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Someone talk me out of it


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We're watching a slick wirehair for a bit to potty train it and socialize it a bit. Thing is, he's for sale. I'm not really ready to train a puppy when I'm planning to be 100 percent into training my own dog (he'll be 3 in May) for the NAVHDA Invitational this fall, but the wife is head-over-heals for the pup. Not only that, the dog is a friggin' anomaly. Four months old, and loves to cuddle. Super laid back, but has some wheels on him that I can't quite comprehend. I drug a pheasant wing through my house, and he darn near tore the room apart looking for it. Aside from his lack of furnishings, I think he's going to be a rockstar hunter. It's mighty tempting...

So whaddaya all think? I'd planned on getting a second dog a couple years down the road when Remy was about 5 or so, but this seems a bit serendipitous.


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As an owner of 3 wirehairs,I think you already know what your going to do! About 10 years ago my wife and I fell in love with wire's.we both love the personalities and the hunting desire is awesome! I chase waterfowl til seasons close then switch to grouse/pheasants.

They do like exercise!! With 3 in our house winter can be adventurous they don't care what the weather is,they let you know its time to get aired out !!

Sounds Like your friend set you up....haha! Have fun with your new dog!!

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I had a once in a lifetime GSP like this so laid back but received her NA prize one at exactly 4 months, UT 1 at 1 year 5 months and her VC at a just 2 years and change and finished her FC at 2.5 years. Yet my daughter would crawl in the kennel with her and her puppies. When you get one like that grab them and hold on to them for dear life

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You guys are no help.

Don't do it Tyler. Puppies are a huge pain the neck. Just think of all the mess! Their breath stinks for a long time. The "cuteness" is just a front God gave them to keep us from putting them all outside!

Puppies are a dime a dozen. Another dog will come along when you're ready. Those cuddly ones are the worst! Needy, whiny, smelly things. They lull you into a sense of warm and fuzzy, then chew up your stuff, and mess all over your new carpet!

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From the perspective of probably quite a few more decades than you have on ya, let me say this. This seems to be one of those situations that only come along a few times in a mans life. Get that litte dog. And I'll bet you are talking about it forty years from now.

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Dangit fellas, Canopy Sam was the only one who listened to me! Now I'm all conflicted and junk. Thanks a heap.

The cuteness wore off a bit last night. Put the dogs to bed around 9 a.m. Little fuzz face gets to whining. Subsides after about 20 minutes. I doze off -- for an hour. Siren starts wailing. Volume goes to 11.

Wife: I think you need to go yell at him.

Me: *indiscernible grunt*

Wife: Puh-leeeease?

Me: (No words are spoken, but look says, "you owe me.")

Walk out to the living room and instantly hit by a colossal wave of stench. Pup has Van Gogh'd the inside of his kennel with feces like some sadistically twisted modern art masterpiece. At first, I'm overwhelmed. The sight of all that brown nastiness from such a small critter, combined with the smell of too many Beggin' Strips and an upset stomach, make my head spin.

Mini Michelangelo de [PoorWordUsage] Stain prances out of his kennel as if to say, "so whaddaya think? How cute does that make me, huh, punk??? Now clean it up!"

I yell for wife, who dry heaves instantly after opening our bedroom door. I see that same confused look in her face that I only moments earlier experienced for myself.

"You. Pup. Outside," I say. Wife complies, while I forego the hazmat suit and get to cleaning the little bastage's kennel. Pup [PoorWordUsage] again outside (guess he was actually whining for good reason) and gets a bath.

Meanwhile, Remy the wise is laying in his kennel, watching everything unfold. His gaze says more than any words could.

Now, I'm sitting here trying to be productive for once, while a four month old slick wirehair [PoorWordUsage] machine and my trusty companion sleep in the room next to me.

The coffee tastes pretty darn good this morning...

And I continue to contemplate my sanity.......


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See! It's a facade! "Oh look at me, I'm so cute!"

Just like little kids, if I could get a bunch of em' at say 3 or 4 years old? Where do I sign up? I'll fore go the screaming, colic, teething, diaper stuff altogether!

And, "Oh no! I couldn't just make a little poo poo in the corner of my kennel. I decided it would be better if I smeared it all over in there!" smile "I'm such a cute widow doggy. Can you see my widow tayow wagging?"

Stick with the smart one for now. When the smart one is no longer any chore what-so-ever, and you're ready to find a new pup, then start looking for a dog that needs you. Hopefully your wife's revelation last night changed her mind a bit as well? I'd all but guarantee you'll find a little older wire-hair, in a rescue shelter somewhere, for an amazing price, when you're both truly ready for another dog.

