establishment.

Marc's towing and Lawn Service

Dr.Burriem, towns retired Doctor

Sundown Cafe- eating establishment

Gas and Go where Willie Wrenchhead works

Wolfgang Puck, noted local trapper

Jess the Paperboy

Old Lady Snaggletooth- mother of Bucky Snaggletooth owner of the mini-dounuts

Blaze-resident of Lake Iwantobethere

Dan Thiem-resident of Lake Iwantobethere

Widow Hess-just think of Ann Margret in Grumpy Old Men

Dusty McMurtry's chimney sweep

Dale Frozen Toe Mitchel- former ice depth tester and resident.

Mabel's Sauna and Hot House

John Lufer- power co. Employee- resident

Jimmy- resident-fishermen

Swen and Leona's boy Lars- local hockey player.

Sunshine Ray-local radio weatherman for KCUM

KCUM local radio station

Old Man Walter-resident

Old Man McFarlane- former resident-rocker- big donor to town

Surplus is Us- local discount store

Floyd owner of Floyd's hardware store.

Nytelyter-fishermen here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Ben and Jeannie- former TV hosts- residents

McPettes- resident-still owner ?

Peters- deceased resident

Mrs. Peters-accused of making Mr. Peters deceased.

Jones Twins- owners of the Do Me Inn- resort


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4.) Duckslayer AKA Jimbo. Bought a small place on the south end of the lake with my pittance that they call my Air Force retirement check. Jack of all trades, master of none. Spend time on the look out for the "meanders". They are a VERY mean bird and if they were to colonize here it would be a disaster! Like to hunt and fish and hope to have a fish house built to partake in the launch this year. I wonder if I would be disqualified for putting some JATO bottles on it for a bit of extra umph... With all the good people that live here as well as those who visit this has to be the best place on the web to take up residence. Bobby, those new cement pads are working out great for parking the bike! I spose one of these weekends we will have to bring mama's MGB up here and show it off. Will have to enter it in the next parade and throw tootsie roll's out of it! Well it is about time to watch the news and fall asleep. Don't have to worry about seeing the weather tonight... it's gonna be nice all the way through the weekend. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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To sweeten the deal if you post and let us know that you visit us here at Lake Iwanttobethere we are offering at no charge some coupons to area businesses. As soon as the word was out several offers came in, so if you post here is what you can get.

Pitcher of Mindy and Many's Root Beer and four Coney's here at the Lodge.

Free parking at the public access.

Buy one Loose meat sandwich and get one free at AMY's

10% off any thing in Earl's General Store sidewalk rack.

50% off any one meal with one at full price at the Dew Drop Inn

Free sub with big pizza shot from Del's using the Pizza Cannon.

10% off with Hammering Hank on any new job with a free calendar!

Molly Massage is offering free oil.

There may be more.

Dan, Duckslayer and McGurk you can pick yours up at the Lodge. From LakeIwanttobethere (15805) Don't forget Friday the fantastic fine fingers of fifties fiddlers Fiona and Fred Fiddle and there sons Fedo, Fritz, Floyd and daughters Fawn and Frema and grand kids Felicity and Frank. on the back of the fancy Ford flathead flatbed and it's free!

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Nytelyter... aka paul i am on the point that seperates sylvia bay and waconia bay i have the john deere green fishhouse that doubles as my summer cabin. (not to be confused with the john deere green cabin where the nudists live) i have just recently retrieved my old atwater 4 horse from vicki at masterbaiters that i had lost many years ago off of the back of an old boat i once owned. and i am the resident sailor as you will see an 18ft hobiecat with brightly colered sails onit on the shore of my point. i also am a semi retired pyrotechnition. and still love to dabble in them on the 4th. it was said i had a pretty good show for my 1st year on the point. i also make a mean pot of beans and am a regular participant in the bbq weeks festivities. with my award winning brisket. i have kind of taken a likeing to mindy. but heck who hasnt. i do know there a few rumors about her and me. as we have been seen together more than once in the past. but a gehtleman will never tinder or denigh those rumors. ... paul

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I just want to point out here that Nytelyter did not say anything about picking up his coupon for Mindy and Mandy's Root Beer.. Me thinks he is getting his Root Beer for free!!

Also Chuck has added a coupon for a small bottle of his Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup. Dug has also offered free air for all trailer tires at his shop...

