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An easy one for you! (solved)

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Wifes Toyota Avalon has a 3 way switch for the dome light when the doors are open it must be in the middle for the dome to work. Slide it back and they are off all the time,forward on all the time.

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Wifes Toyota Avalon has a 3 way switch for the dome light when the doors are open it must be in the middle for the dome to work. Slide it back and they are off all the time,forward on all the time.

There's the answer!

Many times when something doesn't work we are quick to jump to the most difficult conclusions. Fuses, door switches, bulbs, computers, and wiring could all be culprits. A lot of the time the most difficult of problems has the simplest solution. Keeping an open mind and thinking simple can be a great way to start dealing with a problem.

This customer could have saved a bit of time and money (it was in for other issues as well) by simply looking at the dome light and observing the the words labeled on the switch ( "OFF - DOOR - ON" ) and then moved the switch to the correct position.

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