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E- Collars?


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Does anyone use them, what would you recomend? I dont want to spend an arm and a leg for one. would kinda like one with two collars. My girls listen pretty good, but they get there nose to the ground,or see or hear something take off like a bat out of h---. They know the come command and are whistle trained, but if they get it in there head to go the go no matter what i do so looking at some way to make them understand i mean come the 1st time not 10times later.

Thanks, Lynn

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I would highly recommend one for someone who has self control. If you dont, forget it. If you do, they are a great tool. They are only a tool and not the complete answer. If you get one, I recommend one with either a tone on the collar or a vibrating feature. Then you dont have to whistle or yell, which is much more pleasant for everyone around you and you can hunt silent which is always a good idea.

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Thanks, I had one before, Borrowed it to a friend and they lost it. I take the girls to school, they know what to do, but they just sometimes do not want to come. Last night i called them lke 3times, stomped my foot,nothing I finally said kennel up and they came. I want them to come when i call them either by name or whistle, but dont want to have to holler 20 times and blow the wistle 1/2 the day either.

thanks. Lynn

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Lynno62, It's obvious that your gals know the "Come" command, they just opt not to pay attention to it sometimes. This is not abnormal. This is, however, a very good example of how an e-collar when properly used is a great training tool. Give this a shot and I'm pretty sure you'll love the results.

With the collar on it's lowest setting, give the come command and energize the collar. This is only meant to cause slight discomfort. When the dog comes to you turn off the collar and give tons of praise. Of course, repetition is key. And, you may need to use a 30' or so training lead also. Soon, your dog will realize a couple of things. One, the sooner I get to my master the sooner this weird feeling in my neck goes away. Two, the sooner I get there the sooner I get some lovin. Three, and this is HUGE, your dog will actually WANT to stop what they are doing and come to you because of items #1 and #2.

I had problems with my GSP on this same command. Now, he doesn't just walk, or trot, or amble, or kind of meander to me when I say "Jeffry, come." He totally stops what he's doing and comes a runnin to me. And that is absolutely what I want him to do.

Good luck to ya.

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Thanks for the info, that is what I want. Now how about suggestion on type of e-collar? should i spend the money for one with 2 collars, or get one with one collar and work with one dog at a time, usually if one comes the other is right behind, How about for distance in the collar?

thanks again. Lynn

Also were do you recommend to go to get one? petsmart, gander, cabella's? Sports show this weekend?

Thanks again.

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Name brand is Dodge vs Chevy vs Ford. I have a Tri-Tronics that I ordered from the Cabelas catalog and I very much like it. It has probably more range than I need, 2 collars with one controller, came with a couple pretty helpful videos, and didn't cost and arm and a leg. If you're going to have 2 dogs runnin it probably won't hurt to have 2 collars.

I would only work with one dog at a time. Once they have the commands mastered is when you should combine the 2 together. After the commands are mastered is a great time to throw in distractions, not while they are being mastered. (I hope that made sense) They will be distracted all the time in their daily lives. Getting them to work together, especially if you take them hunting, is an absolutely great thing to see.

Hope this helps.

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Get Tritronics which are spendy or Dogtra if you want to save a little dough. I'd advise you not to buy Innotek.

Golden Rules of eCollars

- Make absolutely sure your dog knows the desired behavior before using the eCollar

- Use the minimum stimulation required to get the desired response

- Never shock a dog you can't see

- Never shock a dog around birds

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Golden Rules of eCollars

- Make absolutely sure your dog knows the desired behavior before using the eCollar

- Use the minimum stimulation required to get the desired response

- Never shock a dog you can't see

- Never shock a dog around birds

I couldn't agree with you more, gspman. I use them on my GSP's and they are a very effective tool. If you want to save a few bucks, try HSOList. I just replaced an old DT Systems collar I had with one I got off there for under $75.00. It was used but they can be reconditioned to like new for relatively cheap. I got lucky and found one that had just been factory recond'ed and he even provided me with the paperwork. The only thing it doesn't have that would be nice is the ability to set the correction level at the transmitter, it has to be done at the collar.

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I've had a Dogtra 1200 NC (no page feature) now for about 6 months and love it...

If, for no other reason, the ability to issue a correction for a refusal to the command "here" has made having an e-collar priceless.


