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DNR seeks initial comments on trout, sturgeon, flathead angling and other fisheries rules


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Let them know what you think.

Interested citizens have until Monday, Feb. 11, to comment on Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) plans to provide more angler opportunity for trout and sturgeon, and protect flathead catfish during winter and to make changes to some other fisheries rules.

For trout, DNR is considering rules that:

Simplify trout fishing regulations in southeastern Minnesota by dropping the barbless hook restriction; research has demonstrated that hooking mortality is not significantly greater with a barb.

Extend the end of the fall catch-and-release season on all designated trout streams in southeastern Minnesota from Sept. 30 to Oct. 15.

Allow catch-and-release angling on designated trout streams in some southeastern Minnesota state parks from Oct. 15 to Dec. 31.

Open some lakes in Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing and Hubbard counties to winter trout fishing.

Prompted by successful recovery efforts of the sturgeon populations in the Red, Rainy, St. Croix and St. Louis rivers, DNR is planning to propose that a catch-and-release sturgeon season be implemented year-round.

Flathead catfish angling and spearing would be closed in winter to protect this trophy species, which concentrate in small areas and become torpid under the ice in cold weather. Because it takes many years for flathead to grow to trophy size of 50 pounds or more, these fish easily could be overharvested when lethargic.

Other changes would place some restrictions on smelt harvest in Pine County’s Grindstone Lake and implement additional whitefish netting restrictions to better control the possibility of spreading invasive species.

DNR is seeking initial public comments on these proposal ideas so that those comments can be considered in drafting rules for formal public comment and adoption.

Comments, questions and requests for more information and the proposals should be directed to Linda Erickson-Eastwood at 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, 55155-4020. Citizens also may call 651-259-5206.


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Prompted by successful recovery efforts of the sturgeon populations in the Red, Rainy, St. Croix and St. Louis rivers, DNR is planning to propose that a catch-and-release sturgeon season be implemented year-round.


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Prompted by successful recovery efforts of the sturgeon populations in the Red, Rainy, St. Croix and St. Louis rivers, DNR is planning to propose that a catch-and-release sturgeon season be implemented year-round.



Hopefully they open all inland waters for catch and release sturgeon also!!!!


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I cant agree with closing catch and release fishing nor darkhouse spearing for Flatheads in the winter though.

That is once again needless regulation that restricts winter catch and release fishing and darkhouse spearing with little to no gain, rather than expanding the two sports.

From what I have heard... flatheads dont bite in the winter, it is already illegal to snag them, and I dont know of a single flathead catfish being taken by darkhouse spear.

I think there is more of a chance of one being taken now that people know they will never have that opportunity in Minnesota again.

Of course.... someone here will show the "science" as to why we should willingly give away more of our rights/privileges and freedoms, so a small group of people can be happy they have some "feel good" regulations in place.

I used to be a member of the sturgeon catfish alliance untill they started down the path of restricting rather than thoughtfully expanding fishing opportunities in Minnesota.

Well... who's next to work to shut down yet another winter catch and release season? The Minnesota sunfish alliance? Maybe the Minnesota Crappie Consortium?

It is sad that we as fellow sportsmen CHOOSE to restrict ourselves for little to no benefit..... sad indeed.

That will be all I am saying on this subject.

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I cant agree with closing catch and release fishing nor darkhouse spearing for Flatheads in the winter though.

That is once again needless regulation that restricts winter catch and release fishing and darkhouse spearing with little to no gain, rather than expanding the two sports.

From what I have heard... flatheads dont bite in the winter, it is already illegal to snag them, and I dont know of a single flathead catfish being taken by darkhouse spear.

I think there is more of a chance of one being taken now that people know they will never have that opportunity in Minnesota again.

Of course.... someone here will show the "science" as to why we should willingly give away more of our rights/privileges and freedoms, so a small group of people can be happy they have some "feel good" regulations in place.

I used to be a member of the sturgeon catfish alliance untill they started down the path of restricting rather than thoughtfully expanding fishing opportunities in Minnesota.

Well... who's next to work to shut down yet another winter catch and release season? The Minnesota sunfish alliance? Maybe the Minnesota Crappie Consortium?

It is sad that we as fellow sportsmen CHOOSE to restrict ourselves for little to no benefit..... sad indeed.

That will be all I am saying on this subject.

your right they dont bite in the winter, they sorta hibernate and thats the problem cause people exploit thst and go and snag them in my opinion its un ethical but cause it's a catfish some people dont care, if that was a muskie being ripped out of its wintering hole there would be a up roar.and by taking offence to this change does that upset you cause you cant have your trophy flathead fish fry on the ice?

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might there be any talk about two-lines again or are these the only changes that may take place in '13?

Iowa is in the process of going to 3 lines now, like WI

MN is really sticking out as the odd duck now with only one line

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About time you catfish guys get some of the elitist garbage. laugh I find it funny that the spearing crowd even cares as none of them spear cats anyhow. I say good for you guys for protecting a valuable resource for the majority of the angling public. It's about time we leave the dinosaurs in the past where they belong.

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About time you catfish guys get some of the elitist garbage.

Well at least you and PETA agree on that one Yooperguy.... PETA loves it when we needleesly resrict ourselves; we would never let them get by with closing more and more winter catch and release seasons, yet when we do it to ourselves it is somehow ok?

Only 32% of Minnesotans fish, if we don't start working together and get rid of these "elitist" (as you call them) attitudes, that percentage is going to continue to drop.

