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Decoy of the month..... November


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Thanks to everyone who played along with the decoy of the month thread last month. Here is the challange for this month...

The "Sea Robin"

It should be a good one, many different colorations, multiple dorsal fins, and those huge front pectoral fins.




and someone else's idea of a decoy version...


Sorry about the pics, they came off my phone, so not the best of qualities.

Same as last month, lets see what everyone comes up with, no judges, no trophies, just having fun and comparing notes.

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I'm a little off, but the natural color of the sea robin wasn't doing it for me, so i went a little to the folk side with this one. I really liked the example decoys you found, so I decided to try that shape for the head. I've never done one like that before but it's cool, kind of reminds me of an old plug. Now I'll probably have to make a red and white version... full-39247-39473-20131126_165212_1.jpg

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This month has been a b-word at work up until this week. I finally got to get some decoy work in and the decoy of the month was included in that mix. Nothing like waiting until the last day to get it done, but here it is. It swims, but it don't swim great.

It does look a little bit like a Corsair, but just gives me an idea for something else in the future.




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