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02' F150 Question

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I went to go to lunch this afternoon and turned the heat on and when I had it on high it was making this odd buzzing noise turned it down a notch and nothing. Waited until the truck was completely warm and tried it again still buzzing any ideas??

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Hey guys, Just an update for everyone. When heading home I cranked the heat on high and no sound at all. So I am not sure what it was but everything seems to be fine now. And I dont throw recipets anywhere so i know thats not it but thanks for the help guys!

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Almost positive that what it is as well. I jumped in my truck the past efw days again and the noise was back. Could you let me know how to repalce it if you have time to do a little write up of it or any pictures? I am handy just never done that. Or anyone else mind doing that?


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Well I have no pictures as of yet but i may be doing one tomorrow.

1) disconnect battery (safety first) right?

2) clean out the passenger side floor board, because your going to be under the glove compartment for a while.

3) look under dash/glove compartment (it may be useful to remove the glove box of the top of my head I cannot remember.

4) pull back the carpeting and sound deadening material (gives you more room to remove the motor and squirrel cage)

5) using 7 or 8MM 1/4 socket remove the 3-4 screws that hold the motor in place. I would recommend removing the most forward screws first, makes life a lot easier.

6) remove blower motor carefully as you may have to reuse the squirrel cage.

7) with the motor removed, remove the clip that holds the squirrel cage to the motor shaft. Hold the cage carefully and tap on the motor with a hammer, if you have two people have someone old the squirrel cage and use a punch and hammer to tap on the motor shaft to help move things along faster.

8) install squirrel cage on new motor install into truck.

9) drink beverage of choice when frustration kicks in.

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If you have to tap the shaft out of the cage I will recommend a center punch. This will keep the old shaft from mushrooming as the center punch will be more likely to stay centered on the shaft when striking. This is a two person job, unless your me! smile

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My 01 supercrew doesn't have the buzzing noise, but a weird whistle sound when its cold, it will sometimes do it even when the truck is warm and going say 50mph. Almost kind of sounds like a missle taking off or something

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Mine will make that odd buzzing noise when I start my truck in the cold weather as well. These two sounds are coming from different places. The one I originally posted about comes from by the glove box and I can change how loud it gets with the amount of airflow I am looking for.

Second issue is when I start my truck after its been sitting out all night or if its really cold when I leave after work and havnt had it started all day. This is an odd noise have no idea what that is either but still runs just fine so havnt worried about it

**Knock on wood**

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