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Gas Auger or GPS???

jiggin pig

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A GPS will get you to your spot but if you don't have something to cut a hole, what good is it?

Guess alot depends on what kind of ice fishing equipment you already have. Are you talking about upgrading augers or buying your 1st one. Do you always fish with guys who have augers, then maybe the GPS would be a better choice. Do you just fish when the ice is about 12" or less and use a hand auger, GPS might be a good choice too.

To answer your question straight up without factoring in any variables- a gas auger is my choice.

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That depends I am guessing that you don't have a gas auger. So I would get a auger first with out a question. A gps is nice but you can live without one. If you camp and hunt alot though then maybe you would rather have a GPS.

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I'd go gas auger first. The auger will open the opportunities to catch fish. The more holes you open in the ice to a certain extent the better your opportunity is. GPS are particularly heplful on large water, if you fish large water a lot then I'd give the GPS a higher consideration. You'll need to know what you are marking if the GPS is mostly an ice fishing tool. Meaning you need a hole and a sonar to ID what's in the hole before hitting mark on the GPS.

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sorry about that i didn't specify, i have a 6 inch lazer hand auger. I am in a rock and a hard place. I figured i could use the gps when i go to lake winnie, but at times i end up drilling a lot of holes. I might just have to work some overtime and buy both. who knows see what happens, when ice is forming. as far as a sonar, i have a marcum lx-3. i have been ice fishing for a 2 years now, i am just thinking of what else i could up grade. I tend not to use an portable shack, who knows why not.

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i would go with the gas auger too. gps would be the thing to buy if you had a gas auger. as matt said, when the midwinter ice hits you don't want to be crankin with a hand auger thru 30" of ice. look at local bait shops, check some sporting goods stores too- they both should have some used augers for around that price. the brand is up to you also-just like with flashers, it's all personal preference

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I guess if I had my choice of one or the other I would choose the auger. I drill a lot of holes. Suggestion: Start looking around at the bait shops there is alot of used ice fishing equipment for sale right now.

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