I hope you're getting paid to "watch" the slick (with poo) wirehair! whistle

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I think I would go for it if that is the breed, color and sex you are really into.

I don't buy the theory of puppies are a "Dime a Dozen"

I have been looking for that perfect "Pointing Female Yellow/White Lab" with good hunt lines and not over priced as heck for almost 3 years now.

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  TylerS said:
Dangit fellas, Canopy Sam was the only one who listened to me! Now I'm all conflicted and junk. Thanks a heap.

The cuteness wore off a bit last night. Put the dogs to bed around 9 a.m. Little fuzz face gets to whining. Subsides after about 20 minutes. I doze off -- for an hour. Siren starts wailing. Volume goes to 11.

Wife: I think you need to go yell at him.

Me: *indiscernible grunt*

Wife: Puh-leeeease?

Me: (No words are spoken, but look says, "you owe me.")

Walk out to the living room and instantly hit by a colossal wave of stench. Pup has Van Gogh'd the inside of his kennel with feces like some sadistically twisted modern art masterpiece. At first, I'm overwhelmed. The sight of all that brown nastiness from such a small critter, combined with the smell of too many Beggin' Strips and an upset stomach, make my head spin.

Mini Michelangelo de [PoorWordUsage] Stain prances out of his kennel as if to say, "so whaddaya think? How cute does that make me, huh, punk??? Now clean it up!"

I yell for wife, who dry heaves instantly after opening our bedroom door. I see that same confused look in her face that I only moments earlier experienced for myself.

"You. Pup. Outside," I say. Wife complies, while I forego the hazmat suit and get to cleaning the little bastage's kennel. Pup [PoorWordUsage] again outside (guess he was actually whining for good reason) and gets a bath.

Meanwhile, Remy the wise is laying in his kennel, watching everything unfold. His gaze says more than any words could.

Now, I'm sitting here trying to be productive for once, while a four month old slick wirehair [PoorWordUsage] machine and my trusty companion sleep in the room next to me.

The coffee tastes pretty darn good this morning...

And I continue to contemplate my sanity.......




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  GSP4ME said:
of course you still looking ,your looking for a perfect pointing lab those last two words just don't go together

Ouch! smile

For those of you who think I'm slamming puppies...please think again.

Tyler asked for someone to "talk me out of it". I honestly love puppies, of pretty much all large dog breeds. I was just doing what he asked, unlike any of the rest of you.

The reading comprehension level of the average user of this site is a wonder! laugh jk

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That was good humor TylerS!

I'm with CANOPY SAM on this one though..! Good luck

  CANOPY SAM said:
Another thought. Wait till the dog's current owner gets sick of all the puppy chores, when the dog is almost thru with the unpleasant puppy tendencies, then politely offer to take him off their hands! laugh
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First, lay off the Beggin Strips.....those things would get [PoorWordUsage] out of a rock!! When dealing with a new kid I sometimes kept a small handful of its regular food in my pocket. Just a nugget here and a nugget there keeps them interested and happy.

This dog is either one of those little nightmares that grows up to be a fine hunter and companion or......just a taller, heavier nightmare.

Carry on. You can do it. Don't let these negative guys scare you off! Ha Ha Ha!

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  CANOPY SAM said:
Another thought. Wait till the dog's current owner gets sick of all the puppy chores, when the dog is almost thru with the unpleasant puppy tendencies, then politely offer to take him off their hands! laugh


Good idea

Ironically this is how I ended up with our current 3rd dog.

We had two (GSP and Lab) and wife said it was enough. A friend had highly rated / award winning male stud GSP and they had a litter. The Dams owner was a friend so they ended up nursing the pups for him. They had 3 left after the 9 weeks and coincidentally, one of the pups left was one I had my eye on the whole time. They were going to be heading out of town for a week so I "volunteered" to foster one of the pups (you know the one I had my eye on). I got this cleared thru the wife and she was OK with it...it was part of my master plan.

Step 1, get the dog in the house....once she had another puppy and saw the eyes etc. she wouldn't be able to let her go grin

Well two weeks later, my friends told me that they were going to put an add on a site for the remaining pups in the next week. I told the wife this and with in 4 days we were buying her. wink

Mission accomplished!