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Got a call at the Lodge from an irate town mayor, Tom. He was looking for our part time constable. I told him he was out fishing with Elmer as he had to work the Friday night stage area with the fantastic fine fingers of fifties fiddlers Fiona and Fred Fiddle and there sons Fedo, Fritz, Floyd and daughters Fawn and Frema and grand kids Felicity and Frank. on the back of the fancy Ford flathead flatbed and it's free!

Anyway someone had parked a SUV across the two parking meters and the handicap parking area. in front of Doc Burriem's and Reed the Realtor place. Tom, the mayor had been waiting in his car for the last hour to give the driver a piece of his mind. It might be fine in the big city to just park in fire zones and loading zones and walk away but that was not going to happen here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I could hear he was getting more upset as the parking meters were his babies. I suggest maybe Dug could find a way to secure the SUV till the owner came back or maybe Tom should just go to the town hall and get the extra book of tickets we ordered and just write the driver a ticket himself.

That was no good as we both know if the driver was not a local he would just drive off and never pay. I told him I would pass the information to Dug and try to get a hold of Elmer. Calling Del's pizza shop I ordered some pasta and bread shot to Elmer with a message about the SUV Then I called Dug at the garage and he said he had an idea.

Later I had to make a run to the cabin and as I went by Doc's I saw the gold SUV up on blocks with all four tires gone. There was a note on the window so I guess he will be paying for his ticket before he leaves town today. And who says nothing ever happens here at Lake Iwanttobethere ! (15826)

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What can I say, Nytelyters brisket is a thing of beauty. I had three portions before I decided for sure to name him the over all blue ribbon winner. Congrats..... BBQ week is winding down. We had five very nice days for it and now the heat is coming. Going to be in the 90's here for the next several days and I think the town will be quiet. Night fishing out on the flats will be the thing.

Spent the better part of the morning working on Chuck's inboard, had to replace the starter. Getting it out was not to bad but then we had to find a replacement. What starts as an easy job always seems to get more involved as the sun gets higher and the day gets hotter. Finally got it running just in time to make the run down to the park. Which was good as there was no parking with all the cooking going on.

After all the ribbons were awarded I came up to the Lodge to get out of the sun and have a cold frosty beer. No root beer, it was time for a Hamms on tap. Sitting on the deck with the cold mug in my hand resting on my full gut. The melting frost dripping on me, felt good. Nice breeze blowing from the lake and the rich smell of BBQ smoke and sauce. Just don't get much better then this. After an hour or so I was recharged and went looking for some ribs.

Coming up on the calendar we have the Lake association meeting next week, and then the most talked about event. In just a little under a month, the wedding of Hammering Hank and Ms. Hess. Our black carhart coveralls and frilly white French shirts came in the other day. If I have enough Hamms in me I won't mind the frilly shirt, at least for awhile. Forecast is calling for some dead middle of the summer heat. Things are going to get warm and sprinklers will be running. My gardens are doing ok. They could be better, my corn is nothing to talk about. After that wind storm it took a lot of them down and the rest are not standing to tall. Berries on the other hand are doing good and my wine grapes are doing great! With the heat coming we might just see some good thunderstorms late in the afternoons. Not good to be out on the water when they develop but a lot of fun to be in the swing and enjoy the free light show. Of course any moisture will be welcomed. A few of the back bays are really low, some don't even have enough water to float a pontoon. For cabin owners this makes life a little tuff having to get wet wading out to the boat. For some unknown reason some of the other bays are a little higher then last year and are not so weedy. Water temps have been right around 76 to 80 but I expect that will go up.

Tonight here at the lake it is 60 out at 10 PM and actually a little chilly away from the fire. Going to bring as much as that cool air into the cabin and then close things up tight for tomorrow. Still activity down at the park and access as people are just now starting to come off the lake and a few fires are being lite and others are being added to. The breeze is bring the smoke out over the point and that is one thing that I never can get enough in the summer. Someone shot off a few fireworks but that was soon stopped. I did notice the Ford Flatbed leaving after the final performance of Floyd and family this evening. They won't be back till Hank's wedding reception.

