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mn dnr lake finder


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Hmmm.. I have it on both my Android phone and Ipad, but now when I search the markets they are both gone. Still have the apps though. Looks like they deleted it and are now going strictly through their HSOforum. Probably easier and cheaper to keep one thing up rather than 2 or 3 different platforms.

Scan this QR code to go directly to their mobile lakefinder page and bookmark it in your phone.


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Frome the FAQ section:

"Why can't I find LakeFinder in my app store?

The new LakeFinder is not an application, rather it is a mobile HSOforum. You have to access it through your device's web browser. Visit http://mndnr.gov/mobile/lakefinder to access the site.

What happened to the original Android-only application?

We are still supporting that application but will not be making any further updates to the application. As a result we have removed it from the Android Market to avoid any confusion with the new mobile HSOforum. Existing users of the Android application are encouraged to use the new mobile HSOforum instead.

Why a HSOforum, why not an application?

Soon after the original application was release we received numerous requests for support for other platforms (iPhone, Windows Phone, etc...). We searched for ways to meet the needs of multiple platforms in a sustainable fashion and concluded that a mobile HSOforum was our best option. The new mobile HSOforum runs on just about anything with a modern web browser, including your desktop computer."

More info can be found here:


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