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deer decoys

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I am thinking about using a deer decoy. Something that I ahve never done before. I am wondering about what the ideal or best set-ups are, how close do I set-up to the decoy, what kind to buy, etc. In addition to that what if a der comes up how close before you shoot at it. thanks for any information.

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I have been using a full body hard plastic one. Look for one that you like as far as how heavy and quiet to set up. Face the decoy towards where you think deer will aproach from so the deer will aproach through a shooting lane.Do not even think about using a Decoy on public land during a firearms season.

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Decoy on public land during rifle eason = dead hunter.

I use Renzo decoys. They are 2D photo realistic decoys. Sometimes they work, sometimes they make deer run. Like anything else, the deer wil tell you. The Renzo's are nice and light.

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I have had good luck with decoys in the past. As with all things they can spook deer easily but I have only seen this when they are set in locations where the deer does not have time to see them right away. An opening of some sort is the best spot to use a decoy from my experience. And scent control is a must with decoys, I believe a person can never not leave scent in an area, but by taking extra precautions to eliminate as much scent as you can will help greatly in these situations. I personally use flambeau decoys, utilizing a model that can be used as a buck or a doe.

Also, decoys make a great positioning tool for your shots, just as scents and lures. If you are using a buck decoy, be sure to face it's head in the direction you want your shot, as a buck will come face to face with it, usually. And with a doe, face the head away as during the rut, a buck will be scent checking her. So by using a decoy, calling, and a quality scent or lure you can set yourself up for a good shot, usually. Another good tip I have used, is taking a piece of white cloth, or the like and placing it on the tail. Making it appear to have a lil movement to make it a little more life like. You can buy decoys that move now, but it's a cheaper way to make it seem like the decoy's tail is wagging, if you have a light wind. And again, try not to get any of your scent on the decoy. Use rubber gloves of some sort.

Notice the usually, lol, as we all know deer and they seem to have the knack to do what we hope they wont do. But with decoys, you got to use them to make them work. Trial and error go a long way with anything we do when hunting. One time it will all come together.

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I've used mine twice this year in the same location, both times as a doe. The first time I never saw anything, the second time a doe & two fawns hung up at 50 yards in low light, but they were also down wind. I'm pretty sure they saw the decoy. The doe acted like she wanted to come in, so maybe the decoy was helping override the scent, but just not enough, or maybe they didn't actually smell me & didn't like the deke. How do you know? She didn't stomp or blow or anything like that.

I had it positioned with the head partly hidden by the corn from one direction, although not from the direction the deer came. I'm primarily hunting does at this point, so I'm not sure if the decoy will ever help for them or just hinder.

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I was thinking of trying those Renzo decoys, but I'm still debating. I saw a guy on the Outdoor channel put the sneak on a pair of them and since then I've wanted to try them. I've got a nice spot for a 2D. I'll probably go check some out next week. The Renzo's definitely fooled that guy on TV.

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I have had does come to decoy sets before, as they are naturally curious. I dont think they have the drawing power for does as they do bucks, but I think the decoy makes the deer more comfortable as they feel there is another deer using that part of the area. Maybe try coaxing them closer with a doe bleat or if it is earlier in the season a fawn bleat. You will be suprised how quickly a doe will come into an area when she hears a fawn bleat, making it seem a fawn is lost from it's mother. Their parental instincts kick in and they come investigate.

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Saturday night I had a forky just about break his neck passing my buddy, who he'd seen on stand, when he noticed our doe decoy. He made a 90 degree left turn & came right in to 15 yards from the deke, where he must have stood & stared at the deke for 30-60 seconds. He would have had a shot had he not already been spotted, so didn't feel like he could draw. I definitely passed up on an easy 12 yard opp. In the next few days we'll be hunting hard, we may fill his buck tag if that happens again.

I had two fawns Monday night that saw the deke from 40-50 yards, they didn't spook or pay much attention to it either one.

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For me the biggest question is whether 2D decoys such as Montana and Renzos work as well as a full sized decoy. I've carried a full sized flambeau many miles - its not too heavy but its very noisy on a quiet day going through the thick stuff. Will have to discuss this after the season is over. Think I'm gonna make a full size decoy with a hide from this year, will make my own form and do my own tanning.

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