The owner of the gold SUV finally showed up and after a heated discussion and a warning the ticket was voided. The SUV owner figured he had beaten the little town mayor and cop until he received the bill from Dug for putting his tires back on. After money was exchanged Dug put the rest of the lug nuts on. So the town did get it's money as Dug bought a round at the Lodge.

Sitting out on the swing at the cabin this evening an endless parade of pontoons were going by. In all colors, shapes, and sizes. A few are fishing as you could see rods in cradles or being held by hand. Most were just filled with locals laughing and chatting away as they putt around the lake. A few water skiers were out and a few jet skies to but we don't usually see to many of them.. Ever since Elmer impaled that one used jet that he bought on the dead head in front of his cabin as a warning. Well time for me to turn in I think. Spent enough time in the sun today and might have had just a tad to much brisket and maybe a few to many Hamms. The swing is looking good and I may just grab a quilt and sleep outside tonight. I'll let the birds wake me up in the morning and get a little fishing in before the sun gets up to high. Hoping you made the trip to your end of the lake today or am on your way up tomorrow. Summer by some people is already half way done. From Lake Iwanttobethere (15894)

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A quick post to let you know of another follower of the goings on at Lake Iwanttobethere. My 85 year old mother has the cabin just east of Ottertail Point that has the two white martin houses. I try to spend as much time at the "lake" as I can, and my life goal is to personally meet each and every gamefish in the "lake". Keep up the good work and maybe someday we'll meet and enjoy a cold one together (or better yet with Mindy or Mandy or Mindy and Mandy). Life at the lake, it just doesn't get any better!!


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Well the plan was to have the birds be my alarm clock this morning but that did not work out. Instead I woke up to the distant rumble of thunder and the sound of rain drops hitting the canopy above the swing. Since I was comfortable I just dozed some more as the rain moved in. With the heat wave still on it's way today's rain was a nice surprise. It came down hard a few times and the rest was a nice steady drizzle. Just what the gardens, and lawn needed. Around eight or so in between showers I grabbed some breakfast and went down to the dock. I took out the 9' spinning rod and launched a leech out into the deep hole right out in front of the dock. I can just make it with the long pole. Thirty minutes later I had three walleyes for the frying pan. I cleaned them up and a few minutes later they were on ice up at the cabin.

The Puddle Humper was already on the trailer so during the rest of the afternoon I spent time in the boat house removing the scum line and using metal polish to clean up the hull and rails. Didn't want that scum to get baked on if the warm weather comes as promise. With the radio tuned to the baseball game the job went quickly. Had the doors open and the steady sound of the rain and the baseball game just seemed to go together. Around three or so the rain stopped for good. I went to the fire pit and started a small fire in the ever present bed of coals and went inside to get fixings. My daughter was on the outside swing busy reading the latest Harry Potter book. Even Harry has made it to Lake Iwanttobethere. From time to time I would hear her laugh or utter a profanity at what was happening in the book. She has been reading and following Mr. Potter since the sixth grade.

Gathering my fillets I made quick work of peeling some spuds and dicing them up. Taking the two big cast iron fry pans to the fire I soon had spuds and fish frying away on the open fire. Adding some onions to the tatters and late lunch was ready. Only then did the daughter come and join me and the wife. Eating while still holding the book open with one hand she continued to read. I said nothing, I am happy that she enjoys reading so much. With the price of books these days it is hard to find a young person that will spend the money let alone the time to read one. I did get a kiss on the cheek and she headed back to the swing to continue reading.

Going back to the boat house I checked tackle boxes and rods. My friend Jerry and I will be going out fishing tomorrow afternoon as we are both going to use the heat as an excuse to not work. I have a few things that need to be done but by noon I will be ready to go. Jerry may take a little longer before he can get an excuse to get out of the office and to the lake. With the boat ready I was back down at the dock. Barney was fishing. As soon as the last of the thunderstorms left he was out of the cabin and his hiding spot. Standing on the dock looking over his shoulders I can see he was eyeing some gills that were moving back and forth under the dock. A few pontoons trolled by and we exchanged some waves and fishermen hand signals in regards to number of fish caught and size. It being silent Sunday they know I won't answer them if they yell anyway. I head back up to the deck and have to step over a sleeping Bud. He opens one eye and watches me. As soon as he figures there is no bone coming his way he closes the eye and resumes his snoring.