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Good advice guys, and Canopy Sam, thanks for the effort wink

The pocket full of kibble as treats is a good suggestion that I actually used on Remy, but completely forgot with this pup. Guess what's rattling around in my jeans now??? Helping with the "kennel" command, too. Just throwing a piece of food in there every once and a while to get the pup going in there on his own. It seems to be working.

Guess what else guys? No accidents in over 48 hours! I remember when Remy was that age, I used to set the alarm for 2 or 3 a.m. to let him out. Last night, that's exactly what I did for Blitz. He was stoked, ran outside, peed, came back in, got a treat, and went back in his kennel.

And best of all: NO WHINING. Little siren was about to get a vocal-cord-otomy if he kept it up much longer. Guess he just needed a little time to get used to the new digs.

And no, the wife and I have not come to a consensus. She loves the guy, and I'm fond of him as well, but we just don't know if Dog No. 2 is in the cards. On the plus side, I think even if the bird stuff didn't pan out, I could sell him as a finished painting dog! Pretty sure his kennel masterpiece the other night was right up there with some of the greats. I say pretty sure, because it was hard to really tell from the searing fumes and tears streaming down my face blurring my vision. Kind of resembed "Starry Night," but it could just as easily been a simple "Fecal Fling F-U!" Just think: if he produced that with his own excrement, imagine what he could do with a couple dabs of paint on his paws!

CHa-chING!!! grin

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Well, the conflicting emotions continue, boys and girls.

Pup is still with us, and is making it tough to part. He's a darn angel. Potty trained him in no time. Is a cuddling WIREHAIR of all things. Loves to hop up on the wife's lap and fall fast asleep. Darndest thing I've ever seen. Curious if he's got a bit of shihtzu in him...'course, then he'd be a bit fuzzier and not slick as a greased door nob.

And the boy POINTS. Like, rock-solid, you-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it POINTS. Did the wing on a string deal, and he locked up tighter than my teenage girlfriend's lips on prop night. The boy has some things going for him.

Really, another dog just might not be in the cards. If I could find him a good home where he would be trained and loved and treated like the dog I know he is, boy I'd feel a lot better about giving him up. I just couldn't bare to think of a dog like that sitting in a kennel all day, without any interaction. He's a doer! And a thinker! And a lover! I reckon he'd be someone's greatest achievement. I'd even be willing to get him started if I knew he'd be going to a good, loving, hunting home...

Gaaaa....is it too early to start drinking?

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Take it from a guy who has had waaay too many dogs and waaay too many at the same time. Remy is well on his way. More tune ups than programming, taking care of two is of minimal more effort than one. Bringing two out to train is minimal more work. Hunting behind a brace of finely tuned pointers would be a thing of beauty and absolute destruction to the birds up on the tundra... In warm weather you'll have the ability to tag team and keep fresh legs on the ground... Nike did'nt come up with this cuz it's cute... Just Do It!

But then again, You'll have to lose a pair or tow of shoes through teething, the potty training will go out the door when he eats some rancid dead critter, the wife will be yelling at you to let her have one of the dogs at home when you are out hunting, less room on the bed, more poo to pick up in the yard, more doggie Christmas presents....

On second thought, get rid of the scoundrel!

Good Luck!


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let's admit it...you're going to keep the little bugger.

A buddy of mine sold cars years ago and if they really had a customer that was on the fence they'd let the person bring the car home for the night. They called it "puppy dogging them." 9/10 the person would buy the car.

You on the other hand are literally being puppy dogged. I think it's fantastic. Have you picked out a name yet? How about a new collar and tag with your phone number on it? Are you going to get him micro chipped?


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Well he does have a collar, and a name. Blitz. But that's what was given to him. Figured since he'd been called that from Day 1, we'd stick with it. Wife calls him Blitzen, I call him Blitzkrieg. Both fit, depending on the mood.

When he's been bad (rarely), I'll say, "BLITZKRIEG, NEIN GUTT!!" Sounds German enough, whether it's accurate or not.

Labs4me, you're on the wavelength I've been on. Remy's getting the bulk of the attention this summer regardless, since the invitational is September. But having another dog there to point a few birds and work on woah really won't be that much more work. Plus, on those blasted hot summer days when 10 minutes is max for dog training, a pup will make the mornings a bit more productive.

Another note is a buddy has an Irish Setter about Blitz's age. He's raring to train this summer, and it would be nice to buddy up. I already forgot a lot of what I did for Remy at that age. Might be a good refresher.

Ah...choices, choices. But man, Remy pointing rock solid on a Nodak ditch parrot this fall, with Blitz backing -- now THAT would be a sight...

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