We should all be working toward thoughtfuly expanding opportunities to hunt and fish in Minnesota while maintaining the opportunities we have, this "elitist" attitude seems to be all about taking fellow sportsmans rights/privileges/opportunities away. I personally dont agree with that behavior from PETA and I dont agree with it from fellow sportsmen either.

Yooperguy, please get over the fact that a guy who chooses the method of darkhouse spearing in the winter is saying this (along with your apparent unjustified bais against darkhouse spearing though the ice), and really think about what we are doing to ourselves when we work to close more and more winter catch and release seasons with minimal (if any) benefit...

If winter snagging of flathead catfish is indeed a problem, then enforce the current laws on the books that state that snagging fish is illegal. If you can't enforce that one; you certainly can't enforce a law that makes winter catch and release illegal... but if you do catch one in the winter...just release it. There is no need to create yet another "winter closed species season" that can't be enforced anyway.

If overharvest (winter or summer) of flathead catfish by hook and line or darkhouse spear through the ice is indeed a problem, then limit harvest to sustainable levels though daily and possession limits, not closed seasons.

If the end goal is yet another unharvestable species in Minnesota public waters..... well then, I personally have a problem with that.


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See this is where you don't get it. If it was a Catch and Release winter season then overharvest wouldn't be a problem, see becouse they would be released, understand the difference? If a trophy population is being exploited to the point where the fishing is noticably worsening and the DNR closes it then how can this be bad for recrutment? This is where we disagree, I think if you want more people to get involved in fishing there has to be more QUALITY not more harvest. Catfishing is growing in popularity as is muskie fishing becouse the fishermen who chase these fish get that and protect thier resource. If you like a diminished size structure and want to do away with all rules protecting the fish you chase then stay on the path you are on and leave the rest of us on ours.

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I agree with Merk, we should be expanding not restricting. In fact I'm all for a winter black bear season. How does that sound Merk? grin

oh wait....don't answer that

That will be all I am saying on this subject.


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Merkman, if they went to catch and release in the winter they still would be banning spearing. You can still practice look and release or whatever, since you don't need a spear in the house for that.

Personally, since they apparently don't feed in winter a catch and release angling season would be pointless. And if angling is closed, spearing should be too.

Is there any action the DNR takes to protect the resource that you agree with?

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Is there any action the DNR takes to protect the resource that you agree with?

Yes, however I see no need for more needless laws/rules that do nothing to protect the resource any more than the laws we already have.

I have already stated if they dont bite in the winter; and it is already illegal to snag them, along with the fact that I have not seen one creel study yet documenting harvest via darkhouse spear, (much less unsustainable overhavest by darkhouse spear); then what exactly is the protection afforded to the fishery?

What else should we close down because something MIGHT happen?

It absolutely amazes me that we as sportsmen are so willing to give up our rights/privileges/opportunities over some false sense of "protecting the resource"

I can name at least one action that the MnDNR took this year that truly protects the resouce and I fully support; that is hiring more CO's..... Protecting the resource from people who are breaking the existing laws is by far more important than creating new needlessly restrictive laws that only law abiding sportsmen will follow anyway....

I for one am getting tired of giving up more and more rights/privileges/opportunities for the false hope that we are protecting ourselves or our resouces when all we truly need is more enforcement of the laws we already have on the books. That pertains to the outdoors, guns, and many other rights and freedoms we as american citizens are so willing to give up nowadays.

I also fully support expanding the sturgeon catch and release season to all waters of Minnesota (inland and boundary) while maintaining our rights/privileges to harvest these wonderful fish in the existing harvest fishieries.


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People catching big Flatties in the winter is not a problem. They are a tough fish and the actual percentage caught is minuscule.

Personally I support a catch and release season year round for all species.

But...the fact that you can find a regional population of trophy fish stacked in a big pile in one small hole which can be easily hand picked with a little underwater camera skill AND THEN LEGALLY taken home for the freezer doesn't sit real well with me.

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People catching big Flatties in the winter is not a problem. They are a tough fish and the actual percentage caught is minuscule.

Personally I support a catch and release season year round for all species.

But...the fact that you can find a regional population of trophy fish stacked in a big pile in one small hole which can be easily hand picked with a little underwater camera skill AND THEN LEGALLY taken home for the freezer doesn't sit real well with me.

Is that CAN or DOES?

my guess is a very small percentage of people even knew (and even less cared) about flatheads stacking before a small group made a stink about unsustainable overharvest that "could" happen.

If unsustainable over harvest is your concern; then manage it with limits or tags, not closed seasons. Flathead limits were just changed a year or two ago... weren't they?

Once again, I know of no one who darkhouse spears flathead catfish, I am sure there may be one or two now that we are publicly talking about it, but I have met ZERO in the last 2 plus years that people have been pushing for this needless winter season closure.


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I haven't seen anyone making a stink. Just a small group of concerned folks trying to ensure a healthy cat fishery for future generations.

I like to catch fish and I like to eat fish. There is compromise for both to happen.

A non harvest season when Flatheads are totally and completely vulnerable just makes common sense. Yes, we have snagging laws, but good luck trying to prove in a court of law that someone is snagging.

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Spearers were the furthest thing from my mind when thinking about a winter closure.

Unfortunately catfish are one of the species legal to spear and if a non harvest season is implemented then spearing implications have to be considered as well.

Still no stink and still no beef.

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