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Camp Ripley 2nd Weeknd


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I've shot a couple nice bucks in there but the last few hunts I've run into more and more guys. I used to have a spot almost to myself. Not anymore. So I'm going, but I'm a lot less excited about it than I used to be. Good luck everyone.

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I've shot a couple nice bucks in there but the last few hunts I've run into more and more guys. I used to have a spot almost to myself. Not anymore. So I'm going, but I'm a lot less excited about it than I used to be. Good luck everyone.

Ya not sure I'm going to go any more. Went once 7-8 years back and didn't care for it. This year was no different, I didn't have much trouble finding a place to hunt away from others but its just too much of a lotto ticket style hunt for me. I like to know the land and have everything scouted out and you just can't do that there.

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Yea sometimes you just have to keep moving until you find a spot for yourself. I feel over the last few years I've been running into more people in my normal spots and have had to find new ones. With that being said I will be applying every year.

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The best rut action I ever saw in Ripley was 1998 when the hunt was 10/31-11/1 or something like that. My area was torn up w/ scrapes. Had a decent 8 pointer come by and fight with another buck that was his twin. He won and I grunted him over and shot him. Then the other buck came by me wondering what the commotion was. I had him mostly dragged out (he weighed 188) when my buddy saw me and said he shot one too. His was a gigantic 9 pointer that weighed 247! Thing was like dragging out a cow! Anyways, with the lateness of this hunt, I'm hoping to find similar rut activity this year.

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I think there is plenty of room for the amount of hunters. But when you don't have much time to scout and only 2 days to hunt it can be a difficult place to hunt. Also after talking to guys that have hunted there for many years I don't think there are the deer that there once was there. But it is what it is and you either like it or you don't.

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I think there is plenty of room I only had one year where there was guys in my are and when they seen me they waived and then proceded on and never hurt my hunt I shot 2 does that year in the rain one at 60 yards and one at about 10 yards both went maybe 20 yards and dropped. Thats what I like about the bonus tags if theres no bucks around your area, you can stick a couple does.

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One thing I've always said about Ripley: If you NEED to have total control of your hunt - Ripley's not your place.

Hunting Ripley actually helped my confidence for hunting public land. Geez, before that if there was a person or un natural noise around me I got really bummed. But after seeing how deer move through people at Ripley, it all became a new game.

More times than not at Ripley I haven't seen the BIG one but there was this one time that I took a shot at the biggest buck of my life (still) at 22 yards. The shot was deflected but I was in awe of just seeing that deer. Another year I actually heard the biggest buck of the hunt get skewered, crash and die. The thing about Ripley is it can happen anywhere and at any time.

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If you NEED to have total control of your hunt - Ripley's not your place.

grin Ya this is me. I actually hunt all public and I am use to people walking around and moving deer. I just hate not being able to scout and hunt where I want to.

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no they weren't Peaple got the at 530 and were 7 cars back from the front they dont even open the gates till 6 some ppl are ridiculous about this hunt

read camp ripley week one forum on here and it tells you all

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Whoever reported that on the internet was wrong because I talked to guys at the head of the line and they were there way before 5 and there were a lot of people lined up before 5 and no one got kicked out of line. I know what the rules say but apparently they don't use those much.

I didn't even get in line each day and was one of the last to drive in. The first day it was pretty light out when I got to my spot. The second day was less people and it was still dusk when I got to my spot which was about midway into Ripley.

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no they weren't Peaple got the at 530 and were 7 cars back from the front they dont even open the gates till 6 some ppl are ridiculous about this hunt

read camp ripley week one forum on here and it tells you


A co-worker arrived at 1 and was 4th in line. Last year at 5am we were 1/2 mile back.

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