Having nothing better to do I stir the coals in the fire pit and add a few chunks of wood. I am soon rewarded with a blazing fire and sitting in one of the wood chairs I soon am lost in the fire and the sounds of the lake. You know I have never seen the same fire twice. Everyone is different. There is something to be said for good fires and bad fires. Small hot coal fires for cooking and smoky ones to keep the bugs away. Bright fires with flames for light and hot ones to keep the cold away. Teepee fires that fall into themselves and fires made of gopher wood, as soon as you put the wood in the fire you GoFer more. Elmer came over with two beers in hand, pulled up a chair upwind of the smoke and we clanked bottles and grunted. Got dark fast as they skies were cloud covered. Birds sang for a few minutes and then the lake was quiet. Bud came down and laid on the ground looking into the dancing flames of the fire. I wonder what he was thinking. Not long after Barney came out of the cabin with a bone and Bud seeing this went to get his. From out of the shadows Pepper appeared and leaned up against the chair that Elmer was sitting in. He reached down and gave her a dog rub and pat. With that Elmer got up and retrieve his and my empty beer bottle and walked into the darkness heading for his cabin. Pepper climbed into his still warm chair and was fast asleep.

I debated on throwing another log on the fire. My daughter with Bud following came to the fire. Reaching down she pushed coals around with the poker and then added two more chunks to the fire. Sparks flew skyward and the wood caught. She shared the chair with Pepper and gazed into the fire. Looking at me she said "It was good, you will have to read it".. I nod and we both go back to the fire. From Lake Iwanttobethere (15954)

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My 85 year old mother has the cabin just east of Ottertail Point that has the two white martin houses.


Ahh I have lost a fish or two off that point, welcome to the lake Eelpout and stop by the Lodge, there are coupons in your name there. Come to think of it I think them Martins attacked me once, but that is another story! Bobby Bass

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Ahhh just got back from the lodge. I was feeling a mite hungry so I stopped in to claim my pitcher of Mindy and Many's root beer and 4 coneys for lunch. Now I think that I will stay in the cabin for a while, the 4 conies all at once may not have been a good idea. confused.gif

I am sure glad that it did not get as hot today as they were predicting! The AC broke on Saturday and we are in a dilemma. The inside unit is 19 years old and the outside unit is 21 years old at least. Do we sink money into that or just update the whole thing and get a much more efficient one? Will have to ask around the lodge and see what the consensus is. Would be nice to get lower utility bills though! We are leaning towards updating but then we have not seen what those prices are yet either and there may be some sticker shock involved there. Would be around $200.00 to $300.00 just to fix the immediate issue of the fan and some relays going bad.

Think that I just might take BGB (Big Green Boat) out later when things settle down shocked.gif and see if I can catch something for supper later on tonight. Powerful as those conies are they may not last the night. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Hot enough for ya? A balmy 92 here at the lake. A slight breeze but not a lot happening in town. Good afternoon to just find a shade tree and sip on lemonade. Even to hot for a fire in the grate today. Maybe when the sun goes down we will gathering around the fire pit and start it up. Spent last night with my friend Jerry fishing. We trailer the Puddle Humper to a launch site on the far side of the lake and it was actually quite nice there after we got out on the water and away from the biting horse flies. First thing we did was take a swim in the 81 degree water and then air dried. Fishing with Jerry is pretty low keyed as we spend more time with the lures out of the water talking of days and memories of women long ago.

We did get some fishing in, tossing spinner baits looking for bass but catching more hammer handles. Nothing with any size and we were beginning to wonder if our little bass bay was turning into a northern sanctuary. After a few hours and only one bass and ten northerns brought to the boat we were thinking about getting off the water and heading to a tavern for a cold one. We turn the humper towards the landing and decide to fish our way up the shore line when we finally started to pick up a few bass. Nothing big just those solid pound and half to two pound fish. The ones that make an evening fun. I was still looking for a big top water hit and the water was perfect for it. I had spent a good part of the night tossing a buzz bait at good looking spots and my arm was about ready to fall off. Switching rods I had a big zara spook on and I dropped in an opening between some Lilly pads. Turning to Jerry I continued telling a story about another fishing trip we had both made. Glancing back at the spook I gave it a soft twitch and was rewarded with a big splash and some weight on the rod. I set and felt a nice fish for half a second and then nothing. A single word echoed from mouth around the bay as I reeled in slowly. Working the bait like a wounded morsel talking out loud to Jerry about how them big bass like to wound their prey and then come back and hit again. The bass was not listening as the lure made it all the way back to the humper with out even a swirl.

