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Hunting with kids


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I love hunting with my kids. Part of doing so means I have to accept the fact that I'll have opportunities presented that get botched because I've got a 6 and 9 year old with me. Last night was one of those nights. My son insisted that we go hunting last night- I responded that it was too cold and that Morgan, my 6 year old daughter, wouldn't want to come with. Mom was working until 5:30, so she'd have to come with. Long story short- Morgan agreed to come with after Ryan begged her for 15 minutes.

Fastforward an hour and the three of us are in the ground blind. At 4:30 my daughter is cold and wants to sit on my lap and "cuddle to warm up". She snuggled in for a bit, then moved back to her chair. She plopped down into her chair with no care for being quiet. Just as she hit the chair I saw movement out of the window of the ground blind. A doe that was walking in had snapped her head towards the noise and she knew something was up. A doe and two fawns were coming in, but now they browsed about 60 yards out and didn't want to come in. My son stood up to see them and they heard him get up. Off they went.

Ten minutes later I see the deer coming back in, but from a different angle. Morgan wasn't even aware of them coming, but she looked at me and said "I have to go potty RIGHT NOW". The look in her eyes told me she wasn't kidding and we didn't have much time before we had problems. We got her outter camo pants, snow pants, regular pants, and her long johns down and had her pee in the corner of the blind. Somehow the deer stayed around to observe the spectacle. However, when she tried to pull up her many pants, the deer had moved in closer and they couldn't take anymore- off they ran.

The lesson I learned was this: kids + cold temps + little wind + me wanting to fill a tag = frustration. Actually, if I really want to fill a tag having the kids along isn't a great idea. However, even if I don't fill the tag it's worth it. It's wonderful time with the kids and I wouldn't trade it for a filled tag. I couldn't be mad about it- the ridiculousness of the situation was too much for me to get mad about. Dang kids! LOL!!! laugh

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I think its great that you take your kids along. It sounds like both of them like getting out in the blind with you even though it took Ryan 15 minutes to talk her into it. My 3 year old has been after me all season to take her out hunting but I know she wouldn't make it more than an hour even with her leap pad. This year she's going to have to be happy with a couple times out ice fishing. Maybe next year I'll get the ground blind set up for us to sit in.

I try really hard to gently introduce my kids to the things I do and the process that goes into hunting and fishing gently. I always show them my fish and deer and make sure they know that it is something that we're going to be eating and when we do cook it up that they know what they're eating. I've even had my oldest ask what deer or fish so I show her a picture. I was showing a guy from work pictures of my deer this year he was in shock that my kids were standing with me getting a picture taken and holding a horn while standing in blood. By his reaction you'd think I'd told him that I beat my kids with a bat and make them stand on broken glass.

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Oh the joys of hunting and fishing with Kids. Last spring I have my 10 year old out in the turkey blind- birds stayed up in the trees all morning until about 10am- we have 30 birds out in front 125 yards away. I'm doing everything i can to get them to come in...all of sudden a tom shows up 5 yards to our left--- I had a hard time drawing my bow the way I was sitting and yes missed. Then called him back in for another 2 chances and missed 2 more times. So frustrated I sat back in my chair and my son says, "Dad your great at calling, but man oh man your a terrible shot".

This year during youth gun season in Wisconsin, his first chance to hunt a deer- we sat out for 2 days in driving rain with 30 mph winds. He never made a peep. Wouldn't go in, just waiting for his chance..well it didn’t happen, next weekend I’m out bow hunting with him, and we have a nice buck coming in, when the 8 pointer gets about 30 yards he out, he say’s as loud as he possibly could are you going to shoot or what? We all know how my chances ended up. Sitting a wee bit frustrated I said Cole why would you talk so loud, you know that will give us no chance- Dad I forgot, I guess its cause I’m not the one hunting this time.

Last year my 7 yr old is in the set I had hanging in a big Y of a tree. Wind blowing terribly, he was pretty nervous, I kept reassuring him that if for some reason he did fall, his harness would hold him up. About 45 mins go by with him white knuckling his chair, and then I see movement- A big bear coming our way, I say hey Jack look a bear, forgetting all about the wind and heights, he’s instantly hanging off his stand to watch the big bruin, laughing I said so quickly you forget about being scared.

Last year both boys messing around in the fish house, and there goes my pole down the hole, again with the comments- Dad I hope that wasn’t expensive because your probably not getting it back…2 more down the hole before that weekend was over. All the unique experiences hunting with my kids brings me each time we are out, I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I will never forget my oldest boys face when he took down his first buck 2 weeks ago!!!

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huntnfish, I hear ya regarding trying to introduce them slowly and not push them too much. Sometimes it's hard- the conditions are perfect and I've got it all set up for them to come along and be comfortable. However, they don't always want to go and they don't care one bit if the conditions are "perfect". Actually, my son is almost always up for going, but my daughter is more hit and miss. I need to be careful with her- I certainly don't want her to feel forced into going and I don't want her to go and learn to dislike it. I need to tread lightly with that one for sure.

huntnfish, the ground blind is set up and ready for you and your daughter if you ever want to take her. Next season when the temps are a little more kid-friendly, let me know and I bet there'll be a spot for you two. I'll supply everything except the coloring books, crayons, snacks, juice boxes, blanket, and more snacks.

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huntnfish, the ground blind is set up and ready for you and your daughter if you ever want to take her. Next season when the temps are a little more kid-friendly, let me know and I bet there'll be a spot for you two. I'll supply everything except the coloring books, crayons, snacks, juice boxes, blanket, and more snacks.

I just might have to take you up on that, thank you.

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