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Muzzle Loader

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Not if you hunted another firearms season. You either hunt ML with a straight ML license instead of any other firearm, or on the All-Season license. You can have an archery license only, & still buy a ML license. If you've filled your Archery buck tag I believe you could still buy a ML tag, but am not positive.

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Yep, you can use them in shotgun zone too & they can have a scope on them for that season. Doesn't anybody read the regs? It's all in there. One of the guys in our party took his ml & his shotgun to his stand with him first weekend. He shot both his small bucks with the ml.

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This is the reason I purchased an 'ALL SEASON' license. I bowhunt singly, party hunt with firearms, and ML singly. When I rifle hunt I always have someone else who only rifle hunts tag the deer so I can still shoot my deer with the bow or ML. Who cares if the Lic costs $80? That's about $0.76 a day and I'm allowed 2 deer and can hunt from Sep 15-Dec31st with any weapon in the allowed season, sounds good to me.


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I'm sorry I didn't mean to be snooty & I sure wasn't really picking on you Mille Lacs Muskie Bum. It's just that there's so many questions asked on this forum that are so obviously stated in the handbook we all get when we buy our licenses. I'm just surprised more of us hunters don't know the rules. I realize I'm a bit of a psycho deer hunter, so maybe I'm one of the few that reads it practically cover to cover as soon as I bring it home in late August or early September...

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YEP.. I did not go ML hunting last year, mad.gif I got burned on this same thing.. This year I bought the All-Season.. Seems like a lot of money initially but really not that bad. For as long as you can hunt, get 2 deer. Not too bad at all!!!!!!!!

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