Not much of a story to end the nights fishing but sometimes even here on Lake Iwanttobethere we don't always catch a big fish. A lot of times we make our memories out of the weather or who we are fishing with. A nice fish would have been nice. All I would have wanted was to get her on, then maybe get her close to the boat and then I suppose I would have like to touch her. Putting her on the scale and a couple of pictures would have been nice also. Not to mention bragging rights for awhile. But I was left with a memory of what could have been and a mental note to fish that section of shore line with a little more attention next time.

I did hear that Duckslayer had his four Coney's and drank his pitcher of root beer at the lodge. It was kind of meant to be a family meal but I guess Duckslayer was hungry. The Coney's do have a way of just sliding down. Ellpout I meant to say I was attacked by Martians not Martins off your grandma's place but that still is another story.. Well I am off to the dock to dangle my feet in the lake for awhile. Hot enough here that all three dogs and all three cats are in the bedroom with the ac on. Amazing how good buddies they can be when it is hot out and they have to share. From Lake Iwanttobethere(16062)

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Being the cat lover that I am, NOT, I would even share with them at this point! Our AC is still out! Here in the dungeon it is not so bad but upstairs is just plain unbearable! 84 is what the thermostat says it is up there but it feels a lot worse than that. I am hoping for a cool night so that I can get some sleep. We have a new unit coming tomorrow or Thursday and it will be a lot more efficient than the one that we have but holy cow, they are sure not cheap! Did get out to do some fishing last night but had about the same luck as you did Bobby. Ended up coming to the cabin and making some corn dogs for supper. Not as good as fresh caught fish but like my buddy George always says "It'll fill the hole and make a ....".

Has the look of rain out there tonight but not the smell. I guess we will miss it once again on this end of the lake! Yard is looking pretty brown on the down side but on the up side I have not had to mow it for three weeks now! Would like to see some rain though, the crops could sure use it! I am afraid that if we do not get some soon the whole community will have to get together and wash and wax their cars, you know, that modern day rain dance! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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I am not a cat lover but now having had them around the cabin for the last few years they do pull their weight in the fall catching mice. Of course it is such a big deal for them. After the kill they have to parade it, the kill. around the cabin showing it off for anyone to see. I am sure the dogs take care of their fair share of rodents but you never see them doing the parade act. The little boys as we call them are a two years old now and weigh around fourteen pounds each. They are jet black twins of each other and you can only tell them apart by a few white hairs on the chest of one. Having cats I have now learned few things about them. I thought the first thing I should do is just ignored them. I found out later that cats do not like eye contact and by ignored them I was encouraging them. They feel comfortable being ignored. My daughter who for some reason shared my not affection for cats also ignored them. She is now the proud pet of Buff. Who sleeps in her bed and is constantly bring her things. Rolls of TP, my wallet a roll of quarters once. The more she ignores him the more he comes to her for attention.

The little boys have grown up with the big boys, the labs. Each dog has his own cat. I just shake my head when I find them sleeping together. Being a dog owner I feel betrayed that my big boys let the little boys sleep next to them in front of the fireplace. The mother of the little boys is a tiny little Siamese that the son kind of forgot here. I first tried the ignoring thing with her and now she follows me from room to room in the evening and is queen of the cabin. She sleeps at my feet and if I move during the night she will take a swat at me and growl. I am sure there are many households that share dogs and cats. I just didn't think I would ever be one of them. I thought I would train them like the dogs and there was no reason they could not learn some commands. Ya right.. They only sound they come to is the can opener. The dogs are there allies as they will knock the milk bone box of the shelf. The dogs can them help themselves to what ever falls out of the box. Can't blame the dogs and the cats don't stay around long enough to be lectured. I'm just glad we don't have birds anymore. Still hot here, good luck on the AC from a summers night at Lake Iwanttobethere (16080)

