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3B is finally here!!!

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Hey Boyz...there is always something left in 3B....the area around me (and mine too) is always hunted hard by neighbors. This year I (jmnhunter's roommate) saw 130 deer including a 12pt, 10pt and a couple of small 8's with good potential. I mean there are soo many deer down here, and a lot of great ones. I can't see why someone would want to hunt anywhere else in the state. Agree?

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I wish I hunted where you do!!! We (my father, brother, and myself) put in 5 days and came home empty handed. We saw 4 deer total (all on opening day) and I blew the only opportunity we had by rushing the shot. We talked to a couple other parties near us and they had similar luck. This makes 2 years in a row of bad hunting. We have hunted this land (my father's) for many years and this is as bad as it's been in the 15 years that I've been hunting. We hunt about 6 miles north of Rochester.

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