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dog eats alot of grass?


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My one year old lab does the same. Not in my yard, he has a more refined taste for the longer grasses. Don't know what the answer is but as mentioned above as long as he doesn't throw up in the house, whatever.

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my dogs prefer the longer grasses too, I think they just think it tastes good, otherwise the'd eat grass in the yard too. If he likes the grass in your yard he probably just prefers blue grass to timothy or something. Frankly, I've never seen one of my dogs have a physical problem with it.

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The old wives tale of a dog eating grass meant it was going to rain, but I have also heard of the upset stomach thing. Our dogs will also graze on the long grass too. Sometimes they puke afterwards sometimes they don't.

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My 3 year old chocalate lab eats grass to. He also prefers the longer grass. I am not to sure why he does it. I mean he eats it and then pukes it up like he is choking on it. Not all the time but you would think that if your going to puke it back up sometimes you would stop eating grass. But i guess if it makes him happy then eat grass.

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If it's in the field you might try and keep your dog better hydrated when you run him. Many dogs will eat grass when they are getting dehydrated. I think it's a genetic thing as coyotes and wolves do the same thing.

Dogs don't always puke with a belly full of grass. My own dog will sneak grass while hunting because he's to inpatient to come back for water. He never puked it until he was about 4 and then he started puking it pretty regular. There is nothing more disgusting than finding a clump of puky grass staining you're carpet behind the couch a few days later.

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Its an upset stomach thing, all dogs do it, supposedly theres some chemical in the grass that helps. Sometimes they'll puke it up in a big gob, sometimes just eating some is enough to settle them down. For you guys with house dogs, all I can say is you better give them some lockup time because odds are they'll be puking shortly.

What I like is the next day when they're having a hard time getting the long strings to come out the other end, they're straining, then they run a long with [PoorWordUsage] hanging out, then they're straining again. I always tell my wife the nurse that she has the medical degree, she needs to go help them out. smile.gifsmile.gif

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I have a seven year old lab who also eats grass. Both of our neighbors have their lawns sprayed by Chemlawn or some other company and as a result my dog has seizures. When it first began we couldn't figure out why he was having them, then we figured it out. My uncle's dog had seizures as a result of lawn companies as well. Lawn companies are bad, plus they are a waste of money! mad.gif

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