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Taking time today to avoid the heat and work inside the cool thick cedar walls of the Lodge. With the Lake Iwanttobethere Lake Association meeting coming up on Saturday there is a lot to prepare for here at the Lodge. We are expecting a good turn out and we have already got our literature back from the HP who did our printing for us. Today I have to call in orders for rolls from Amy's and contact Nytelyter if he would be interested in preparing some of his award winning BBQ brisket. We will be getting in a special delivery of chips from the chip guy and the beer vendor has the Lodges main walk in cooler filed with extra kegs of Hamms. The smaller cooler has watermelons chilling and farmer Jake will be in Saturday morning with a load of fresh picked sweet corn for the corn roast. Hammering Hank has the wood pile stock for the Lodge's out door BBQ

It did cool off some over night and this morning we have dense fog. Now would have been a good time for Capt. Steve Needapenny to be playing them foghorn tapes of his. Going to have to get a hold of Mindy and Mandy and make sure the root beer will be here on time. Will have to find some place to put it in the cooler or maybe the ice house. Speaking of the ice house this stretch of warm weather has really put a dent in it. Will have to make a note to increase harvest next winter. With all the new visitors to the lake we have been pretty busy here. That of course will be one of many topics up for discussion at the meeting. Public access will also be discussed, we now have enough room to launch six boats at a time but some feel we should expand. There were several times that four lanes were being used at the same time and we like not to keep anyone waiting. Parking is a concern also. We do have the golf carts shuttling fishermen from the lot to the docks but we only do that on the weekends. We have been seeing more fishermen on Thursday nights and with the Boccie ball courts in use and trap shooting starting it's late summer league the lot may have to be expanded. Just lots to talk about.

If you did not get your letter in the mail Mark the mailman will be delivering a flyer in your dock mailbox this week. Saturday the 28th starting at 3 p.m. with a social hour in the Lodge and then meeting at 4 p.m. down at the bleachers off the softball field. At 5 p.m. you can return to the Lodge and we will begin taking association dues payments and handing out drink and food tickets. Will also be accepting sponsorships to the Lodge. We are shooting for buffet tables to be ready to go at 6 PM and we will be serving till 8 Lodge will be serving till closing. Hope you can all make it, bring your money as we will be having a silent auction and the Lodge is a cash bar. I am sure I will have more to add as this event always is a big draw and with it we always have some little glitches. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16112) Img0196.jpg

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Stop by the Lodge and talk with Hammering Hank he will order you up six more from Ma and Pa's. We kind of expect a few people, and when we tell them Nytelyter will be manning the grill there may be a rush. He can also get any secert seasonings that you may need.... wink.gif

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Might just be an interesting day here at the lake today. Already nice and warm and thunderstorms are headed our way for this afternoon. With all that energy we might get some boomers. The wife was up early working in the cabin's kitchen. I woke up to the smell of blueberry pies cooling and raspberry jelly being made. I sat down to a couple of plate size blueberry pancakes and I knew the honey do list just got longer. Barney is already pacing around the cabin so I know that the storms are on there way. Bud is sleeping / hiding under the desk as he got caught helping him self to a pancake. Pepper is outside at Elmers patrolling the garden. Must be a good year for everyone as the robins have made a return and are trying to build a 2nd nest under the boat house. Back to that problem again, Will have to make a note to check the skylight at the Lodge to make sure they don't get in under there.

Blueberries are the craze right now as everyone is doing something with them. The Dew Drop Inn has pancakes, pie, malts, ice cream and just berries on there menu. Amy's is turning out pies and muffins and we will have some at the Lake Association meeting. One of the nice things about living out here in the lake as as we get closer to fall and harvest time more and more of our meals are right from the lake. My corn is coming around and spuds are doing real well, Everything in the garden is right on schedule. Apples are a little thin but we will have plenty for pies. One of my if not my favorite meal is American fries with garden spuds and onions, fresh fish, buttermilk biscuits, cucs and apple pie. Taste better when you can just walk out to the garden or pick your apple and make a meal that you know can't get any fresher.

