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Dry buffalo wings

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I have a real dilema. I love the new BWW dry wings. My two problems are that A: I have to drive an hour to get to one and 2: the last few times I have been to BWW at different facilities I have had the range of awesome to just above garbage. Thus being the cheapskate that I am I want to try them at home. I figure I can make a wild taste swing as good as they do. Thus the question, does anyone have any good ideas of what rub/sauce to use? I am guessing a lot of cayenne, some salt, some garlic and paprika. Just not sure what proportions to use. My wife also really hates it when I try to "recreate" on my own. Thanks for the help.

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I don't know what BBW dry wings taste like and I'm generally a fan of wet wings. That said, I have made a few batches of dry wings I really liked using Famous Dave's Chikn' Wing seasoning, and will make more.

Lightly coat wings with plain white flour. I shake them in a large ziploc bag with the flour. Not trying to bread them, per se, so no egg wash or anything like that. Just adding a light crisp. Deep fry until done then liberally apply the seasoning while still hot from the fryer.

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Instead of flour,you might try Buffalo Wings seasoning from Shore Lunch.I use it all the time.Just get then wet and shake in the Shore Lunch.

You can then deep fry them.But I bake them in the oven for 20 min.Turn them over and bake another 20 min.They are spicy but not over spicy.If you like them really hot,mix them with BWW hot sauce after taking them out of the oven.

Easier on the calories if you bake them.And I don't miss the oil taste.

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I also use the oven to make wings. I always start with some sort of rub but it changes every time depending on what I'm in the mood for.

When baking them in the oven there are two ways to do it. I usually take a cookie sheet with a lip around the edge and then place a cooling rack on the pan. That allows you to arrange the wings on the rack and allows the fat to drip out. Or you can also just use the cookie sheet and cover it in parchment paper. The paper just makes clean up easier.

Both way work well. If you do add sauce I just add it right at the end of the cooking so you could easily do one batch dry and one batch with sauce.

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Hiya -

I'm more of a wet wing guy too, but the Famous Dave's seasoning isn't bad.

I used to deep fry wings, and didn't like doing them in the oven because of all the fat melting off and smoking things up, plus varying fat content made it hard to get timing right - get really fatty wings and you get rubbery skin not crispy.

Started steaming my wings before I cook them in the oven, and will never do it any other way. Steam them for 10 minutes and the fat melts off, cool them in the fridge on a rack with some paper towels under them for an hour to let them dry out a little, then cook them on a rack in a 425 degree oven for 40 minutes, flipping them half way through. Wings are crispy every time. I toss them in sauce, but you could just as easily dust them with a dry rub before putting them in the oven.


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I would have never thought of steaming them. We used to buy the big 10lb or so bags at Sam's and then I would fry them all up outside to keep the grease down in the house. We would freeze what we didn't eat right away. The bad thing about hat was we used just freezer bags and they got mushy when you thawed them. We fried them "naked" but they still got mushy. Now we have a vacuum sealer and maybe I'll have to try again.

I used to love wet wings myself but for some reason I have really taken a hankering to the Desert Heat at BWW. The base amount of dust they put on them isn't very spice so I have them run them through again. Now that we are an hour to the closest BWW, I'll have to improvise and concoct them at home. i have an old rib rub recipe I might have to try if I can't find anything else.

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My favorite way is still on the grill. I buy the 3 pound paks once in a while. Cut the tip off each wing and then on the grill. I season with lemon pepper and cajon powder. Just cut into 2 pieces when done if you prefer but we usualy don't. They break apart just fine. So good! Once in a while gotta do a little Sweet and Zesty from Daves also.

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Mc Cormicks seasoning makes a dry package you shake the wings in and then bake them on a sheet of tinfoil. They turn out really well and are really easy to make. They have a few different varieties from mild to wild. The Misses brings it home from rainbow.

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Hiya -

I steam them in a 6 qt pot with a garden variety fold out steamer basket and about an inch or so of water. As someone else mentioned you can't overload the basket or it kind of defeats the purpose so if you're doing a bunch of them, you kind of have to do it in batches, but you only have to steam each batch for 10 min., so not like it takes hours. I cut up the first batch while the water's heating up, then the second batch while the first is steaming.

Steam them, then put them on a rack set on a sheet pan with some paper towels under them and refrigerate for an hour - this dries the skin a little and helps them get crispy. Swap the paper towel for parchment paper when you bake them and it's easier to clean the pan afterwards. Bake at 425 for 20-25 minutes, flip 'em, and bake another 20-25 minutes.

If I'm doing a bunch and have the time, I'll steam extra wings and freeze them. I put them on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer for a half hour or so before bagging them up with a foodsaver. Then follow the same process - thaw them out, put them on a cookie sheet on a rack in the fridge, and toss 'em in the oven.

Really, I'll never do wings any other way now. No greasy wings, no stinky smokey house.

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