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I have been check out the collars, and wondering what the page feature is, does? Would like to adjust at the transmitter if i could. Thanks for all the good info.Lynn

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All great posts! As stated collars are used to correct and re-inforce behaviors that have been thoroughly taught. You must exhibit patience when training with a collar.

Get the book put out by Tri-tronics by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs on how to properly train using a collar... you won't be disappointed!

Good Luck!


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My guess is the page feature he is referring to is the tone or vibrating collar. If you are gonna hunt upland, it is a must in my book. Oftentimes, I hunt all afternoon without a spoken word or whistle. I cannot emphasize enough how important that is. You dont realize it, but you scare a lot of game by talking and such. A little tap on the green button and the dog looks back at you. A longer tap and they come.

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I'm also thinking about getting a new e-collar. I just started looking and don't really know what I'm looking for. Does anyone know anything about the new sportDOG™ Wetland Hunter SD-2000 Trainer? I just saw it and it looks like a nice unit but I don't know if the brand is a good brand or not? What do you guys like? I'm mostly going to be hunting waterfowl, and pheasants every now and then. Thanks a lot.

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I had a DT for years and two years ago switched to a new Tri-Tronics. They have both been good and hassle free. Had a problem with the DT but the service was great and they fixed it right up. Like I said used it for years and still would be, but I'll tell you right now, you can't run over one with a 3/4 ton pickup. They will break so watch out for that...

Couldn't be stated enough, so I'll say again, collars are not to train, but to reinforce and correct what has already been trained and is thoroughly known by the dog.

Good luck!

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I have an Innotek. It doesn't appear too many people here use this brand, but I have had good luck with them. It has everything that I need. I bought it used and right after I bought it I was having some issues, I called them and they sent me a new transmitter and a new collar and then I sent them the old ones back, haven't had a lick of problems since.


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I'm not a dealer of collars, but I can get dealer prices on them and don't mind passing the savings on to fellow fm'ers. Let me know what collar you (anyone) are intersted in and I can tell you what price I can get. I just got a guy a collar the other day and saved him 60 bucks on a 250 dollar collar. They are all new with full warranty. I can get any of the big three: TT, Dogtra and Innotek. I can also get training supplies such as launchers, bird pens, ect. Let me know if anyone needs anything for the upcoming season.

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Blackjack, go on line to "gundogsupply". They have it, I believe they even knocked a couple bucks off.... good read, these are two of the most sought after trainers for seminars across the country, had the pleasure of attending one of their two day seminars once and gleaned a lot of info. Basically everything they teach is covered in their book.

Good Luck!


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Thanks Labs! I've been mulling the idea of e-collars for the last few years, I hate it when I hear stories of people just putting an e-collar on a dog and frying them when they don't come back, the first time that they put it on them is when they're having a problem out hunting. My two labs are generally under control - until we get to South Dakota, then with all the bird scent they go nuts. It gets frustrating. I'll look up that book and start by reading it before I decide on an e-collar. Thanks.

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Ok, I went out and looked at the description of the book. One of the first things they say is you should have a collar that had :

*Continuous Stimulation - The stimulation stays on as long as the transmitter button is held down up to a maximum of 8-10 seconds.

*Variable Intensity - The trainer can change the level of intensity of stimulation by changing an intensity plus, a contact point, a dial on the transmitter or selecting a different key (button).

*Selectable Intensity at the Transmitter - The handler can modify the stimulation level by pressing different buttons or keys on the transmitter.

I don't understand the difference between 'variable intensity' and 'selectable intensity'. To me it one and the same, you have a dial on the transmitter that allows you to turn up the electricity level?? What am I missing?

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Older collars changed the stimulation levels by actually changing the nodes on the collar it self. Once you had a level 2 in there, that's all you could use until you changed it out to a different level. If the book was written by the Dobbs' while they were still at Tri Tronics, I would guess that's what they are describing.

One thing to think about when deciding on a collar, is to look at how the collar jumps in intensity. I know when I used to run TT the jump from 1-2 was very noticable, and same with 2-3, 3-4 ect. That is one reason I switched to Dogtra in the first place, the stimulation level is controled on the transmitter just like a volume on a TV. It goes from 1-60, now my female responds at 11-12 and my male at about 16. If I were using TT I would have to use #2 to get a response, with dogtra or like brands with variable stim levels, I can use the minimum electricity to get the desired results. Just something to think about.....

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