I was going to get some fishing in this afternoon but I think I will bypass that. Don't want to get caught in the rain. After several hot days and no rain this will be welcomed. Will cool down a little just in time for the weekend. Capt. Steve Needapenny was going to head back out to Root Beer island till he saw the forecast. Now he is just back at he dock fishing. I did get in a round of golf this morning, I did a six hole round with Hammering Hank, Skinny and Big Earl. You can tell the wedding is starting to become a priority with Hank as he is getting a little nervous. Skinny being with him all the time goes out of the way to remind him of how many days he has as a free man. There was some discussion about a bachelor party and if we should go into the city for that or have something at the lodge. Big Earl said he could arrange some entertainment and had some old super 8 movies from when he was young. Since he is only a few years older then Hank, Hank has more then likely seen them all ready. Hank actually has been hanging with the guys a lot more lately. With the hot weather and lack of rain he has not been doing any mowing and he has some time on his hands. I told him we would have to get out fishing and get away from it all. Maybe time for a camping trip the wedding is just a little over three weeks away. I think the wife mentioned some thing about a bridal shower coming up here soon. Was not really paying any attention. Might be a good night to have the bachelor party at the same time.

Well about time for the mid summer report card. Business has been good for everyone here at the lake. Weather for the most part has been fine. A lot of new people coming to the lake to fish and visit and a few have decided to become residents. 4th of July was a big success and Nytelyter is making an impact on the town. With his 4th display and winning the BBQ if he pulls off a good feed at the lake association meeting he might just find himself in line for Lake Iwanttobethere's Man of the Year award. Of course Mindy has been seen with him and that does not hurt his chances at all. Chuck is happy as now Mindy is not always with Mandy so Chuck can spend some time with Mandy. He is even talking about buying a used sailboat and has been looking over the boones farm bottles of wine at Ma and Pa's says he is going to become a wine expert Matter of fact things a are going so good that we don't even have a town hall meeting scheduled till September, maybe. Still lots to do this summer, the wedding, corn roasts, tractor pulls, fair, the big fishing contest. Logging days, Hay bale races and the ever present great smells of mini donuts, soft pretzels and corn dogs coming from the park.

Well hope you can all make it to the lake for the meeting, come early and get some fishing in. Or stay late and get some fishing in. Remember to post and then pick up your coupons at the Lodge for visiting. Duckslayer is just fine after eating all four of his Coney's at once. You can say hi to McGurk and Dan who have taken to playing cribbage under the big Pine. Easy to spot just look for that huge puppy Grace, just keep your hand over your cup or she will slurp your ice out. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16200)

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Up early this morning, lots to do. To steal from an old commercial, "O What a relief it is". The afternoon thunderstorm of yesterday has broke the back on the heat wave. I hope. This morning is starting much cooler and there is some wind out there for a change. The chimes can be heard on the deck banging away and the umbrellas are billowing in the wind. Some waves on the lake and the Loon actually looked a little graceful coming in for a landing into the wind instead of the normal controlled crash landing of hers. Hammering Hank called late last night and he has some work that needs to be done today, Some trees are down and it is not as bad as the wind storm of a few weeks ago but he and Skinny will be at it most of the day. I called Elmer and he will trailer his Murry and I will trailer the MTD down to the lodge and we will spend the day mowing for Hank. Chuck will man the Lodge and get the job of putting away orders coming in for the Association gathering tomorrow. I would much rather mow, especially with a nice windy day at hand.

Had a bowl of shredded wheat and some blueberries and a few muffins from the basket. Before I head into the Lodge I have to make a trip to McDonnell's farm. My order of fresh butter, eggs and bacon are ready to be picked up and some cream to go with these blueberries. I will check up on my chickens that he is raising to. Another two months or so and I will have a freezer full of fryers. I'll bring Bud with as he is kind of sweet on the farm dog there. Normally I would pick up a sack of sweet corn but I be eating enough of that tomorrow at the BBQ. As hard as I try I can't get my stuff to grow as well as them farmers do. They have corn, and tomatoes already and I see the produce stand is down off the highway already.

Just outside of town there is a stretch of highway that used to be a access / frontage road when they redid the highway. Now little businesses come in there and set up stands in the summer. The farmers have a produce stand and there is of course a couple of berry stands there, a watermelon stand and flea market on the weekends. One of the vendors is the microwave stand. They don't sell microwaves but just replacement glass platters. Only place I have ever seen where you can get a replacement platter. They always have someone there looking over the stacks of platters.

Of course the spinning yard ornaments and windmills are there along with rug sales and black velvet art of Elvis. Sometimes the van with all the swords is there, I don't think he ever sells anything he just likes to talk about his swords. A few used cars and boats may show up from time to time. No one bothers them as they are kind of in no mans land. The town does not reach that far so we can't tax anything so we don't worry about them. Mayor Tom would like to but he only talks about them at reelection time. State don't care as long as they keep the area clean.

