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What kind of GPS should I get


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I want to purchase a GPS at the ice fishing show next weekend. Does anyone have any advice as to what type I should look into?? I don't want anything special, but don't want the bottom of the line either. I'll mainly use it for fishing, but with all the capabilities it will be used in the summer for trips, camping, etc. I want to upgrade my current system of marking spots...the oak tree to the north and the boat house to the west... I'd like a digital compass function, but beyond that, I don't know much about them to make an educated decision yet. The show is only a few days away!!!! can't wait, it's like the holy grail for me!! Thanks for your help fellas, (and ladies). Praying for ice soon!!!

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It's simple & pretty inexpensive, but I love my eTrex Legend if you're looking for a handheld. Easy to use, tough, with a few bells & whistles but not enough of them so I'll never figure out how to use them.

On the other hand, it is missing a few things that I'd like (like temp). But if you're looking for basic, it's pretty nice.

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A lot depends on what you want to spend. I've got a Lowrance iFinder H2O. It has mapping (I can get lake maps for the lake I fish on), it's easy to use, and it's waterproof.

If lake maps are available for the locations that you fish, you may want to make sure the unit you get can take them. Even if you don't get the maps at the same time, you have the option at a later date. I like the lake map option because it gets me closer to places I want to try much more quickly.

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I own a I Finder Pro from lowrance. I really like the unit but I would buy the I finder Pro Plus or the I Finder H2O plus. The plus models come with some additional mapping software for only like $50 more. If you buy the software later it costs around $120 so it's worth the extra. By the way some think that the H2O model floats and that's not true. It's waterproof but will NOT float. Hope this helps, and look into the Hotmaps feature they are real accurate on some lakes but not all.

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I've got a Lowrance I finder pro. After I bought it, and showed it to a couple co-workers, One bought one and another is going to buy one. I like the display resolution and the fact that It uses Expanded Memory. I dont like the fact that it's not water proof or does not float (on it's own) but It does come with a WaterProof Floatable bag that you can put it in.

Also, you can use the HotMaps chips with it. I do not have them, yet...

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I have a Garmin map 176. I would get the one in color though. I have taken to LOW and all the down to Florida. Works Great. I haven`t bought any software for it yet but will soon.

bhorn, why would you get the one in color? Just curious.

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I've used the Garmin 12+, 3+, 72, 76S, and some Magellan model. My personal favorite of the bunch is the 72. It's economical (you should be able to find one new for around $150) and super easy to use--it's also waterproof and floats. I've never really needed any features not found on it. If you feel you need a background map, the celestial times, and a ton of memory (the 500 waypoints on the 72 are plenty for me, I can't remember if it's 10 or 50 tracks available...); then spend the $400 and get a 76S or 76 Map--both are glorified 72s. Hope that helps some.

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I use to sell these things daily and this is what I told is the functionality came down to the $$$ as well as the name brand of the produt. Garmin was always a little higher in price than magellan or lowrance.

I myself bought a Map 76 when they first came out and all I use it for is maping points and blazing trails. What I tell people is that the map feature is night because you can mark points relative to a spot on a map.

The Map 76S came out the next year and that has digital compass and higher MB capacity. If you are not going to ever buy software to upload into your GPS- then # of MB in the unit is not a factor. Each company makes software specific for their units and each CD has different upload capabilities.

As for the larger units compared to the E-Trex series- the screen and buttons are easier to use on the bigger units. The E-Trex units are compact, but I've played with them enough that you have to pay PARTICULAR attention to the screen because it is small.

Most units allow you to save 100 waypoints, have lights, WAAS capabilities, etc.

COLOR GPS is newer from when I was selling them (last time I sold one was last year).

Good luck with the decision. Make sure you ask good questions when talking to the sales guy!

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Hello detective!!!! I have a Garmin Etrex, works good for the things that you are looking for. I use mine for hunting and fishing also. Can always find my hot spots again. Oh, Yes, I work with you sister. Good luck at finding a GPS. I too will be at the show on Friday. KOOBA

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After a little research I purchased the Lowrance iFinder Pro a couple months ago and have been very happy with it. I wanted the mapping ability when I'm ready to make that investment and I really liked the large screen. It cost 189 on sale at the time. It's also very easy to use, but, like anything, it takes some manual reading to learn it.

Also, there's been a great deal written here about it, so you might want to do a search for GPS and read all about what people think. That was helpful for me.

Good luck and be sure to post all the coordinates to your hot spots for each of use. smile.gif

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thanks for the info fellas, my next question to myself is do I want one with mapping capabilities or not. Been doing alot of research, so hopefully I'll be able to make a decision come show time!!! any further info you have is appreciated. thanks again everyone.

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That is another question I use to ask people- mapping vs. non mapping. Whats nice about the mapping is that when you mark a point, that you have another spot on the screen in relation to where you are at. Granted, NOT all lakes are on a mapping unit and NOT all shores are perfect on the units, but it will at least give you an idea to where you are on the unit.

Let us know what you go with.

I went with the Map 76 and there are newer units than that one on the market. I have had it for 3 years now and don't know everything about it. So don't get caught up with all the THIS and THAT's the unit can do. If you do, the time you get home you'll drive yourself crazy figuring everything out grin.gif

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Thanks everyone for your help on the GPS. After all the info from you guys, doing my homework on the net, and talking with several dealers and users, I went with the Lowrance ifinder pro. I had thought I was getting a magellan sportrak map, but after all the talking and research, I think the lowrance was the best fit, plus I did alot of dealing and think I got a pretty good buy at the show!!! Now all I need is some ice!!!

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You are more than welcome. Glad you found a GPS within your price-point that you will be happy with. The lowrance models are great- the ifinders are a good unit.

That is what this site is for- to gain valuable knowledge on products that you don't own.

Have fun!

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