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rage 2 blade issues????


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The deer my brother shot was standing at 45 degree angle with his head and front legs slightly more broadside and it never flinched until the arrow hit. His shot landed exactly in between the yellow and red dots on the picture. I'm 100 percent positive this deer will survive as all signs during a full day of tracking and looking for it on Monday pointed to a non vital hit.

He and I liked the way the rages shot/grouped and that's why we use them. I wouldn't want what happened in this situation to happen to me on a deer I have waited a lifetime to get in range!

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All I use rage. I did have one not open up once but with a good shot..deer still only went 60 yards. Doe I shot sat. quartering away. Punched in high back ribs..came out underneath opposite front legs..never had a penetration problem.

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I use the "old style" Rage 2 blade and I just love them. A bad shot is a bad shot... you can loose a deer with any head design. I just realy love the way they fly and they seem, to me, to make good shots great... and marginal hits pretty good. I would never intentionally take a low percentage shot, but ive hit deer in bad places and just ripped such huge holes it made for fast recoveries. I have nothing against any other broadhead, but I DO like the Rage 2 blades!

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I have the new Rage Hypodermics and have yet to shoot one at a deer. I'm not an experienced archer but I found lining up the shock collars when I put them on my arrows was a giant pain in the a@#. Maybe its because I'm getting older and the peepers aren't quite what they used to be but I had a heck of a time getting the blade to sit in the slit on the shock collar and doing this while keeping the head from expanding. Again I'm rather new having recently gotten back into archery but I found putting the head on the arrow to be more of a task than it should have been. Anyone else experience this or is it just me?

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My brother made a very bad shot on a nice 8 pointer on Monday night. It was quartering away and he hit it in the right butt cheek and came out in front of the left quarter. Using a Rage 3 blade. Ran 100 yards and was done. Great blood and terrible shot. I was very impressed with the damage and blood it caused.

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I have the new Rage Hypodermics and have yet to shoot one at a deer. I'm not an experienced archer but I found lining up the shock collars when I put them on my arrows was a giant pain in the a@#. Maybe its because I'm getting older and the peepers aren't quite what they used to be but I had a heck of a time getting the blade to sit in the slit on the shock collar and doing this while keeping the head from expanding. Again I'm rather new having recently gotten back into archery but I found putting the head on the arrow to be more of a task than it should have been. Anyone else experience this or is it just me?
The blades aren't supposed to be lined up with the slits. They are supposed to be centered between the slits. If you look on the bottom of the shock collar there is a little arrow showing where to line the blades up.
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A bad shot is a bad shot...

This was NOT a bad shot....the rage failing to do its job when every part of the hunt was done right....was bad. I did talk to my brother this morning and he was able to slow video down to frame by frame and it definitely didn't hit shoulder blade

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I apologize. I wasn't incinuating that "his" shot was bad, just that with ANY broadhead your going to have shots that dont go like planned and will result in a lost deer.

The picture, sure, quartering away at a perfect angle. 9 times out of 10 a well placed FIELD POINT would kill that deer. Unfortunatly it sounds like something unexpected happened where he hit bone or the deer moved and it didnt result in it falling over in 50 yards. It could happen again with any tip.

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A friend of mine shot an 8 point quartering a way with a 125 thunderhead! told me it was a dead deer. We left it for an hour and half before trying to track it.

found blood where he said the buck went into the woods, the buck hit a deer trail and went down in for 150 yards or so. Very little blood. then we lost the trail.

We hunted for that deer the next 3 days. That was Sept28 he hit it.

We did not see that deer tell the first Tuesday of deer season. about 4:00I had just grunted and I seen a buck come running towards me.I pulled my gun up and the sun shown on the barrel and the buck slamed on his brakes, through up his head. I shot it when it stopped.

Walked up to it and there was the arrow stuck behind the shoulder. The broad head had hit where he say and said, hit a rib center and slid along side the rib cage and skin.

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It's pretty clear when you guys are talking about hitting a rib and not penetrating you are taking a shot at too great of an angle. You run that risk with any broadhead especially if you do not have enough kinetic energy. Will a rage or mechanic be more likely to have this happen to? I'm not sure. I've shot the 2 blade rage for a 4 years off and on. I stopped using them for a while after shooting a doe in late December and not having it open. Hit the deer too far forward, but it did the job. The doe went 80 yards and the broadhead was sticking out the other side not opened. That was the first deer I shot with them and will honestly say I wasn't happy one bit. After thinking about it, I think the fact it was around 0 degrees and I was bring my bow in and out of the house, there might have been some condensation that froze, or it was attributed to hitting the back of the front shoulder. I decided to try them again and since then I've shot 3 bears and 3 bucks and not had a problem. All of them haven't gone more than 50 yards. Walked off how far 2 of the bears went and they were 18 and 22 yards from where they were standing. We'll just say it changed some peoples minds at camp about mechanical broadheads.

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