Well Friday here and going to be a busy day and weekend. Looks like a nice one weather wise so we are expecting a good turn out at the association/picnic. Hope to see you there. A good chance for you to meet a lot of the local residents and friends that come to Lake Iwanttobethere. You can sample Mindy and Mandys root beer, buy some of Chucks Maple syrup. Stand in what I think will be a long line for Nytelyeters brisket. Enjoy sweet corn, pies well a long list of goodies. Most members will be wearing name tags so you can put a face with a name. Come see the Lodge and take a walk around the softball field, boat landing and maybe check out the Masterbaiters shop. Remember if you are a visitor stop into the Lodge and leave a post and receive a free pack of coupons to the lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16252)

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the coals on the bbq have a few hours on them. and the sweet smell of the brisket wisps out of the well regulated smoke stack. the nice thing about slow cookin bbq. is that once the meat is on the rack all you have to do is toss a few peices of coal in thru the feed door. you never want to open up the lid. i seem to recall a major grill companies favorite slogan and it is one that i follow very closely. "if you're lookin you're not cookin" so i will just ease back into my camp fire chair and sip a seemingly never empty mug of of the areas finest nector. mindy and mandy's root beer. mmmmmm it doesnt get any better. see you all at the meeting tonite. bring an appititte. you will need it. as the brisket nears the end on its q time i will be putting some of the areas fresh sweet corn in its place on the bbq and you will truely be in for a feast. the gentle breeze is keeping my smeller in tune as i get an occasiional smell of all the goodies being prepared for the meeting tonite. welll my mug just just recieved a fresh head onit so i have a thing or two to presently attend to. heheheh from the camp chair under the shade tree. close to the shore of the lake. ... paul

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Ahhh Paul.. the meeting is not till Saturday... does this mean we will have brisket at the lodge tonight and tomorrow? I noticed when I was mowing out back that you were working away on the big BBQ but I just thought you were preheating.. Hmmm you didn't put all 9 slabs in did ya? O Well Back to mowing, noon and still a lot to do.

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the key to good tender brisket is slooooooooooow cookin. i assure you that you were correct in seein me getting the bbq all warmed up, and seasoned. i like to take a make shift test run the day before to allow for any changes in temp or humidity conditions. persuiant to the roastin at hand for the event. but rest assured those slabs didnt go on till the weee hours of this morning. i did however cook a steak and a few doggs (that were topped in the lodge's chile dog mix) and along with the test brisket. gave those present at the lodge a bit of a preview of todays fixens. while we were tuning up the roaster.

i came back to the cabin for a quick shower and pick up a few things for tonite. but by the time you read this the meat will be almost done, and as tender as it could be. i already have the corn soaking in a wash tub fill of water and it will soon be taking up the space that was occupied by the brisket. mmmmmmmm is anyone else getting hungry. hey??? i heard that someone was churning up some homemade ice cream for the worlds famous "lakeiwanttobethere root beer floats". with mindy and mandy's root beer and that home made ice cream. wow i can almost taste them now. welll i am out the door and on my way back to the roaster. and dont be to worried about me leaving it alone, it aint . but it is locked. i know that big ole dog of dan's likes ice, but i aint taking any chances on him getting to the meats. heheheheh. i am going to be sure i have MY name tag when i get it given to me. dont want any confusion. ... paul

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A little after noon here and the place is a well controlled order of madness. There was a little bit of doubt with the BBQ but we are placing are trust in Nytelyer. I was wondering who was in the Coney sauce. I nearly forgot about the root beer floats, the ice cream is in the ice house and that is something else that needs to come out. I just put the buckets of fresh butter in there an hour ago. Temperature right around 80 with a slight breeze off the lake. Could not have asked for a better day. Picnic tables are all out and tents are up. Elmer and I got the mowing all done to Hammering Hanks approval. He was here this morning checking up on things. Orange barrels are out with signs showing the way and deliveries are complete. I expected it will be quiet on the board here as we will all be busy eating, drinking and enjoying ourselves. You can smell that brisket all the way to Earl's General Store. I am looking forward to Amy's hard rolls and BBQ ... See you all real soon. (16336)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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