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did you notice.


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the packers are still bad it doesnt matter if they would be 7-0 id still think they were bad but thats all irrelevant really because they are bad this year so i can think they are still bad but anyways ya the moss stunt was stupid but the worst part is the announcers on the radio saying that he deserves to keep his streak alive and all this how he is the hardest work blah blah blah.. it was kidna sad considering how he takes one out of 3 plays off.

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every wr or football player takes plays off from time to time moss just had the guts to admit it I do agree that it was pretty pathetic him starting against the titans to keep his streak going of games played only playing in 3 plays and re-injuring his hamstring just to keep a personal stat mike tice even said he wanted moss to start to keep his streak going thats not helping the team win when we need him to play 100% against the colts and etc...

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It was stupid for him to play a couple of plays because he had a ten game TD streak going.... the league record is thirteen games, well within reach! He also had a long streak going on games with a catch, and that was stopped as well... for what? A streak that says he played in consecutive games??? C'mon, that was stupid! Whats more important of the streaks I mentioned? I think he and his coach picked the least important streak to keep going.

Packers huh!??? Oh thats right they won a game, they must be back on top of the world in Tinseltown. Check out the ESPN NFL rankings and see where your beloved Packers are... not very high up for being the worlds greatest team ever.

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rankings mean nothing. i remember last year at this time the packers were 3-4 and the vikings were 6-1 i believe.

the greatest team ever came back and won the division and the greatest chokers in the world, well they choked again!! wink.gif

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I can remember a couple of weeks ago when you wrote off the pack. Back on the bandwagon??


Vikes are a lot better this year than they were last, Packers are just a year older.

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Here is the quote MJR was referring to I believe.


i mentioned somewhere that the Pack would be lucky to finish 8-8. you know i hope things turn out better but....

vikings 11-5

just want you all to know the reason i dislike the vikings so much, that guy you had at QB many years ago, Fran Tarkenton.

It sure sounded to me like you were writting off your squad. It's OK, John Kerry is a flip flopper as well... however that doesn't put you in good company in my book.

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Wow, we must be pretty stupid to not understand what you meant by this statement.

rankings mean nothing. i remember last year at this time the packers were 3-4 and the vikings were 6-1 i believe.

the greatest team ever came back and won the division and the greatest chokers in the world, well they choked again!!

And this was in a thread named "did you notice" Do you still stand by your statement that the packers will finish 8-8 and the Vikes 11-5 and win the division? or are you doing a 180 on all of us who are trying to understand you.

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Actually bottom feeder the team of '98 had a defense that ranked about 13th in the league. Not dominating but good enough for the offense it had. The defense didnt lose that game. And i'll agree if the vikes dont go anywhere this year in the end it will be the defense. But it is a young defense and one can only hope they improve enough through the rest of the season too be good enough too get the job done.

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I think Fran Tarkenton was one of the best QB's there has ever been. I have not seen a QB as exiting as he was since. The more he ran around you knew the chances of a touchdown were going up and up. I miss his quarterbacking. I sure did not like his commercials afterwards though.

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Okay, I have some pictures on shutterfly.com and I want to link it to my posts.... I'm having a difficult time doing this... can anybody help???

Okay, I obviously figured it out... Shutterfly didn't work.

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How did the vikes do in 98 against the packers?

I think we beat you twice with Moss having about 400yds rec and 5 TD's. Didn't you guys get all new CB's after that?

Vikes made it to the NFC championship game....Did the packers make the playoffs?

Are you ripping on the vikings about the 98 season or the packers?

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Your right MJR, '98 was the year after the Pack just finished consectitive trips to the Superbowl, going 1-1.

I guess you can't be number one every year, but it's nice to be number one from time to time. Oh wait, I reckon you wouldn't know what I'm talking about, eh.

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I thought when they played the broncos that was awesome, prior to the game the players were not getting ready for the game they were talking on thier cell phones about how good they were. The funny thing was that they probably were better than Denver but they choked on their own ego's. You could just tell Denver was trying harder.

Hold on to that 96 victory, it may be the only brightspot of this season????

This ones for John!!

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